The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2013: World Trade Association

Chapter 2013 Wanwan Chamber of Commerce

The twelve people are shocked at the moment.

Their cultivation is at least one or two higher than the realm of the past.

A few of the spiritually respected people were directly promoted to the spiritual emperor.

Those people are full of surprises. They know very well that if they don't have such a chance, they may not be able to upgrade to the spiritual master for a lifetime.

Xu Feng’s eyes are also with a satisfactory color. I have to say that this “six-six-six-six-lei fire-fighting array” is really against the sky.

Xu Feng looked at the elders not far away and said: "Elders, who are willing to go out, try the power of this six-six-six-six-thunder fire?"

"The old man will try it."

Mu Mu stood up and he flew out.

Xu Feng nodded and said: "You are all twelve of you, remember to move all the power you can mobilize."

Xu Feng told the twelve people that the elders appeared outside the void, and the twelve men began to mobilize the formation.


With the help of the twelve people, the powerful power broke out, and suddenly the whole sky was over, and the thunder and lightning began to rumbling.

The screams of madness raging, the boundless thunder and lightning, accompanied by endless flames, filled the sky.

Among the eyes of Mu’s elders, from the beginning, calmly and calmly became fearful, and his eyes were full of fear.

I saw that countless thunder and lightning, along with the flame, formed six silver brontosaurus, opened the mouth of the blood.

There are also six fire dragons, and the brontosaurus and the fire dragons are gathered at the same time, forming an incomparable horror attack, and attacking toward the elders.


Mu elder suddenly spurted out a blood, and the old body was directly shaken out, and his face became extremely pale.

Suddenly, Xu Feng's hands became countless imprints, directly into the law, the original rumbling sound, the endless array of methods, suddenly stopped.

Many people looked at the embarrassed Mu elders, and the elders were seriously injured. They all knew that the situation was that if Xu Feng did not stop the formation, I am afraid that the elders would really be killed unless they were crazy escape.

Xu Feng rushed to the front of Mu’s elders. He took out some medicinal herbs and handed them to the opposite elder. He smiled and said: “Mu elders, first take these healing remedies and nurse them.”

Mu Chang looked at the medicinal herbs that Xu Feng handed over. His eyes looked strangely to Xu Feng. He couldn’t help but sigh: "The lord, how do you arrange such a horrible array of methods, I feel even if it is seven products. Lingdi, it is not easy to break into our territory in the future."

Xu Feng smiled and said: "The twelve of them have not yet fully controlled this method, but they are not skilled enough, and with the improvement of their cultivation and strength, the power of this law will continue to increase."

Hearing the words of Xu Feng, Mu elders are shocked.

He couldn't imagine how terrible it would be if this law continued to improve.

"The Sovereign, the five bodies that admire under the ground."

Mu elders looked at Xu Feng sincerely. He knew that Xu Feng was still a refiner, and he was still a master of eight products. Now he is arranging the horror, and he is so horrible that he can’t admire him.

The people around me are also looking strange at the moment.

They did not expect that this method of Xu Feng's arrangement was so strong.

At this time, Xu Feng looked at the twelve people on the opposite side and said: "You 12 people must remember that whenever and wherever you are, you will be honored and lost."

"You have to work together to be able to play the power of this squad, and then you can kill the enemy."

"And, you and the tactics have completely integrated everything, you must go all out to be able to overcome everything."

The twelve people were grateful to Xu Feng, and they were admired and incomparable. They said: "The sovereign is assured that the twelve of us will inevitably live up to your high hopes."

Xu Feng nodded. He looked at the green wing not far away. He said: "The elders of the Qingyi, they are twelve. Later, in the Shenzong of the Wanxiang, they need any cultivation resources. You can't do anything. Satisfy them, just because they are the first barrier of our universal domain."


Qingyi said to Xu Feng.

The twelve people were grateful for their faces. They did not expect that their cultivation was so low that they had such great glory.


Again, one month has passed.

Beipcheng has been very noisy, and countless warriors have come from all directions.

"You may not know it yet. It is said that the Wanxiang Chamber of Commerce will open, and today you can buy the eight-piece Zundan." A warrior is full of excitement, his cultivation is the four-character emperor, he is rushing to Beipcheng Come, just to buy eight products.

"You won't be bragging. Eight-piece Zundan is not only auctioned, but can be auctioned. The Wanshen Shenzong actually sold it."

A person next to him, his face does not believe.

"Haha, don't believe if you don't believe it. Anyway, when we buy the eight-piece statue, don't regret it."

"Wait for me, I will go and see."

The entire city of Beiga can be said to be unprecedentedly lively, only because of the opening ceremony of the Wanxiang Chamber of Commerce, attracting countless warriors.

"You said that this Wanxiang Chamber of Commerce is what it is. It is said that they are closely related to Lingbao Pavilion."

"I don't know, but we are very clear. This Wanxiang Chamber of Commerce, there are really eight brands to sell, you can buy without an auction."

Among the Wanxiang Chamber of Commerce, Yue Lu sat there, followed by Wang Xiaoer and the snake fight.

"The big manager, now the street outside the Wanxiang Chamber of Commerce, has been completely paralyzed, and it is crowded in front of our Wanxiang Chamber of Commerce."

With a Sanpinling emperor, he came to Yuelu’s front and reported.

The snakes and the eyes are shocked. He thought that Yue Hao said that for a month, he wanted the Wanxiang Chamber of Commerce to be named in the West, thinking that the other party was bragging.

At this moment, he listened to the report outside, completely shocked.

He looked at Yuelu with some awe, more of a genius who feared Xu Feng and where he came from.

He is very clear that this Yuelu Xiu has not yet reached the spiritual respect, and the business-minded mind is really the best in the world.

"Haha... almost, let me go out and preside over the big picture." Yue Hao stood up with a confident smile on his face and stood up.

Wang Xiaoer is next to Yue Yu and his face is worshipped.

The snake war is also closely following Yuelu.

Yuelu came to the outside of the Wanxiang Chamber of Commerce and just said a word, the scene was completely boiling.

"You, the Wanxiang Chamber of Commerce opened the ceremony, there are many concessions, there are buy and send, eight Pinzun Dan sold a total of ten, lucky people, you can buy."

(End of this chapter)

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