The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1876: Discover the supreme spirit

Chapter 1876 discovers the supreme spirit

Chapter 1874 discovers the supreme spirit

As Beige City defeated the horror of the incident, it spread after it spread.

This area around the city of Beppu has a lot of fame.

Xu Feng is the owner of the city of Beip.

He almost handed over the entire size of Beige City to Qingyi and others.

He is practicing wholeheartedly.

He calmed down these days and constantly felt the gravity of the heart.

He now has a gravity center that has broken through to the realm of great perfection. Only a little bit can condense the field of gravity.

At that time, he has two great perfect fields, and he will certainly be able to play against the existence of the general four spirits.

"Oh, unfortunately, without the help of debris in the gravity field, it is too difficult to understand the gravity field."

Xu Feng couldn't help but sigh.

Most importantly, the debris in the gravity field that he now needs is a fragment of the field above the triple gravity field.

Such fragmentation of the field is almost exclusively available to a few of the six spirits, and there are few such fragments.

"Forget it, it is impossible to break through for the time being. It can only be like this."

Xu Feng found that his own cultivation and strength seemed to be in a bottleneck.

In the field of killing, at the peak of the first heaven, he was unable to break through to the second heaven.

Gravity is stuck in the realm of great perfection.

The space heart now reaches the sixth weight and cannot directly progress.

Xu Feng seems to understand why so many people say that the road to great perfection is more difficult to get to the back.

Now, he has felt the difficulty.

"It seems that I am going out for a walk."

Xu Feng knows that continuing to stay in Beige City does not have any benefit to him.

Anyway, Beige City is now on the right track.

There are blue wings, snake wars and other people sitting in the town.

Coupled with the existence of the great elders, unless the other party has a high-ranking spirit emperor.

However, Xu Feng seems to know some imperceptible rules these days, that is, in the battles in the Western District, very few high-level spirits are involved.

Xu Feng stood up now and he did not continue to practice.

The shocked sect was seven days after the last arrival.

I don’t know what it’s like to think about it. It seems that there is no movement.

Xu Feng came to his yard.

Snow Sakura sat not far away, she looked at Xu Feng appeared, said: "Xu Feng, have you closed out?"

Xu Feng looked at the look of Snow Sakura and said: "Snow Sakura, is there anything?"

Snow Sakura's face seems to be anxious.

"In the days when you retreat, in the area of ​​our North City, a place called Qingyun Town, there is a supreme spirit."

"It is said that the supreme spirit is not small, the young chiefs came to you several times, knowing that after you closed the practice, they left."

Xu Feng heard the words, his face changed slightly, said: "Snow Sakura, who went with him."

"The young patriarch, with several members of the escort, went to Qingyun Town."

Snow Sakura said.

Xu Feng nodded, and he knew the strength of the Qingyi. However, the Sixth Spirit Emperor repaired and exerted the power of the bleeding pulse. As long as it is not the Seven Spirits Emperor, it is difficult for someone to hurt him.

"The strength of the Qing patriarch is very strong, and with the members of the **** team, there should be no big problem."

Xu Feng said.

"Are they going for a few days?"

Xu Feng continued to ask.

Snow Sakura said: "They have been going for three days. If there is no accident, they should come back tomorrow."

"Snow Sakura, these days I retreat, except for the matter of the supreme liquid, nothing else." Xu Feng asked.

Snow Sakura nodded and said: "Well, it is the discovery of the supreme spirit."

Xu Feng and Snow Sakura are another night.

In the early morning of the next day, Xu Feng got up early to practice boxing.

He has been practicing boxing constantly.

Until noon, the scorching sun continued to burn.

The entire city of Begur has become extraordinarily hot.

Xu Feng felt the heat of the air and said: "How does the weather in Beigacheng suddenly become so hot?"


"Seek assistance... ask for help..."

Outside of North City, a man of the escort.

He is the person who went to Qingyun Town with the blue wings.

At this moment, his body is full of blood, and his breath is very disorderly.

He appeared in front of the city's main house and almost did not pass out.

"One mountain, one mountain... are you okay?"

One mountain is the name of this man. He opened his eyes slightly and said: "Go to Qingyun Town, rescue the Qingyi... they."

"We found the supreme spirit in Qingyun Town, but were besieged by a group of people, causing us to be seriously injured."

"Now the Qingyi and several other people are still surrounded, and I am desperately trying to get back to report."

The words of a mountain sounded, and the face of the elders changed slightly.

The snake war said: "I am going to support."

Xu Feng appeared on the scene. He came to the front of a mountain and took out a few of the best healing Dan. He swallowed it directly.

After a mountain swallowed the drug, the injury recovered a lot. He looked at Xu Feng with excitement: "The city owner, the city owner... hurry to Qingyun Town to save people."

Xu Feng stood up, he looked at the snake battle, Jing Baobing, Chen Jiwen and other three people, said: "Go, we go to Qingyun Town."

"The elders, you are responsible for guarding the city of Beip, it seems that some people want to annex our North City."

Xu Feng’s voice became gloomy.

Qingyun Town is within the scope of Beige City, but was besieged.

In other words, this matter is very likely, and the preparation is long.

"The three of us went to Qingyun Town to support, and the rest were responsible for guarding Beipcheng. But anyone who dared to invade Beipcheng was killed."

Xu Feng stood up and his cold killings filled his body.

"The city owner, you can't go."

Chen Jiwen looked at Xu Feng.

He is very clear that since the other party is prepared, it is very likely that there will be great danger in Qingyun Town.

Xu Feng shook his head and said: "Do not worry, I just need to experience this time, I don't need to worry about my safety."


Xu Feng said to the three people, the spiritual power of his body flowed.

"Brother, wait for me!"

Not far away, a crisp sound sounded.

A white kitten fell on Xu Feng's shoulder.

"Brother, it’s boring to stay here, I’m going out with you for a wave.”

The kitten has an excited color on his face.


Xu Feng urged Jing Baobing and others.

The three of them all looked at each other. If Xu Feng was in danger, it would be awful.


The three followed Qian Feng's back and went to Qingyun Town in the distance.

The speed of the four people was very fast. It took a day to arrive at Qingyun Town. It took only half a day to come to Qingyun Town.


At the moment, Qingyun Town, the smoke is rolling, and the bodies that fall to the ground are everywhere.

Almost all the villages were completely burned by the fire.

Xu Feng's face became extremely gloomy. He didn't expect the other party to be so poisonous. Even the people in Qingyun Town did not let go.

(End of this chapter)

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