The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1864: Submission to Mishima

Chapter 1864 surrendered to Mishima

"The island of Heaven Island, please come out and talk."

Standing next to Xu Feng, Zhao Long said to Tianwei Island.

Li Li heard in the distance, he looked at Zhao Long next to Xu Feng, his face changed.

He found that people standing next to Xu Feng at the moment.

It turned out to be a person from Dalong Island.

"It turned out to be the owner of Dalong Island. I dare to ask you this?"

Li Li is a bit curious.

He is very clear about the owner of the island of Dalong Island. This guy was shocked before and was recruited several times.

They were all rejected directly by him.

Now watching Zhao Long follow Xu Feng, he has to be surprised.

"Li Li, we don't say dark flowers in front of our celebrities. The city of Beigacheng is full of talents, and it is better to follow him than to stay on this island."

Zhao Long’s voice sounded, and he said to Li Li, who was opposite.

Li Li heard the words and frowned. "Zhao Long, you want to surrender, but don't pull me. I am not suitable for being a subordinate."

"Li Li, you should understand that with these nine twists and loops, you can't stop us. You will be killed and wounded by then."

"The city owners of our city of Beige only need a few of your middle-class spirits. The rest of them are not interested at all. Why do you create casualties?"

When Zhao Long spoke.

The members of the opposite Da Huang Island are full of anger.

They did not expect this North City to be so arrogant, even the low-level spirits could not look down.

"Zhao Long, you don't have to say more, since Li Li is carrying so many brothers, I naturally can't leave them alone."

Li Li’s voice was decided. He said directly: “If they continue to approach, then release all the nine songs we have stored.”

Xu Feng stood in front of Ling Zhou, and he slightly browed his brow.

"Leely Island Lord, are you really not afraid? If the strong man of the half-moon sect knows that you are hiding here, will you come and chase you?"

Zhao Long told him that the opposite Li Li may have come from the half moon.

That is the existence of one of the four major forces in the vast western region of China.

Even if the other party fled to the sea, he was absolutely afraid of the half moon.

"Oh, it’s not a big jade."

Li Li snorted coldly, and it was obvious that Xu Feng was talking about his heart.

"Lee Island Lord, you just said that so many brothers are following you. Do you have the heart to be slaughtered by my people?"

"I am telling you that there is a strong person who is surrounded by Liu Pinling Emperor and I am surrounded by you. You can hurt him?"

The words of Xu Feng spread out, and the old patriarchs around him were also very appropriate to break out of the cultivation of the body.

The incomparable momentum made Li Li, who was a few dozen feet away, his face changed slightly.

Xu Feng looked at the opposite Li Li and knew that the other party was moving.

He continued to say: "Lee Island Lord, you have been rushed to such a sea by the half moon, do you not want revenge?"

"If you join my Beige City, I am sure that the half-monthly strong, do not dare to come to your troubles. Even if the half-monthly to find you trouble, I will let them have no return."

"Lee Island Lord, this is a bad smell, don't you want it?"

Xu Feng’s voice is powerful.

The opposite Li Li sank.

"Li Island Lord, I will give you half an hour to consider. If you still can't think clearly, then I will order my people and start attacking the island."

"Lidao master can rest assured that Zhao Long can follow me, you follow me and enjoy the same treatment." Xu Feng's words rang, the Zhao Long next to him almost did not vomit blood.

He followed Xu Feng completely empty gloves white wolf, no treatment at all.

"Let us think for a moment."

Li Li said to this side, shouting.

Xu Feng did not worry, but took everyone, and did not move in place.

"The city owner, do you think Li Li will surrender?"

Zhao Long asked Xu Feng.

Xu Feng’s face with a confident smile said: “He will definitely surrender.”

Zhao Long did not know where Xu Feng came from.

Of course, he did not know that when Xu Feng was a hero, he was the leader of the Tianhua domain.

It is he who constantly absorbs the addition of those who are strong.

as expected.

After half an hour has passed.

Li Li, who was opposite, ordered the people around him to close up the nine-ring chain.

Xu Feng took everyone on the island.

"Lee Island Lord, you will be glad for your decision today."

Xu Feng walked over to Li Li and patted him on the shoulder.

"This is a poisonous Dan that I have refined. After you swallow it, there are no side effects. If there is no antidote after one year, your body will be like the pain of thousands of ants."

Li Li heard the words and his face changed.

The four four-person spirits around him are not good-looking.

Li Li looked at Zhao Long.

Zhao Long smiled and said: "Li Li, this poisonous Dan has no side effects on the body, but it is also good for cultivation. We have taken it."

"Do not worry, I have always liked to treat everyone like this. You and Zhao Long, I treat them equally."

Xu Feng seems to be seeing the concerns of Zhao Long and others, saying: "I mainly recruit you, I want to form a escort."

"And you, in the future, will become our escorts in Beipcheng. When you are treated, you will never be worse than the dark team in the Dark Hall."

Xu Feng’s voice is full of confidence.

After surrendering to the desert island.

He took everyone and marched toward Durian Island again.

Durian Island is also one of the three major islands.

The owner of Durian Island, looking at Dalong Island and Tianhuang Island, has agreed to follow Xu Feng.

He continues to bear stubborn resistance, and that is a dead end.

Without any choice, he also chose to surrender.

In this way, the team around Xu Feng suddenly grew up.

You know, there are a lot of low-level spirits on the three islands.

When these people go to Beipcheng, they will pick out a lot of good seedlings after careful selection.

At that time, plus the strong people brought out by Xu Feng from the ancient comet, the group is built into the city of Beip, the strength is not weak.

Xu Feng did not think that this trip to the sea, even to get such a big gain, his face is a smile.

"You, you follow me Xu Feng today, you will definitely be proud in the future."

Xu Feng’s voice was confident. He swept his eyes over the people who had surrendered him. He said: “I have a clear reward for this person. You will get a lot of resources in Beige City.”

"Of course, my request is one. I will never support any waste in Beige City. You can promote each other and promote each other."

"If the four spirits of the emperor can beat the five spirits emperor, then you can get a lot of rewards. The specific details, when we return to Beipcheng, I will continue to arrange."

(End of this chapter)

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