The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2001: Ning Lele's happy

Chapter 2001, Ning Lele's pleasure

"Xu Gongzi, is this really Jiangnan City?"

When Xing Xingzi followed Xu Feng to Jiangnan City, he suddenly opened his eyes, just because Jiangnan City was too big.

Moreover, the crowds that are endless, the Jiangnan City of that year, only the scenery is very beautiful, so there are many people coming and going.

Now, Xing Xingzi has discovered that this Jiangnan City is at least more than an exaggerated scale, which is incredible.

Xu Feng came outside the gate of Jiangnan City. He found that there were no guards. Everyone went to Jiangnan City by himself.

Xu Feng smiled on his face. He said: "A lot, have you been to Jiangnan City before?"

Xu Duodu shook his head.

"Let's go, this scenery of Jiangnan City is very beautiful. Let's go shopping in Jiangnan City first, and then go to work."

Xu Feng took Xu Duodu and began to wander around in Jiangnan City. Xu Duoduo was very curious about eating a lot.

Xu Feng did not suppress her, but let her choose freely.

Xing Xingzi is also very in love with her little sister.

The kitten looks from time to time and is very curious about it.

The three people have been strolling in Jiangnan City for almost half a day. In the look of Xu Duoduo, he took a lot and went to Jiangnan City, the most luxurious mansion.

"Yu Xingzi, when you may meet some acquaintances, don't admit my identity to them, you will answer ambiguously."

Xu Feng knows that once the comet comes to the Dan League, Xu Li, Fu Rutian and others, it is possible to recognize the star.

Before the Tianhua domain, Fu Rutian and others doubted the identity of Xu Feng. Now if they are answered by Xing Xingzi, they will be more convinced.

"Master, the disciple understands."

Yan Xingzi rumors against Xu Feng and said.

Xu Feng came to the outside of Dan Meng, and suddenly two guards stopped Xu Feng. The two looked at Xu Feng with some curiosity. "Don't ask you, why are you coming to our Dan League?"

"Let's go down and ask for the three vice-presidents of Dan League, Ning Ziqing, and I hope that you will help you through the biography."

Xu Feng looked at the two guards, but did not put out the shelf, but said to the two people politely.

"Well, let's go to pass you through, and when they can't see you, it's not something we can control."

Said, one of the guards went inside the courtyard of Dan League.

"Ning, the vice-president, there are several people outside, they said they want to ask you to see the three deputy co-owners." The guard came to the courtyard of Ning Ziqing and said to Ning Ziqing.

Ning Ziqing heard the words, he frowned, said: "Can you know who the identity of the person is, have you asked him what to see me?"

"Reporting to the vice-president, this is not." The guard said.

"Then tell him, I don't have time for a while, I can't meet guests." Ning Ziqing said to the guard and waved his hand.

He knows that there are many people every day, come to Dan Meng here, and want to ask them to help them refine the medicine.

If he wants to see everyone, isn't he going to be exhausted?

"Grandpa, who wants to see you?"

At this time, in a room in the yard, there was a crisp sound like a yellow scorpion, which was extremely pleasant.

I saw that it was a tall, white dress, very beautiful, and her face always had a smile.

Her eyes are pure and quiet, which makes people feel incomparably in their hearts. It seems that at this moment, all the impetuousness in the heart disappears.

It was a girl in a white gauze, her face was white and delicate, her body was slender, her long hair was draped over her vest, and she was gently held with a silver ribbon.

Her figure, like a haze of light, is really not a human being. A pair of eyes just licked her faint eyebrows, and the red lips were so sly.

Ning Ziqing looked at her own baby granddaughter and smiled: "Lele, some people say that they want to meet me, and they don't know who they are, and they don't say anything."

"I guess it should be the person who asked me to refine the medicine. Every day, so many people come to me for alchemy. I have time to see."

Ning Lele heard the words, licked his lips and pointed at the guard. He said, "Let's lead the way, I will go see you."

"Okay, Miss Lele."

The guard was very respectful to Ning Lele. He knew very well that no one in Ninglang City was the opponent of Ning Lele.

What's more, Ning Lele is still the eight masters of Dan Meng, and is distinguished.

However, Ning Lele has never had any shelves for all people. It is like a little girl, very kind.

Not much time.

When Ning Lele followed the guard and came outside the house of Dan Meng, her body suddenly stayed there.

She looked at the few figures standing not far away. Among them, there are individuals, not the people who think about it day and night, and who are looking forward to it?

"Big brother……"

Ning Lele ran trot, and came to Xu Feng's front. She looked at Xu Feng with amazement and her face was full of smiles.

"Ah... Miss Lele and this person know?" The two guards looked at this scene, all of them were surprised, but fortunately they did not offend this person.

Xu Feng's eyes wide open, looking at the tall figure in front of him, the long is a beautiful woman, from the pure blue eyes, he has recognized who is in front of him.

"Lele sister."

Xu Feng looked at Ning Lele, but also happy face.

"Big brother, you have been walking for so many years, finally willing to come back to see people." Ning Lele's voice, with some sadness.

Xu Feng looked at the poor appearance of Ning Lele. He suddenly smiled and said: "I don't think that Lele has grown so big, it has become a big girl."

"The current music is getting more beautiful, I almost can't recognize it."

Ning Lele heard Xu Feng praise her beautiful, she suddenly went forward, naturally holding Xu Feng's arm.

"Big brother, you can go in with me soon, Grandpa will be very happy if you see you." Ning Lele smiled.

Xu Duoduo walked in front of Ning Lele. She looked at Ning Lele's arm holding Xu Feng. She said with a high-pitched voice: "This young lady, can you let go of my arm?"


Ning Lele squinted her eyes. She looked at Xu Duoduo and her face was smiling. "Sister, what is your name?"

However, in the depths of her eyes, she flashed a touch of loss.

Ning Lele has already regarded Xu Feng as a reliance on this life.

Xu Feng heard the conversation between the two people. Is this generation not chaotic?

Ning Lele called him a big brother, and now his daughter is Miss Ning Lele.

Xu Duoduo muttered his mouth and said: "I am called Xu Duo Duo."

(End of this chapter)

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