The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1870: Break your hands and put them back

Chapter 1870 interrupted his hands and put them back

"If you go to inform the people who are shocked, you will let him come to the city."

Xu Feng told the person who came to report, directly said.

"Okay, the city owner."

The one who reported the news was the person who was in the city of Beacon.

There is no doubt that Xu Feng wants the other party to come to the main city of Beipcheng City, is to give each other a horse.

This is telling the other side that Beige City is not afraid of the shock.


Not much time.

The person who reported the news came outside of North City.

He looked at the man opposite.

Although the man's cultivation is a middle-class spirit, but with the backing of the city government, he does not have much fear.

"Hello, our city master told me to tell you, there is something, you can go to the city government to see him."

The voice of the informant was powerful and there was no compromise.

Peng Haozhong's face was gloomy, and he did not expect himself to be an elder of the horror.

When I came to this small city of Begur, I still had to go to see a small town owner myself.

"Do you have great courage in the city of Bego, do not know, I am a elder who is shocked."

His voice is very cold.

The person who reported the news nodded and said: "Hello, our city owner knows that you are a shocked person."

Many people in Beigacheng have been attracted by this scene.

They looked at Peng Haozhong with a mocking smile on his face.

You must know that the former city government that was rampant in Beipcheng was the nephew of the sect.

Moreover, the reputation of the shocked sect is quite bad.

No one expected that the new city owner of Beipcheng was so hard.

"Hey, you are very courageous in North City."

Peng Hao stepped out in one step and fell on the face of the reporter.

The person who reported the news suddenly spewed out a blood, and the body fell to the ground.

"What are you doing?"

People around Beige City are coming around.

Peng Haozhong looked at the people who fell on the ground and said: "Get up and take me to the city government. I want to see the courage of your city's main government. Let me be shocked by the elders and ask for him."

The informant bit his teeth and he struggled to get up from the ground.

He reached out and wiped the blood from his mouth.

I feel the burning pain in my cheeks.

"Hello, please!"

He did not let himself behave very embarrassed. He knew that the urban master would definitely ask him for justice.

"Hey, if you change to my former character, you are already a dead person."

Peng Haozhong walked and said to the person who reported.

The person reporting the news did not speak, but led the way ahead.

On the way, Peng Haozhong is showing off his identity as an elder.

I was shocked by myself, and it was not a small city like Beige City.

As the two went all the way to the main city of Beigacheng.


There are two people in the city's main house to stop Peng Haozhong's way.

"He can go in and inform the city owner that you have to stand outside."

Peng Haozhong heard that he almost did not vomit blood.

The capital of the city of Beiga is really dead.

Let him personally come to see the city owner, this does not say, and now let him meet outside the city government, this is simply humiliating him.

"Is the city owner of Beigacheng, I am afraid it is too long?" Peng Haozhong eyes with anger, this is not only a shame to him, but also a shame and shock.

"Our city owners set the rules, we are the capital of the city of Beip, the villain and the mad dog can not enter."

The two guards looked at Peng Haozhong’s look and swear, and resisted not laughing.

They are so refreshing for the first time in their lives.

Directly insult the existence of the Five Spirits Emperor.

Peng Haozhong's eyes are splitting, and he stares at the two guards opposite him. He said, "It's very good, very good, you will pay for the city owners."

The person reporting the news went inside the city government.

"The palm print on your face is the messenger?"

Xu Feng looked at the person who reported the news and asked.

He did not expect Xu Feng to care about a person who reported to him. He was moved with emotion. He said: "The city owner, the messenger is very arrogant. He just slaps me under anger, but if he doesn't kill me, it will be fine. ”

Xu Feng went to the front of the informant and patted him on the shoulder.

"Don't worry, he will pay a painful price for this slap."

Xu Feng said to the person who reported the news. He looked at the Qingyi and said: "The Qing chief, Zhao Long, you two will go out with me."

"For the time being, we should not expose too much strength to the shocking sect. We slowly stunned him once and for all."

Xu Feng’s words are spoken, and Qingyi and others are not clear.

However, the two of them followed Xu Feng to the outside of the city government.

The person reporting the news is at the end.

He did not care about Xu Feng’s words of justice to him.

Xu Feng took the three people around him and went outside the city's main government.

He smiled on his face and said, "Oh, this messenger, I am sorry, our city hall in Beipcheng is too small to accommodate a mad dog, so... you can only meet you outside the city government."


Zhao Long and Qing Yi, standing behind Xu Feng, directly squirted out.

They really can't hold back.

Heaven and earth conscience, like Xu Feng, they are really rare.

Such a straightforward insult to the other party, but let the other party do not know what to say.

"Kid, you are so bold, do you know who I am?"

Peng Haozhong stared at Xu Feng.

Xu Feng slowly said: "I am not saying it very clearly? Do you want me to say it again, mad dog!"

When Xu Feng spit out the words of the mad dog, the people around the city's main house all laughed out loud.

"Kid, I killed you!"

Peng Haozhong's eyes are red, why have he been so insulted?

He stepped out step by step, and his majestic spirits attacked Xu Feng.

"Hey, get out!"

He originally thought that he could easily kill Xu Feng.

I know, Zhao Long and Qing Yi also shot.

The two men went one by one and attacked Peng Hao.

Peng Haozhong discovered that Zhao Long and Qing Yi, who stood next to each other, turned out to be the peak of Wupinling Emperor, and one was the Sixth Emperor.

He wants to close his hand and has three bodies to collide.

How is Peng Haozhong an opponent of the two.


Suddenly, Peng Haozhong’s body was directly shaken out by two people, and a blood spurted out. His body fell to the ground.

Xu Feng walked to the front of Peng Haozhong, and the other star looked at Xu Feng with surprise.

"who are you?"

Peng Haozhong is very clear that the six spirits are repaired, even if they are shocked, they are the deputy masters.

At the moment, the young man in front of him is like a guard.

He had to be surprised.

"We are the new city of Begocheng."

Xu Feng looked at Peng Hao in the ground and said: "Give your face, you are not shameful. Then don't blame me."

"Amazing people, in my North City, glory, what are you?"

"Turn off your hands and put them back."

Xu Feng looked at the person who reported not far away, saying: "He slapped you in the face, interrupted his two hands and asked you for justice."

(End of this chapter)

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