The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1985: Advent seventy-two peaks

Chapter 1985, Falling Seventy-two Peaks

Dark Temple.

The black robes were scattered in the cold. He looked at the group of people with low heads in front of him. He asked directly: "You still haven't found out, who is it, and the temple of the dark temple of Kyushu, Seoul, is directly destroyed. Is it?"

The heart of the black robe is anger, when they have suffered such a big loss in the dark temple.

The branch of the Dark Hall in Seoul, Kyushu, was the second only to the headquarters of their headquarters. He did not expect that some people dared to move the hall there.

The black robe is the main hall of the dark hall of the southern continent.

The dark temple of the entire southern continent is the three lords.

On the left and right sides of the black robe, the two old men.

The old man on the left hand side, his face is a bit thin, there is a beggar on the corner of his mouth, his eyes are sleepy, it seems that he does not care about this matter.

He is the second lord of the Dark Temple, Tong Tong.

On the right hand side, there is also an old man sitting there, this person's eyes exudes a gloomy light, but his face is smiling.

He sat there like this, and he couldn't see what he was thinking.

He is the three main lord of the Dark Temple, the sword is solitary.

"The main lord, I think this thing is really embarrassing. It is possible to kill our dark temple in Kyushu, Seoul, and kill it directly. This is not a simple powerhouse."

"I think it might be a certain force in the territory of China. Of course, we may not find any evidence for the time being."

Inside the hall, an old man spoke first.

The corner of the black robe is slightly moving. Isn’t this equal to white?

"The main hall, you have to be the master of me?"

It was at this time that a voice came from outside the dark hall.

I saw that Jiang Ming was pale from the outside of the main hall. He almost did not fall inside the hall.

Many people in the hall secretly frowned.

They are very clear that Jiang Ming is the elder who is in charge of the Dark Temple in Kyushu, Seoul. How can he be seriously injured and appear here?

Black robe looked at Jiang Ming, nodded, said: "Jiang Ming, you are not in the dark hall of Seoul in Kyushu. You are seriously injured. Can you know who it is, and destroy the dark temple of our Kyushu Seoul?"

"Ah... the dark temple hall was also destroyed?"

Jiang Ming suddenly grew his mouth and his face was wrong.

"You elders are really competent, do you really think that I will let you go to Kyushu Seoul, is it to support the elderly?" The black robe voice with anger.

Jiang Ming heard the words and immediately said: "The main hall, so it seems that I know who is destroying the hall of our dark temple."

"What? You know who?" The black robe stared at Jiang Ming and asked, "Who is this, so courageous, dare to destroy the hall of my dark temple."

"Reporting to the main hall, it is not only the branch of our dark temple, but also the killing organization."

Jiang Ming said directly.

There was a loud voice in the hall, and many people had amazement in their eyes.

It seems that the other party is probably prepared.

"What the **** is it?"

The black robes are full of anger, and he feels that he must smash the other side.

Jiang Ming said: "The main hall, I don't know who the other party is. I only know that the other party is a three-pronged emperor, dressed in a cloak."

"And, the strength of this person is extremely powerful, the killing is to be killed by this person. The last news of the killing and me, I arrived, want to kill this person."


Speaking of this, Jiang Ming’s face was full of sorrow and anger, saying: “The main hall owner, the old man on the day was deceiving too much. He even prevented his subordinate from shooting on the cloak. I was seriously injured by the old man.”

The black robe has big eyes and said: "Jiang Ming, are you sure that the other party is only the Sanpin Lingdi?"

Jiang Ming nodded hard.

The black robe eyes narrowed slightly, and he knew that Jiang Ming did not dare to deceive him.

He continued to ask: "You can see which force the other party belongs to?"

The black robe shook his head slowly and said: "The main hall, he has no inheritance of blood, and it is impossible for the four ancient people."

"And, he realized that there are two areas, the killing field and the gravity field, which are not passed down in our southern continent."

"I think this person is very likely to come from the Genesis Academy. After all, there are quite a few talents in that college to be able to do such a leap-level battle."

Jian Gu didn't know Xu Feng's business, and Jian Li did not tell him.

Of course, if Jian Li is here to know, it is possible to guess that Xu Feng is still alive.

"Two lords, you go to Genesis College and take a trip."

The black robe said to the child.

Tong Guan opened his eyes and he yawned and said: "Oh, this old bone, for many years, has no activity. It is okay to go out and walk."

"However, the main lord, I think that person may not be a student of the Genesis Academy. After all, the Emperor Sanpinling is able to kill the six spirits."

"If it is, Genting College has such genius, we can't know anything. As far as I know, even if it is the Genesis Academy, there are few peerless geniuses that may not be able to do it."

The black robe nodded and said: "The two lords, our dark hall for many years, there is no movement, maybe those old opponents, they are almost forgotten."

"You go to the Genesis Academy, but also to test temptation. Of course, if you can find the peerless genius, you can kill it if you can kill it."


As the initiator of all this, Xu Feng has left Kyushu Seoul.

He walked on this familiar land, and his eyes were filled with emotion.

He still remembers that when he left the 72 peak area, he was forced to do so.

Today, he is once again in the seventy-two peak area.

"Dan Tang?"

Xu Feng walked on the street. People came and went, but it was also very lively. It seems that the 72 peak area is not as chaotic as before.

He looked at the street, the majestic, splendid shop, the largest store in the city.

When he came to the store, the shop guys on both sides smiled and said hello to Xu Feng: "Respected guests, our Dantang is the 72nd peak area, the largest store, you are here, want to buy anything, Available, everything."

“The biggest store?”

Xu Feng looked at the man, some strange way.

The face of the man suddenly took a proud look. He seemed to raise his head and said: "That is nature. We have a lot of medicinal herbs, and we want other treasures. We also sell them in Dantang. ”


Xu Feng sighed and asked casually: "Do you have a general manager of Dantang, or is it Yuelu?"

The man heard the name of Yuelu, and he was full of worship.

"Respected guests, I don't think you know the general manager of our Dantang. He is the legend of our Dantang, and it is the legend of the 72nd peak."

The buddy suddenly spoke in the ears of Xu Feng.

Xu Feng did not refuse to listen to his words, but walked around this Dantang.

Finally, he looked at the man and said, "Why is Yuelu so powerful, isn't he the owner of your Dantang?"

(In recent days, some people have said that many updates are slow, mainly because of this story. It is the beginning and the future. Therefore, every time you write a chapter, you have to check the front for a long time, so that you don’t have to write when you write, so the speed has dropped, but every day is four. It's not too slow. As long as you finish this paragraph, you will restore the previous update speed. You can rest assured, and thank you for your support. Please come to QQ to read and read!)

(End of this chapter)

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