The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1846: Big chance

Chapter 1846 The Great Opportunity

Time, quiet past.

Xu Feng and Xu Pang seem to have returned to the Tianhua domain of the year.

Chat between father and son is very enjoyable.

Among the dark eyes, the gradual infiltration of a chilly cold light.

Obviously, the big devil has begun to resist.

Xu Feng has almost no defense against Xu Pang around him.

He only felt his eyes darker and he wanted to open his eyes desperately, only to find that the surroundings were dark.


A sudden sound sounded, and the laughter was full of embarrassment.

Inside the laughter, it seems to be boundless darkness.

The moment when his last eyes closed, appeared in his vision, not Xu Pan’s face, but a sly and ugly face.

"who are you?"

Xu Feng finally understood that the person who chatted with him was not his father.

But why is it not his father, but is it so clear to Tianhua’s affairs?

Even for the things in Tianchi City, the other party is clear.

Can it be said that his father has become a devil?

"who am I?"

"Ha ha ha... who am I?"

"I don't even know myself, who am I?"

"I only know, I thank you for giving me your body today, and I will take your body and climb the peak of the spiritual godland."


Xu Feng's eyes slowly closed, he only felt a horrible soul power, and struck toward his soul.

"I want to win me again?"

He felt that the other side wanted to win himself, and both eyes were mocking smiles. Although he fell into a certain fantasy, he began to sleep.

However, he is very clear that for many years, no one can succeed without anyone who wants to win him.

"I have the heart of the soul, I am not looking for death?" Xu Feng's eyes are firm, he has no fear.

"Kid, why are you not afraid? You know, you are going to be a dead person." The sly face, the voice is extremely cold.

"It’s ridiculous."

Xu Feng’s voice was extremely mellow, and he slowly said: “You are not my father, then I am very curious, how do you know so many things?”

"I am not your father?"

The voice was a bit pessimistic, but it seemed pitiful.

"You are wrong. I am not your father and your father. I and your father are already unclear. Who are we?"

"So, today, I want to occupy your body, it is to continue everything about your father." The voice became awkward.

A powerful soul force rushes out toward the sea of ​​his own soul.

Xu Feng’s soul power appears in the soul sea.

He and the opposite body shook and stood.

"The soul power of the eighty-second order?"

On the opposite side of the incomparable face, with an incredible look, he now has only a little bit of remnant.

If it is, in his heyday, then naturally it is easy to win the soul of Xu Feng.

He did not expect that this Xu Feng is a young age and the soul power is so strong.

However, he does not feel that Xu Feng can resist himself.

"Kid, your soul power is not bad, but unfortunately I will be swallowed up by me and become my tonic." The owner of the face, said with a low voice.

"I am also very interested in your soul. Although you seem to be just a broken soul, it makes me feel very good."

Xu Feng’s face has a confident smile.

The incomparable look fell to the opposite side of the devil's head, thoroughly irritating each other.

"court death."

The remnant of the devil's head danced with both hands, and it even condensed into a general existence of the celestial net, and came down to the network of Xu Feng.

Xu Feng's eyes are all condensed, and he immediately stepped out. His speed is naturally not slow, but this is his soul sea.

As his figure rushed, his hands suddenly slammed, and it was also a flame-like attack, going to the ground.


The devil did not expect that Xu Feng actually had a soul secret, suddenly roared.

Those celestial nets were directly burned by Xu Feng’s soul secret technique, “Soul Water Fire”, and the sky was instantly destroyed.

"It turned out to be a little trick, but it was not enough." The devil screamed, his arms wide open, and the **** mouth was wide.

It’s just the time between the moments, the **** mouth, it’s swallowing directly toward Xu Feng, and the speed is extremely fast.

Xu Feng’s face has not changed. He knows that this **** mouth wants to swallow himself, that is impossible.

"The heart of the soul, give me ingestion."

In the moment when Xu Feng snorted, the silk around his soul sea, the densely condensed souls began to condense.

"what is this?"

The devil felt his soul and was instantly bound.

His eyes were all terrified, and he immediately said, "How is it possible? How can you have such a treasure, the heart of the soul?"

The eyes of the devil's head are all in a stunned look. He only feels his own soul and is instantly bound by the heart of the soul.

"Now, you can tell me, what is your relationship with my father?" Xu Feng looked at the opposite devil, said.

"Ha ha ha... boy, you have the ability to swallow me, but my father... you swallowed me, your father is dead."

However, at this time, among the dark eyes outside, a soul struggled out in an instant.

"Feng, quickly devour the last remaining soul of his death."

The voice stirred up and Xu Feng’s body was shocked.

My father is really in the west of the ancient comet.

"Ah... Xu Pang, you can't die..."

The magic hair screamed.

His remnant soul was bound by the heart of Xu Feng's soul. Naturally, he could not suppress Xu Pang's remnant soul, and he was freed from the other side.


After Xu Feng shouted, he relentlessly took the remnant soul of the demon head and used the heart of the soul to start swallowing up insanely.

Xu Feng only felt that the majestic and pure soul power constantly rushed toward his own soul, and the power of his soul continued to improve.

Although this devil is only a remnant of the soul, it has such a terrible soul power, and the help for Xu Feng is huge.

Xu Feng can hardly imagine how terrible it would be if the soul of the complete devil was the soul.

However, he also feels fortunate that this is just a remnant.

If it is a complete soul, I am afraid that he now has the soul of the soul, and he is unable to bind the other side, devour the other side.

Xu Feng’s soul power has been continuously improved, and his breath has also greatly improved.

(End of this chapter)

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