The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1991: Yinger's blood

Chapter 1991, the blood of Yinger

"You have these remedies, the effect is terrible."

Feng Ling’s eyes widened. He only felt that his previous injury had recovered seven or eighty-eight, and some old injuries that had been left before were actually repaired.

His old eyes were shocked, and immediately began to sit on his knees and began to refine the medicinal herbs that he took.

Xu Feng did not bother Lingling, but went to Yin Ting's side and asked: "Predecessors, what kind of woman did I bring?"

Yin Ting heard the words and said: "She went to my master to buy the remedy. She said that she is familiar with Dantang people, she can buy the best medicine."

Xu Feng heard the words, suddenly worried inside.

Yin Ting smiled and said: "Xu Feng brothers, you must not worry, you should not underestimate your embarrassment, her current strength, is stronger than me."

"Ah... how is this possible?"

Xu Feng's mouth is wide and his face is wrong. He is very clear that Ying's martial arts talent is at best excellent.

When he left, Yinger’s cultivation has not yet broken through to the spiritual respect. How this has become so strong in just a few short years.

In front of Yin Ting is the nine-pronged spirit of the peak repair, more powerful than his strength, that is, half-step spiritual Emperor repair.

This kind of cultivation speed, even if it is Xu Feng, and his cultivation speed is very fast, it is his chance to get a lot.

Otherwise, if he is to practice here, he will not be able to break through the realm of the half-step spirits in the past few years.

"Brother... Isn't Yinger's sister very powerful?" The kitten stood on Xu Feng's shoulder. He hadn't seen Yinger for a long time. Naturally, he was incomparably missing.

You know, this little thing is good for Yinger?

Yin Ting said to Xu Feng, his eyes still with a touch of dignified color, began to say to Xu Feng: "Xu Feng brothers, you do not know, probably three years ago."

"When Yinger broke through to the spiritual respect, her body was filled with a terrible atmosphere."

"And, the terrible smell, even my master can not get close, as if it is a boundless red cloud."

"Don't tell me, I was scared by my master at the time. We have never seen such a picture. The sky in a few dozen miles is all red."

Having said that, Yin Ting’s eyes are shocked.

He took a deep breath and continued to say.

"About the time of the past hour, the strangeness of the fiery red cloud finally disappeared, and we felt a horrible atmosphere."

"The horrible breath broke out from Ying's body, and her eyes burned like an endless flame."

"And, in her figure, there is a huge virtual shadow, which seems to cover the sky... the phoenix, we have never seen such a scene."

"From there, Ying's cultivation speed is almost a thousand miles. My Master and I don't know what happened to her."

“Master asked her, she said that she didn’t know why, and she felt that it was like a lot of things, just like being born.”

"And, you don't know, the cultivation of her swordsmanship is simply a crazy upgrade, and it is really scary."

Yin Ting's facial expression has already let Xu Feng know that it seems that Yinger has indeed undergone many changes, and he frowned.

His eyes were shocked and his heart said: "Cheap father, cheap father, who are you, this Yinger, but his father Xu Pang brought him around."

He still vaguely remembers that when his father came back from the outside, he brought a little girl, who was about the same age as Xu Feng.

Very cute and cute, the two almost grew up together.

According to Yin Ting, if Ying Er really has such a strong blood, it is definitely not an ordinary identity. How could it be brought back by Xu Pang?

"Is not right... Is it true that in the Tianchi Empire, when he was in Tianhua, his father was already very strong, so why should he abandon his mother in the Nangong family?"

Inside Xu Feng’s eyes, there is boundless doubt.

"It seems that my father still has a lot of things. He didn't tell us that he could only wait until he saw his father next time and ask him again."

Xu Feng has many questions in his heart, but he knows that the truth of all these things cannot be explained clearly if he does not meet his father.


"The big manager, what about your church?"

Ming Hao did not come to see Xu Feng yesterday. She felt that Xu Feng had just returned. There are many things to be dealt with. It will definitely be very tired. She did not bother Xu Feng.

Plus, when I thought about coming out, I was in a hurry, went home to dress up, and came to Dantang today. I know that I didn’t see Xu Feng.

Yue Lu looked at Ming Yuer. He also knew the relationship between Xu Feng and Ming Yuer. They seemed to have a marriage contract before.

Moreover, in the years of the year, Ming Yuer will come to their Dantang every three or five times, just ask him about Xu Feng.

"Miss Ming, after the cousin told me about things in the morning, he left." Yue Lu looked at Ming Yuer, and he felt a little sigh.

The advent of what love is? Straight to teach life and death!

Alum's face with a lost expression, her heart with annoyance, said: "I knew this before, I should see Xu Feng desperately yesterday."

"Miss Ming, I have ordered people to arrange a room for you. You can go there to rest. When the time comes back, I will tell him." Yue Lu looked at Ming Yuer, and the heart was also a bit intolerable. .

"Thank you, the general manager!"

Alum said to thank Yuelu.


Time is slowly passing.

The injury of Feng Ling was almost all recovered with the help of Xu Feng's medicinal herbs, making Feng Ling a surprise.

Until the evening, Xu Feng sat outside the Thang Long Pool, and he looked at the setting sun like this, and the broken man was in the horizon.

He has seen far away, a figure that he thinks about day and night, from a distance, is flying fast.

Not far away, the woman wearing a robe, she is still so delicate, it seems not very beautiful, but the more people look at it.

She is Yinger.

At this moment, Yinger stopped her body. She opened her eyes and stared at the figure in front. She even felt that it was an illusion.

Suddenly, she blinked hard, and she looked at her young master who was still standing there with a smile on her face.


Suddenly, Yinger directly fell into the rain with the pear flower, and she quickly ran to the front of Xu Feng, and fluttered into the embrace of Xu Feng without hesitation, holding Xu Feng.

Xu Feng felt the temperature of the person inside him. He reached out and gently held Yinger. The nose of the nose was the fragrance of Yinger.

(End of this chapter)

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