The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1897: Still your love

Chapter 1897 also your human condition

“The best inherited spiritual skills?”

This time, it was the turn of Yang Jianuo's face.

He felt very clear that the breath of the punches of the day was absolutely the best inherited spiritual skills.

He once saw someone who showed his best in inheriting spiritual skills. The power was simply earth-shattering. He didn't expect Xu Feng to be so old, and he actually succeeded in cultivation.

Such a strong spiritual skill.

Feel the arrogance of the punches.

The endless spiritual power surged from the body of Xu Feng, which was a violent violent glow of a circle.

The world's fists, suddenly blended with the whole world, as if the heavens and the earth are falling down.

Opposite Yang Jianuo's face was blank. He stared at Xu Feng and said, "Damn, who are you, how could you have such a terrible talent?"

Yang Jianuo really does not understand how old the young people in front can cultivate to such a realm.

It’s just too incredible.

"I am not Xu Feng? You know it before."

Xu Feng’s eyes were with a hegemonic atmosphere. He took the strongest road. Before the Emperor’s cultivation, he did not know how hard it was.

Now that he has broken through to the spiritual emperor, his strength has become more powerful, and his eyes are full of smiles.

He stepped out in one step, and between his hands, it seemed as if he had lifted up a huge punch of the heavens and the earth. The punches seemed to suppress the void and suppress everything.


Yang Jianuo's eyes are splitting, and the spiritual power of his body is floating wildly. The repair of Wu Pinling Emperor is running to the extreme.

"Danxia Shenzhang!"

Yang Jianuo exhibited his own Chinese heritage, but unfortunately his middle-class inheritance and spiritual skills are only the peak of cultivation to the realm of Dacheng.

How can such spiritual skills resist Xu Feng’s worldly boxing?

You must know that Xu Feng’s world-famous punches are the best inherited spiritual skills.


With the collision of the fist and the palm print, the earth is constantly shaking, and the cracks of the road continue to extend.

Around the body of Xu Feng's two people, the violent turbulence swept out, seemingly made the surrounding voids shattered.

Opposite Yang Jianuo, was instantly shocked to fly out.

His body was heavily squatting on the huge wall, and the walls became a lot of shattered.


Yang Jianuo spurted out a blood, his body rushed out of the huge pit. His eyes looked at Xu Feng with blood and he said: "Ah! Kid, I want to kill you!"

Xu Feng looked at the attacked Yang Jianuo, sneer: "I want to kill me with your waste?"

Said, Xu Feng punched out with a fist.

The fist and Yang Jianuo's palm prints continue to collide.

The power of the body of Emperor Xu Feng broke out, it was a golden light, and it was extremely horrible.

"Kid, you give me waiting, I will kill you."

Yang Jianuo couldn't help but kill Xu Feng. He continued to fight like this. He felt that his situation was not good.

He wants to leave here for the time being. If he meets the old man of the dead wood, he will join the old man of the dead wood to shoot Xu Feng.

call out!

Yang Jianuo suddenly turned around, the speed is extremely fast, and he fled directly.

Xu Feng did not chase Yang Jianuo, he is very clear inside.

With his current cultivation and strength, defeating Yang Jianuo in this way is already the limit.

If he continues to catch up, then Yang Jianuo is really desperate with him, and he does not take any advantage.

After all, the other party is a five-character emperor.

For example, Xu Feng is now incomparably lacking in spiritual power.

"First, I will repair it and say it again."

Xu Feng hurryed and sat down to start to nurse, and he continued to refine a drop of the supreme liquid.

He found that after the repair of the Emperor, a drop of the supreme liquid was almost ineffective.

Every time he refines a hundred drops of the supreme liquid, he feels that his physical condition has recovered.

"Hey, it seems that it is not easy for Lingdi to repair and want to break through. It is no wonder that Yang Jianuo, so desperate to chase me."

Xu Feng is very clear that the 10,000-year-old Zhu Guo in his hand is enough for his cultivation to break through to the peak of a product.

"For the time being, don't take 10,000 years of blood Zhuguo. I don't know if I can find the chance. Then I will refine it together."

"Maybe my cultivation is like a breakthrough, and I can break through to the second spirit."

Xu Feng’s heart is secretly planning to get up.

He stood up now and walked to other places.

He walked inside this huge palace.


Walking and walking, there was a loud bang in the distance, and he quietly walked over there.

"Nie Ting, you are a little girl! People, I want to kill you!" The old man's eyes are crazy killing.

Nie Ting's hot high temperature filled her, and she gathered the second realm of fire.

However, the gap between her and the old man seems to be a bit big.

Constantly suppressed by the old man of the dead wood.

Nieting’s mouth is a trace of blood.


The old man with the dead wood above his hands, the dry arm, as if like a sword, shuttled out to Nieting's chest.

This sword is really scary.

Nie Ting's face became a bit ugly, her hands were above, the flames were filled, and she wanted to attack the old man on the opposite side.

"The old man of the dead wood, you are bullying a woman here, really shameful." Xu Feng's voice sounded.

The soul power of his eighty-fifth order broke out, and he suddenly displayed the secret of the soul: "The soul is fire."

Suddenly, the mystery of the soul struck out, as if the water and the flames were struck, and the soul of the old man was struck.

The old man's eyes are all condensed, and he quickly runs his soul power to resist Xu Feng's soul attack.


At this time, the opposite Nie Ting seized the opportunity, and suddenly the endless flame, condensed into a fireball, smashed in the old man's chest.

The old man of the dead wood spewed out a blood.

His eyes stared at Xu Feng with blood and he said: "The kid, the old man killed you first!"

The old man of the dead wood said, a sword attacked Xu Feng.

"Get out of the way, old waste."

Xu Feng was suppressed by the old man of the dead wood. He now condenses the field of gravity. He is not afraid of the old man who is opposite to the wood.

With a fist punching out, the two areas of his body broke out at the same time.

Both figures quit at the same time.

The old man of the dead wood looked at the opposite Xu Feng with amazement. He was very surprised and said: "Do you have two fields?"

The old man's voice is full of sorrow.

Xu Feng looked at the old man in the opposite side of the wood, saying: "Now, do you think you are really waste?"

Xu Feng’s voice was mocking. He immediately spoke to Nie Ting: “I am changing you, we shot together and killed this old dog.”

Nie Ting heard the words and nodded. "Okay, let's take it together."

(End of this chapter)

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