Chapter 1872

Chapter 1870, Assault

"Since the owner of the North City City, there is a six-character emperor, a five-character emperor."

"Then we only need to arrange for the two deputy lords to go to war. I don't know which two deputy lords are willing to take the opportunity to replace us and ask for justice."

Xie Xian’s eyes are killing.

His eyes swept through the hall, four deputy masters.

It seems that the hall is in a state of silence.

For Beipcheng, they are not willing to play.

"Sovereign, I think this thing is better than this."

An old man stood up and his eyes looked at Xie Xian.

He is Jing Baobing, one of the four deputy masters of the horror.

"Sovereign, you think about it, since the other party dares to be so arrogant, certainly not without a little bit of conviction."

"We are shocked and sect. Now, with the rainy city, the family, and the windless door, they are almost three pillars under the four forces."

Speaking of this, the old man slightly frowned, said: "In this stall, if we make a big move, it will inevitably not be taken advantage of."

The words of Jing Baobing sounded, but Xie Xian shook his head directly.

He directly denied: "Jing Baobing deputy lord, you said that the stormy city Yanjia and no wind door, they dare not surprise us."

"Since you propose to give up this, then you will be responsible for destroying the North City. You see, which deputy you need to be with you."

"Of course, I hope that you will be quick and quick to destroy Beipcheng at the fastest speed so as not to be seen as a joke."

Xie Xian is very clear, as time goes by.

The upcoming Wuwu Conference, which is about to be held in the half moon, is about to begin.

He didn't want to be a shame on the meeting of the Wushu. Only when he destroyed the city of Beige, they were shocked and able to shine at the meeting.

"The lord, let me and the deputy lord go to this."

A middle-aged man next to him, his eyes narrowed slightly.

"Very good, if you both shot, then it must be hand-to-hand."

Xie Xian is very satisfied with the two shots.

He said: "The deputy lord of Jing, I will give you four of the five elites, and ten four spirits."

"As for the lower-level Lingdi warriors, of course, you need some. After all, you may have to rush to the stage. Lest you appear to be alone."

Jing Baobing was shocked. I must know that this is almost half of the man who was shocked. I can’t think that this lord is really iron-hearted and wants to destroy Beige City.

However, Jing Baobing also secretly shook his head.

After so many years of horror, the lord has always been alive.

This is the first time I have suffered such a big loss, and naturally I will not give up.

"The deputy lord of Jing, at the same time, must also hand you a task, take Xie Ting to go this shackle, and let him experience in Beige City."

"At the time of the half-moon sect of the meeting, he was a young talent who was shocked by the sect."

When the old man finished, a young man outside, walked in gracefully.

He respected Xie Xian above and said: "Father!"

Yes, this Xie Ting is the birth son of Xie Xian.

The talent is very good, and now it is already the second peak of the Emperor.

Jing Baobing frowned slightly and said: "The lord, this time we went to Beipcheng, but we have to go to life and death."

"I don't think it's better not to let the young masters go. After all, it will be dangerous to fight, and we don't know the true details of each other."

Jing Baobing is very clear.

Although Xie Ting is very talented, there are few real life and death killers.

I often fight people in the horror.

However, who would dare to injure him? Even some people have to deliberately lose to him.

"Uncle Jing, I think what you said is too exaggerated. Isn't it a big city in Beipcheng that dares to provoke us to be shocked?"

"And, I am now a second-class spirit emperor, even if the three spirits are also defeated by me."

Xie Ting said with arrogance.

Jing Baobing’s brow is still screwed up.

"Jing Jing deputy, you can rest assured, let Xie Ting follow you, and you will teach him by the way."

After Xie Xian finished, he did not continue to argue with Jing Baobing.

Instead, he said: "Since this matter is decided, then you will go to some people and then set off tomorrow morning."

"I am waiting for your good news."

After that, Xie Xian left the hall.

Xie Ting also followed.

"Chen Laodi, why didn't you just say a word, the Shaozong Lord followed us, isn't it a good thing?"

Jing Baobing is very clear that Xie Ting is very difficult to compete in the real life and death battle.

Xie Xian is old and has a very good taste for his son.

The other side is a genius on the surface. To be honest, I am afraid that it is a rich second generation.

"Jing Jing, you don't know the character of the young master. If we don't let him go, then it will cause the suspicion of the lord."

The middle-aged man sighed helplessly.


In a blink of an eye.

Three days passed.

Beigacheng is becoming more and more prosperous under the orderly operation.

In just three days, everything in Beipcheng seems to have started to function.

Xu Feng looked at the city in front of him. His eyes were deep with a hegemonic light. His heart said: "My goal is not this Beipcheng, but the western part of the whole Shenzhou."

"Since the West is very remote, the other big forces are not going to see it. I am slowly rising in this West District."

“Northern City is just the first step, hoping to find the right place, and then start a real opening ceremony.”

Xu Feng is very clear that his current strength is still too weak.

If he is a breakthrough to the Seven Spirits Emperor, then he can directly open the school.

At that time he is not afraid of any forces.

"Forget it, there is still a long way to go from the Seven Spirits."

Xu Feng shook his head and took back his mind.

"The city owner, I was shocked."

At this time, a figure appeared next to Xu Feng.

This person is the three major islands Xu Feng recruited, including one of the four spirits.

The current guards are a total of sixteen.

Xu Feng’s face was smiling, saying: “Isn’t the sect of the horror?”

He is very clear that the shocked sect will never go out of the nest.

The man nodded and said: "According to the report of our spies, the people who are shocked by the sect should be two deputy lords."

"And, the young masters of the horror of the sects followed suit. It seems that the horror of the sect is to treat us as a experience."

The Guardian’s face was ridiculous, and he was well aware of the current heritage of Begur.

Do not say that the two sons of the sorrowful sects, even if they are out of the nest, Beige City is also not afraid.

Xu Feng stood there nodded and said: "Since people who are shocked and sent to send welfare, isn't that simple?"

"Our escorts also need to constantly expand their membership, and it is a good choice to surprise those who come from the sect."

(End of this chapter)

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