The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1861: As long as the middle class

Chapter 1861 as long as the middle class

Chapter 1859, as long as the middle class

Unintentional island.

Xu Feng came with Zhu Xiao.

Those who came out of the wild comet, their faces are full of excitement.

That means that Xu Feng can take them away.

"Old patriarch, is there anything on the island?"

Xu Feng looked at the old patriarch who was welcoming and asked.

The old patriarch shook his head and said: "All the islands are well, have they found the place where they lived?"


Xu Feng nodded and said: "The old patriarch, we came out so many people, I am afraid that the places I found can not be fully accommodated."

“It’s not like this, we are going to occupy all the islands in this sea area. Then everyone lives on these islands separately.”

"You don't want to look down on these small islands. There are a lot of resources on the island. And there are many strong people in the boundless seas."

"At that time, everyone slowly recuperated on these islands, and the rest of us went to the land."

"When we all settle down, when the site is big enough, everyone can land on the land together."

"Old patriarch, great elder, what do you think?" Xu Feng looked at the old patriarch and the grand elders of the Snowy Fox family.

The old patriarch and the elders glanced at each other and said: "We are all obeying your instructions now, and you can arrange everything."

"Thank you for your trust, Xu Feng is here to promise everyone that we can all come together in less than three years."

Xu Feng’s voice is firm.

There was a strong smile in his eyes, and he said: "But next, I am afraid we have to meet a little trouble."

Xu Feng looked at the sea level in the distance, and saw that there were several ship boats there, all of which were marked with flags.

Above the flag is the three words of Dalong Island.

"They are really coming."

Xu Feng looked at the old patriarchs and elders and other people around him and said: "Old patriarchs, big elders, trouble you, remember not to kill the strong spirits of the middle spirits, try to stay alive."

"As for the lower-ranking spirits of the warriors, we all shot together, killing them can also, not killing can be."

"In any case, it is everyone who wants to practice."

Xu Feng stood outside the unintentional island. He was followed by the old patriarch and the elders. Both of them were repaired by the Six Emperors.

Now, they appear outside the wild comet, and they will not die so easily. In time, they will be able to break through to the seven spirits.

Once the breakthrough is to the high-level Lingdi, then for the overall strength, it is a huge improvement.

"Is the island owner, those people seem to be waiting for us?"

Standing next to Zhao Long, a warrior of the four-character emperor, he frowned.

His eyes narrowed slightly and he felt that something was wrong.

When did the unintentional island have so many people?

Zhao Long is also slightly indulged.

However, a woman of the four-character emperor around him said: "I said that you, the great men, can you not be so embarrassed?"

"The unintentional island is simply a group of waste, how could it pose any threat to us." The woman said with disdain.

"Don't worry, we used to look at the situation and make plans."

Zhao Long took everyone and approached the unintentional island.


Zhao Long took the people and came to the outside of the unintentional island.

He frowned and he found the people in front of him really waiting for himself.

Xu Feng looked at the person above the Ling Zhou and smiled: "I must be the owner of the island of Dalong Island, Zhao Long?"

Xu Feng looked at the middle-aged man headed by this person, Zhao Long, the island owner of Dalong Island. This is the message that Zhu Xiao told him.

“Well?” Zhao Long frowned slightly and said: “If I remember correctly, the island owner of the unintentional island is Zhu Xiao, is it just the three spirits?”

"I don't think Zhao Island Lord still remembers it. It really makes me feel honored." Zhu Xiao stood out from Xu Feng's side and said with a smile.

"However, now I am already the squatter of Xu Fengcheng. There will be no island owners in the future, and we all belong to Beipcheng."

Zhu Xiao’s words rang.

Opposite Zhao Long suddenly waved his hand and said: "Slow, you can not talk about it, our Dalong Island may not belong to the jurisdiction of Beipcheng, we belong to the jurisdiction of the half moon."

"Our Dalong Island believes that these years and the Beige City well water do not make river water, dare to ask why you want to kill my Dalong Island people?"

Zhao Long’s voice sounded, and several people around him were released.

Xu Feng looked at a few people and said: "Three four-character emperors, a five-character emperor peak, this lineup is really good."

"I don't want to take a trip to the sea."

Xu Feng’s words rang, and the people around him were all wrong.

Opposite Zhao Long and others are even more uncomfortable, said: "Boy, what do you mean? Be a man or not too arrogant."

"Zhaodao Lord, you don't know, we need to form a **** team in Beige City. This **** team only needs the intermediate spirit emperor."

"So, I think the strength of Zhaodao and the three people around you are quite suitable. I want to persuade you to join the city of Bepgar and become a member of the escort."

After the words are finished, the people on the opposite side of Dalong Island are all face to face.

This kid is too arrogant, right?

Zhao Long’s face was gloomy. He stared at Xu Feng and said, “Little brother, what do you think you are, let us be your guard?”

"All of us are in this sea area, and we are rampant. The fire is made with money. It is difficult to be together. How happy and happy, what are we doing with you?"

"Haha... it’s right!"

Xu Feng suddenly laughed, and the people around him were even more puzzled.

This Xu Feng did not want to recruit Zhao Long and others before. How suddenly did he feel that the opposite Zhao Long and others said that it makes sense?


I know that Xu Feng’s voice turned and smiled. “But if you don’t even have life, how can you live happily in this sea area?”

There is no doubt that Xu Feng’s words are really red! bare! Naked threat.

"Kids, a big tone, we have to look at it, how do you let us have no life?" A man of the four spirits of the emperor said angry.

Xu Feng looked at the old patriarch around him and said: "The old patriarch, and he should do it, don't kill it, otherwise it will be a loss."

In an instant when the old patriarch stood up, the breath of the peak of the six-character emperor appeared on his body, and his eyes were overbearing.

"Since he wants you to follow him, then you are obedient, why do you have to look for bitterness?" The old patriarch's eyes narrowed up and said with a sneer.

With the breath of the peak of Liupinling Emperor, the people on the opposite side of Dalong Island were shocked.

(End of this chapter)

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