The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2017: Able to enter

Chapter 2017 has a talented person to enter

“Thank you for your predecessors!”

Xu Feng said to the old man.

The old man looked at Xu Feng and said: "I look at the breath of your body. It seems to be in a bottleneck. There is a place. If you have a chance, you may be able to have a chance."

Xu Feng heard the words, suddenly looked at the old man a little strange, and asked: "Predecessors, please give pointers!"

Xu Feng suddenly came to understand that this predecessor is probably not simple.

Just because he couldn’t feel the repairs on the other side.

He felt the old man as if he was calm and watery.

"This ruins of the ruins, southeast, there is a very strange Taoist temple, if you can enter it, you may get a good chance."

The old man said to Xu Feng.

Xu Feng looked at the old man and said: "Predecessors, thank you for your guidance!"

Xu Feng stood up and walked toward the southeast.

However, he suddenly remembered, what is the southeast direction?

When he turned back, he found that the old man of the restaurant had disappeared.

"Forget it, let's see and talk."

Of course, Xu Feng’s spiritual flow, moving forward in the southeast direction, his speed is very fast, until the evening.

When he came there, looking at the distant places, there really was a Taoist temple, and it seemed that there was no one around the Taoist temple.

Xu Feng went on. He came to the front of the Taoist temple, his face changed slightly, and some strange words: "Hey, how is it just an ordinary Taoist temple?"

He originally thought that perhaps this Taoist temple would have many visions, or this Taoist temple, and what was special.

However, when he came to the front of this Taoist temple, he found that this Taoist temple had no special place, but it was very common.

"It’s weird, is that the predecessor flicking me?”

Xu Feng was slightly indulgent at the moment, and he shook his head directly. He did not think that the predecessor flicked him for fun, maybe there was another spectacle in the Taoist temple.

"It shouldn't be possible. Let me go into the Taoist temple and see it later." Xu Feng was not too impetuous, and he walked toward the Taoist temple.

At the moment, he took a step toward the Taoist temple and walked toward it.

He suddenly found out that there were many warriors sitting in the Taoist temple. Those people were staring at one place, the center of the Taoist temple.

There, it turned out to be a landscape painting, and the landscape painting seemed to have some kind of magic power, and immediately took the heart of the heart directly into it.


Xu Feng screamed. He looked at the surrounding environment and his face suddenly became difficult to look. He found it here as if it were another world.

He found that this was another environment. He stared at the surrounding places, his eyes swept continuously, and he found nothing strange.

However, just as he was still thinking, he suddenly slammed into the light of his body and slammed into his body.

"A horrible sword!"

Xu Feng moved in the footsteps, and the spirits in the body stirred up. He avoided the sword of the other side.

It is only clear that the opposite is a white-haired old man. The breath of the other person is the result of the five-character emperor.

It is this old man who is attacking himself.

Xu Feng’s eyes stared at the old man and said: “What are you doing, I am innocent with you, why are you doing it to me?”

"Haha... It’s ridiculous. People who enter this Taoist temple come to understand the realm. Don’t kill you, how do you feel the realm?”

The old man suddenly grasped the sword in his hand, and his spiritual power became more violent. His hands waved and a sword turned into dozens of swords.

"Well, do you really think I am afraid that you will not be?"

When Xu Feng suddenly stepped out, the golden light of his body broke out, and a punching out of the boxing was killing the boxing.

"People kill."

The collision between the fist and the sword smashed, and suddenly the wind swelled toward the surroundings, and the light of a circle continually flashed.

The opposite of the five-character emperor, the old man, his eyes are a glimpse, staring at the opposite Xu Feng, said: "Your strength is really not simple, but unfortunately only the three spirits emperor, after all, is to die in my Under the sword, you are not qualified to be here, get out."

The old man sneered, the sword shadow floated, and the long sword became a beast. He attacked Xu Feng’s chest and attacked it directly.

Seeing the sword attacked by the old man, Xu Feng’s mouth slightly raised, saying: “Toasting, not taking medicine and eating fine wine, you can’t blame me.”

"The ground killing."

Said, Xu Feng's second killing field of the peak of the sky, directly broke out, blood red killing momentum, shocking the world.

A punch, like the whole earth covered, the sword coming from the attack of the scorpion, greeted him, the sword smashed, and the fist exploded.

Xu Feng's eyes are all condensed. He didn't expect the old man of the five spirits to peak, the strength was so powerful, he looked down on the other side.

"Kid, your strength is very good, but you still have to die."

The old man was a little surprised. He didn't expect Xu Feng to be able to deal with such a long time under his sword and has not been killed.

"I am afraid you are dead."

Inside Xu Feng's eyes, the golden light broke out, killing the fist to the extreme, double angry sea and fourteen spirits, and stirred up at the same time.

"The genius."

The last boxing attack of the killing fist came out, and the old man opposite the eyes was shocked. The sword in his hand was actually shaken out.

The whole person, a spurt of blood, suddenly changed his face, said: "The horrible boy, I am not his opponent."

"Want to run?"

Xu Feng said coldly, the momentum of the Emperor's body broke out, and the violent air waves swept directly. His space was filled with heart.

The heart of the nine-fold space emerged, and his body suddenly disappeared into the place, appearing in the place where the old man wanted to escape, and punched it out.

The old man’s eyes were unwilling, but he found that in this space, an invisible vortex swallowed him directly.

Xu Feng looked at the old man who disappeared in front of him. He was shocked and said: "What happened, the old man would suddenly disappear."


Outside the Taoist temple, the body of the old man appeared there. His face was staring at the Taoist temple in front of him, only to find that the Taoist temple had disappeared.

“Can someone come in?”

The old man suddenly remembered that it seems that it is necessary to have a chance to enter this Taoist temple. He has already missed this opportunity, which naturally means failure.

Xu Feng shook his head. He looked at the void around him. He said: "I don't know, what is going on in this secret?"

He looked at the disappearing old man and walked forward in front of him. He wanted to see, what secret is there in this small world?

(End of this chapter)

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