The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2028: Disgusting

Chapter 2028 is really disgusting

"This young man is so arrogant, it is difficult for him to find troubles." Someone heard Xu Feng's words, they were stunned.

You must know that there is always the trouble of finding someone else.

Now, Ling You wants to leave with someone, but he is scorned.

This world seems to be upside down.

Many people look at Xu Feng with curiosity. They also look at Lingyou. They want to know how Lingqing reacts.

Ling Yu's face is full of sorrow, his eyes staring at Xu Feng with anger, and he has only been stunned by others. He is now being scorned.

And, most importantly, he is clearly prepared to take people away, which means he does not want to continue to find trouble.

Now, the other party actually blamed him.

Really, it is tolerable and can’t stand it.

"Hello, don't get instinct, I think your talent is not bad, I don't bother to kill you, lest you die here, it's a pity."

Ling's eyes narrowed slightly, and his face had a cold smile.

He, in fact, does not want to kill Xu Feng, but knows the people around him, killing Xu Feng.

He is ready to leave, then find a powerful helper, and then deal with Xu Feng.

I know, Xu Feng actually let him stand.

Xu Feng heard the words, haha ​​smiled, he looked at the opposite of the quiet, smiled: "I am the person, the most favorite is to get the inch, you have the ability to bite me."

Xu Feng's face is a refreshing smile, making the face full of anger, he knew this, he should bring more strong.

"Hello, you probably don't know who I am?" Ling quiet said here, laughing: "I am the lord of the black blood sect, my father is the sect of the black blood sect, the four major forces of the Western District Master, I hope that you don't overdo it. If you see it, you will receive it."

"Oh... it turned out to be the young master of the black blood sect. I am so scared... I am so scared... don't hit me..."

Xu Feng seems to be full of fear. When he talks, the people around him are wrong. They don't know what medicine is sold in Xu Feng Hulu.

However, immediately after Xu Feng’s face was sarcasm, “Are you not the young master of the black blood sect? Are you not very powerful? Come and kill me... I’m so scared... you are coming!”

Xu Feng screamed, and suddenly the Linger was directly scared to step back a few steps, almost no one fell to the ground.

The man of Liu Pinling, who is around him, said: "Your strength and talent are very good, but our black blood is not vegetarian. I hope that you can do it yourself. This is the end of the matter."

"So far?"

Xu Feng’s mouth showed a cold smile. He didn’t expect any place to have an idiot. If he is not the opponent of the opponent today, will things still stop here?

"You said so far, so far, what are you counting?" Xu Feng said, the powerful spirit of his body stirred up.

"Oh, if I am not your opponent, I am afraid that I am now dead. You still want me to stop here. Are you dreaming?"

When Xu Feng spoke, the spiritual power and golden light of his body were madly radiating, and the waves of the circle rolled.

"I am a person who has always been a person who does not commit me. I am not guilty. If anyone commits me... I will kill!"

After that, his spiritual power moved toward his feet and slammed out with a punch in the six spirits who threatened him.

"Since you are a black blood sect, then you threaten me so much, I will kill one more." Xu Feng's robes blew and screamed.

"Boy, do you think the old man is afraid that you will not!"

The old man did not expect that the presence of the Sanpinling Emperor in the district really dared to continue to do it to himself. He was also furious.


However, just as he and Xu Feng fisted together, his body was directly hit and flew out, his face pale.

"Damn, this kid is really strong." The old man’s heart is filled with anger, and at the same time he secretly said: "This is a waste, it is a waste, and I am afraid to kick the iron plate. Not afraid of black blood."

The old man is very clear that such a peerless genius of the three spirits, it is very likely that his origins, not much worse than Ling.


With dozens of confrontations, the old man was directly vomited by the fist of the fist, and he continued to quit, his face became incomparably ugly.

Ling You stood there and watched the strongest person around him. He was not an opponent of Xu Feng. He suddenly yelled: "What are you doing, don't hurry up!"

Where do those people dare to make a shot and make a joke.

The six spirits are killed, they go up, isn't that a head?

Moreover, these people who are stalking the horses around Lingyou are not the true geniuses of the black blood sect. They are all timid generations. Who dares to shoot?

Xu Feng looked at the old man and said: "I advise you to stand still and not move. If you continue to shoot, I promise you can't live."

Ling Ling heard the words, suddenly roared: "Liu Yi, you still don't hurry to shoot, when, my father wants you to die."

Liu Yi is the old man.

The old man heard the words, suddenly looked at his face, he looked at Lingyou, said: "You idiot two hundred and five, you know, your father let you go out and do not arbitrarily provoke right and wrong."

"And, I am the elder of the black blood sect, not your private private bodyguard, the elders of the black blood sect, the old man is not right."

Liu Yi did not expect that his own six-character emperor, but also the elders of the black blood sect, all over the road was replaced by this lingering.

It is entirely that he is driven by slaves. The strong are dignified. He even looks at his sleeves and leaves in the distance.

"The old man is alone, your father wants to kill me, then let him arrange for people to chase it." Liu Yi's voice came from far away.

"Liu Yi, I will make you die very badly, very miserable!"

Seeing that Liu Yi had abandoned himself, his face was so horrible.

He looked at the people around him who were stalking the horse: "What are you doing, hurry to me, or I will let my father kill you..."


However, his words have not been finished, and a slap in the face, all kinds of impact on his face, blood flowing from his mouth.

He felt the burning pain in his face and the resentment in his eyes. "You dare to beat me... you dare to beat me, my father will kill you..."


I know, Xu Feng’s slap, falling in succession, does not give any time for Ling’s reaction, and the slap is constantly ringing.


In the end, the quiet head turned into a blood-red pig's head, swollen and incomparably large, and the arrogant threat of his beginning was released.

He fell to the ground and spit at the mouth.

"Nyima is disgusting!"

Xu Feng’s ankle was on his abdomen, his face was disgusted.

(End of this chapter)

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