Chapter 2023

"Boy, it’s a very bad thing to have a big bully." A white-haired old man, staring at Xu Feng with his eyes, said some of the sounds.

"But, looking at your little boy, I don't know how tall and thick, so arrogant, then I will replace your family and teach you lessons."

When the old man finished, the breath of the six-character spirits broke out, and he saw that he stepped out one step at a time, suddenly on his hands, like a sword with the same handle.

The violent spiritual power, stirred up between his hands, formed a fierce attack, incomparably fierce.

Xu Feng saw the old man attacking and said: "This old thing, this is the rhythm of wanting to put me to death."

Feeling the opponent's powerful attack, the spiritual power of his body stirred up, and the second killing field of the peak of the sky, accompanied by the gravity field of the first heaven, surging at the same time.

The gust of wind whizzed past, and the clothes on the old man were all squeaky and constantly floating.

"Kid, a little talent is not too arrogant, otherwise, arrogant people are easy to die fast." The old man with a sneer on his face.

Xu Feng heard that his eyes burst into a cold killing, and he saw his cold snoring, saying: "Then I have to look at it, who is going to die faster?"

After all, I’m finished.

Xu Feng body, the breath of the peak of Sanpinling Emperor burst out, the golden fist, accompanied by the momentum of killing.

"People kill."

The killing of the fist was directly displayed, and the punching of the fist was broken. The fist contained the power of violent, as if it were a figure, hitting it.

Many people around them felt the fists attacked by Xu Feng, and they were all shocked. They did not expect that the strength of the Sanpinling Emperor was so powerful.


Originally, the old man of the Six Spirits Emperor, his face was a sly smile, knowing that it was when the fist and his attack, the collision of the cockroach.

The smile on his face came to an abrupt end, and his mouth couldn't help but twitch.

The body suddenly flew out.

Xu Feng looked at the old man who flew out from the opposite side, his voice ridiculously said: "Hey, are you such a waste, are you qualified to teach me?"

Xu Feng looked at the opposite of the six old spirits of the emperor, continued to say: "You are now full of blood and blood, if you want to vomit blood, don't hold back, I am not used to watching."

"It's really pitiful. Just like this waste, I want to teach me. It's really a laugh."

The old man’s cheeks were really red and white.

Especially when I heard Xu Feng’s words, he only felt the blood of the whole body. It was only slightly tumbling, but it became more fluctuating.

"Kid, the old man killed you!"

The old man felt that he had just underestimated his enemies. At this moment, his whole body's spiritual power surged and he went out toward the impact of Xu Fengqi.

What he showed was the inheritance of the Chinese character, and his body, the field and the inheritance of the spirit seemed to be unfathomable.

Only Xu Feng stood there, his face was calm: "The old things like you, I can squeeze a lot of them."

After that, the killing field of the peak of the second heaven on the body, accompanied by the first heavy gravity field, emerged at the same time.

"Two areas!"

The old man’s eyes were all condensed, but he found that the punch on the opposite side became more fierce and unstoppable.

"The genius."

The killing of the boxing became incomparable, and most importantly, above the fist of Xu Feng, a dark glove was also instantly filled.

"Exactly, take your test to test the power of my eight-star glove and see if you can kill the old dog like you!"

That punch, containing the weight of a thousand pounds, is simply unstoppable, earth-shattering, and spiritual power is like rolling water.


Many people looked at the dark punch, as if it was a mountain peak, many people were shocked.

"A terrible punch!"

The attack in front of the old man was actually punched, smashed, and the dark fist, without any stop, went to his chest.

"help me……"

The old man made a scream, he wanted to let the people around him help him, but when he sent out for help, the fist had been slamming on his body.


His body bones shattered in an instant, and the strength of the dark fist was really his horror, his bones smashed.

His body squatted on the ground, and he rolled over many times, his body hitting the ground, leaving a big pit.


The old man had a blood, and the fragments of the internal organs were sprayed out, and the body suddenly disappeared into this small world.

Many people looked at this scene and were completely stunned.

They all feel that this is too abnormal.

"Is this really the existence of the Emperor of the Three Spirits?" Their eyes have an incredible look.

You must know that the Sanpinling Emperor actually killed the Six Spirits Emperor so easily. If it is not in this small world, the old man is already dead.

"Good strength, who is this son!"

Outside the small world, the old man felt that his body was still suffering from severe pain. He was fortunate that it was in the small world.

Xu Feng’s eyes swept over the people around him, his mouth slightly raised, saying: “If anyone wants to shoot, I don’t mind sending him out.”

"Of course, I am a kind person. But this time, I will never let him leave so easily. I will let him know that what is called life is better than death."

Many people look at Xu Feng's eyes, and they are all taboo in their hearts.

At this moment, Zhang Hongda’s face has become a bit ugly.

He asked himself, even if he shot, he did not defeat the young man's grasp.

As one of the top ten best, he is very clear.

He shot Xu Feng, and if he beats the other side, it is naturally a good thing.

However, if he is not the opponent of Xu Feng, but he is defeated by the other side, then all his honors will vanish.

He will become a stepping stone for the rise of Xu Feng.

Therefore, Zhang Hongda at the moment, his face has become ugly.

After weighing the pros and cons, he felt that he should not shoot Xu Feng.

"You, the magic figure that he got the talent, is very likely to be a very powerful spiritual inheritance. Do you really look at it like this, will he leave?"

Zhang Hongda’s voice is sounding, and people who can be here are not idiots.

They are very clear that Zhang Hongda wants to kill people by knife.

If it is, I don’t know if Xu Feng’s strength is so strong, they may of course be willing to become Zhang Hongda’s knife.

Now, knowing that the strength of the other side is so strong, it is very likely that they come from those big families. After the big forces, they will come out to Zhang Hongda as a knife. That is an idiot.

(End of this chapter)

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