The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1885: Triple gravity field debris

Chapter 1885 Triple Gravity Field Fragments

Xu Feng stood there with a smile on his face.

I have to say that the kitten has made great progress.

Sure enough, as he expected.

"Small beast, you have the ability to not run!"

The middle-aged man, who had been attacking several times in a row, seemed to be squatting on the void, and did not touch the kitten at all, and could not help but be angry.

The speed of the kitten is somewhat beyond his expectations. He regrets that he should not come out and fight the kitten.

"Do you want to anger your beggars and dream?"

The kitten was so high that he said with sarcasm: "As long as you continue to attack me like this, then your spiritual power is exhausted. When Ben is shot, you will be beaten without any help. When you are the little lamb that has been slaughtered, giggling..."

"Is it conquered by Benedict's ingenuity?"

While talking, the kitten patted his chest with a small palm and giggled: "However, you don't want to worship, Benedict is just a legend."

"Now, is it regrettable to fight with Benedict?"

With the middle-aged man, he really didn't attack the kitten once.

Instead, his spiritual power is severely consumed, and his eyes are full of anger.

This feeling is completely powerful.


However, just as middle-aged men thought they were going to flee.

Suddenly, the small body of the kitten suddenly came out, and the white fur was shining with golden light.


The middle-aged man’s eyes were all condensed, and a scream of screaming, his body slammed back toward the back.

I saw the place where his chest was just cut by the claws of the kitten, like a sharp blade.

His face was full of horror, staring at the opposite kitten.

"Haha, don't you admire Benedict now, don't admire you, you are just a legend!"

The smug look of the kitten made many people can't help but laugh.

Xu Feng looked at the opposite kitten and said: "This little thing has learned its own mantra."

The so-called "Do not worship brother, brother is just a legend!"

"I will kill you!"

The middle-aged man who was the peak of the spirit of the Emperor, his eyes were red, and he directly hit the opposite kitten.

"Hey, just relying on waste materials like you, do you want to kill Benedict and dream?"

The kitten went straight out and walked out, and the violent breath of the body broke out.

An endless stream of spiritual madness.

The powerful momentum of the kitten makes many people's eyes a condensation.


The middle-aged man, the body was directly hit by the small body of the kitten, and he was heavily squatting under the ring.

A blood spurted out of his mouth, and the kitten jumped out suddenly, and his feet fell on the head of a middle-aged man.

"I still want to kill Ben... This is just to play with you." The sharp claws of the kitten must be photographed toward the middle-aged man's head.

Many people are blindfolded. If this paw is photographed, the middle-aged man will die.

"Kitten, don't kill!"

Xu Feng looked at the kitten and wanted to kill, and immediately screamed.

"Hey, my brother said, forgive you!" The kitten's paws paused in front of the middle-aged man's head. He said, "You lost, and quickly called me three grandfathers."

The middle-aged man’s eyes are all wronged. Who can think of such a cute kitten is so powerful.

"Grandpa! Grandpa! Grandpa!"

The middle-aged man shouted three times.

The kitten suddenly went out toward Xu Feng and landed on Xu Feng's shoulder.

"Brother, am I not good?"

The kitten is full of pride.

Xu Feng knocked on the kitten's small head.

"Which is that young man, the original cat turned out to be his pet?" Many people looked at the kitten's owner, Xu Feng, and they were shocked.


"Zhou Lao, that cat is very good, it should be to receive a different kind of seed, if you can get it, it is really good."

Not far away, standing a young man, his eyes exude a arrogant look, his face full of greed.

At the side of the young man, followed by an old man with white hair, his breath is extremely deep and incomparably strong.

"Less master, the other party can have such a monster, so it may not be a leisurely generation, and it is definitely not an ordinary force. We should not just provoke it."

The white-haired old man’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he felt very clear that Xu Feng’s body was very strong and strong.

The young man did not care. He said: "Zhou Lao, the whole West District is so chaotic. If a person is killed, who can find out?"

"The monster is different, and if it can be used for me, it will definitely be a huge boost for my future."

Zhou Laowen said that he slightly brows his brow.

"Zhou Lao, you came out with me this time, is it hard to succeed in killing a young man?" said the young man.

The old man slowly shook his head and said: "Less master, if the timing is right, I can help you. Now, it is not a chance to shoot."

“Thank you for being old!”

The eyes of the youth are full of incomparable smiles, as if he has obtained the same kind of monster.

With the game until the noon.

In the distance, the sun is burning.

Xu Feng stepped out step by step, and he appeared on the gamble.

Many people's faces are slightly changed. They don't know what this young man wants to gamble on?

"Hey...he dared to go on the gamble?"

Not far from the young man, his mouth was slightly raised.

Xu Feng's eyes swept across the crowd, and he slowly said: "I have a piece of ice in the third heaven."


With Xu Feng taking out the third-day ice field fragment, you should know that Xu Feng’s middle-class spirits can be killed during this time.

The fragment of the ice field of this three-day sky is the fragment that he had previously sacrificed to Teng Zicheng. He has been left in his hand and finally comes in handy.

Of course, there are actually a lot of domain fragments in Xu Feng’s hand.

"A big handwriting, the shot is the fragment of the three heavens."

Many people look at Xu Feng and are very curious about the identity of this young man.

"You said that he is a genius disciple of the four major forces, and the shot is so terrible."

"I don't know what fragment of the field he wants to gamble on?"

Xu Feng slowly said: "I want to gamble on a piece of gravity in the triple sky, and some people can come out to fight."

"Of course, the highest revision of the gambling person is the following four spirits, and you can choose to exchange with me."

Xu Feng’s body is filled with his breath, and his breath is a good spirit.

Many people have greedy eyes in their eyes.

"Oh, unfortunately I don't have the debris of the triple sky, or I must fight him."

"A good spirit is cultivated, and dare to be so arrogant."

(End of this chapter)

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