The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1902: The wrath of Xu Feng

Chapter 1902, The Wrath of Xu Feng

A bang.

Yan Zhen kicked Long Long’s head directly into the front of the two guards.

The two looked at Long Long’s head, and there was fear in his face.

"Hurry up with his head!"

"Go back and tell you about Beige City. I have to go home with this small secret."

Yan Yan’s eyes are full of arrogance and arrogance.

Ah, ah...

The members of the two guards, their eyes are deep and cold, and their heart is: "Yanjia, waiting to bear the anger of our Beipcheng."

The two men wrapped Long Long's head and body with clothes and quickly fled toward the outside of the town.

"A group of rabble, also want to fight with our storm city, is this not to find death?" Yan Zhen voice with disdain.

Standing in a white-haired old man not far from Yanzheng, he slightly browed his brows. He stepped forward and said: "Yan Siye, when the family came, the family commanded, it is best not to go to Beige City, It’s too stiff, we seem to be doing something wrong.”

I know that Yanzheng was furious and said: "Hey, don't make it too stiff. We can't even be afraid of a North City."

"This is a group of people in the city of Beige. It is difficult for them to dare to make a match with us."

"If they really dare to fight against us, then we will extend our family and even let them go to the city."

Yan Yan’s eyes are all arrogant and arrogant.

The old man continued to speak: "Yan Siye, you don't know, the reason why the horror of the horror is ruined is largely because of the city of Beip."

"I am not thankful to the idiot. I even sent people to Beige City separately. Isn't that self-destruction?"

"As long as we don't go to Beipcheng, the people in Beipcheng don't dare to go out. If they come from several people, it is to give us extended benefits."

Being able to become the existence of the Six Spirits Emperor, the truth is not a reality that is not known.

The old man nodded and said: "The original Yanyou had long thought about it and admire it."

According to Yan Zhen’s statement, it is true that Beige City does not dare to move out.


North City.

The Green Winged Snake and other people are angry. They look at the dragons that are separated from each other, the unwilling eyes.

Giant Taishan stood up directly. He looked at the elders and said: "The elders, the giant Taishan, please take my escort, to kill the Yanzheng and avenge the Longlong brothers."

As the deputy captain of the **** team, Cao Yu also stood up at the moment and said: "I also asked Cao Yu to kill the Yan Yan, revenge and hate."

Subsequently, Zhao Long, Li Li and others all stood up.

The elders sat at the top, and she frowned slightly: "You, don't be impulsive for the time being, it's not easy to extend the family."

"They have been operating in Storm City for many years, and there are four people who have been repaired by the Six Spirits Emperor. The home of Yanjia is also the peak of the Six Spirits Emperor."

"We North City wants to fight with Yanjia, I am afraid it will take a little bit of time. Moreover, now the city owner is not there, we must not be impulsive."

The voice of the elders sounded.

Qingyi also nodded and said: "This must be reported, but not now, I support the views of the elders."

The snake war also said: "The city owner has been out for more than a month, and the time is calculated. Maybe he will come back. Just wait for the city owner to come back and make plans."


After Xu Feng left to kill the Buddha's seated land, he took the kitten and rushed back to Beipcheng.

He has been out for more than a month, and this time it is a lot of benefits, and his strength has greatly improved.

After he returns, I am afraid many people will be shocked.

He did not meet any difficulties along the way and went outside the city of Beip.

"The city owner, you are finally back."

Xu Fenggang appeared outside Beige City, and the people in Beige City who were responsible for patrolling the gates of the city all looked at Xu Feng.

Xu Feng looked at everyone. He found that these people’s eyes were filled with sorrow. The heart suddenly screamed and said: “I’m not going out to experience it. It’s hard to be our Beige City. What troubles have you met?”

"The city owner, Long Long was killed, and he died very badly. The man deliberately tortured him, cut off his hands, and let him die without a whole body. The body was separated."

Those who patrol and the members of the **** are very good.

Although they are only low-level spirits, but those of the escorts have not bullied them.

After all, the patrol is under the jurisdiction of the escort.

The people of the escorts are very good to them. At this moment, these people know that Long Long was killed, and it is naturally extremely angry.

"Oh, no matter who you are, the people who dare to kill me in the city of Beige must pay blood and blood." Xu Feng walked toward the city government.

After coming to the city's main government, Xu Feng did not hesitate. He gathered all the people and went to the main hall to meet.

Xu Feng looked at Qingyi and others and said: "How did the Qingyi elders, Longlong be killed, and who was killed? Come and tell me again."

Qingyi told Xu Feng about the passing of the incident.

After Xu Feng listened, his eyes filled with killing.

"The stormy city is home, a big tone."

His voice was extremely cold and biting, and everyone could see that Xu Feng was really angry.

He immediately said: "This rainstorm city is home, what is the basis, what is the power, you should investigate it?"


Qingyi said to Xu Feng, the original Yanjia is the family of the storm city, operating for many years, there are four six spirits.

There are about ten people in the Wupinling Emperor, and there are twenty people in the Four Spirits Emperor.

"Oh, no wonder this Yan family dares to be so arrogant. Since they are so arrogant, we are more arrogant than them."

Xu Feng’s voice sounded, his voice was low and he was killing, saying: “Longlong’s hatred must be revenge.”

"It’s better to hit the sun than to choose the day. Let’s set off today. I will take you there, stepping on the family and destroying the storm city."

The words of Xu Feng sounded, and everyone else in the hall was surprised.

"Snake, Jing Baobing, Chen Jiwen, Juyi Taishan, you four people with me. As for the elders of the Qingyi, the elders left behind Beige City."

"The members of the **** team can follow me to six people."

"This war, we must completely start the reputation of our North City, and completely destroy the storm city."

Xu Feng’s voice sounded, and everyone in the hall felt the blood boiling.

These people seem to have been for many years, and there is no such excitement.

"The city owner, or I will go with you, you are safer." Qingyi said to Xu Feng.

Xu Feng shook his head slowly and said: "Do not worry, it is not so easy to kill me."

"If you don't want to be late, let's go now, first go to our small town in Beipcheng and kill the Yan family."

Under one order, Xu Feng took the lead to rush out of the city government.

(End of this chapter)

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