The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1843: Going to the wild west of the comet

Chapter 1843 goes to the western part of the wilderness

"No one has ever seen the legend of the devil."

There was also a self-deprecating smile on the face of the blue wing.

After all, the demon does not exist, for everyone, it is a mysterious existence.

Everyone is only guessing why the person who entered it died, because the western part of the wild comet has a demon.

Xu Feng followed the Qingyi to the Qingyi Dragon.

Qingyi let him rest for one night and take him to see the patriarch of tomorrow.

Xu Feng sat down on his knees and began to practice.

Xu Feng is very clear that he must fight against time to cultivate and have the opportunity to defeat his enemies.

Early the next morning.

The Qingyi came to find Xu Feng early, and the two went to the back of the Qingyi Dragon, where there was a quiet forest.

Two people walked toward the woods. Their speed was not slow. It was only a short while, and they came to the back of the Qingyi Dragon.

Xu Feng felt a strong breath swept over. His eyes were all condensed, and he saw an old man sitting not far away.

The old man's white hair, wrinkles on his face, the strangeness of his eyes, sometimes fear, sometimes happy.

"Old patriarch... old patriarch... I am coming to see you..." Qingyi said respectfully to the old man sitting there.

"Hey Hey……"

The old man heard the voice of the blue wing and suddenly came out from there. His eyes looked at the blue wings and his head was in front of the blue wings.

Stretched out his hand and pinched the nose of the blue wing, and smiled and said: "Hey, who are you? How can I not remember that I know you?"

Qingyi did not dare to rebel against the old man. However, the old patriarch and his elders, he just smiled and smiled at Xu Feng.

The eyes of the old patriarch suddenly fell on Xu Feng, and immediately he showed the color of fear, pointing to Xu Feng, the voice trembled: "You are the devil... you are the devil... ah... the devil..."

Xu Feng heard the words, suddenly frowned.

Is this old patriarch, really in the western part of the wild star, have seen his father?

"Old patriarch, don't be excited, he is not a devil..."

Qingfeng looked at the old patriarch of fear and said.

The mood of the old patriarch seemed to settle down. His eyes looked at Xu Feng with some curiosity. He smiled and said, "Oh, it’s so weird, why do you look, and that person seems to be?"


Xu Feng heard that the body is a shock.

There is no doubt that the old patriarch said that his father is Xu Pang.

“Don't the father really die?”

Xu Feng’s heart is deeply puzzled. He feels that he must go to the western part of the wild star to see what it is.

Later, Xu Feng found that he could not get the correct answer when he spoke to the old patriarch.

Xu Feng clearly felt that the soul of the old patriarch was damaged and it was broken.

It is very likely that he knows what he should not know, and he is broken by the life.

However, the state of the old patriarch could not get anything useful from his mouth.

Xu Feng and Qing Wing are helpless and can only leave.

For three consecutive days, Xu Feng came to say hello to the old patriarch every day, and wanted to know something about the western part of the wilderness.

Unfortunately, he did not have any gains. The old patriarch looked at his eyes. It was also a good time and a bad time. Sometimes he felt that he was a heinous devil.

Sometimes, I feel that Xu Feng is very good.

Anyway, it seems that in the heart of the old patriarch, it seems incomparable contradiction.


No one knows.

The wild west of the comet, the depth of the lost.

There seems to be a pair of dark eyes, which are being observed anytime and anywhere, the whole situation of the ancient comet, the eyes, the feeling of incomparable fear.

The western part of the ancient wild star seems to be constantly swaying with breath, and the fierce light of a circle is beginning to surge.

"come yet?"

No one heard it, the old man who looked incomparably, but the incomparable vicissitudes of life, and the sound of coldness floated.


Xu Feng looked at the blue wing in front of him and said: "The Qing patriarch, thank you for the help of these three days, let me have a great understanding of the western part of the wild star."

"Next, I am going to go directly to the western part of the wild star. I want to see, what is the horror of the forbidden land you said?"

Xu Feng’s voice is extremely firm and his face is calm and calm.

Qingyi heard the words, his face suddenly changed, said: "Xu Feng, I think we should go back some time, look at the old patriarch, will there be any new progress, or what useful news can be obtained?" ""

Xu Feng shook his head, and his heart was very clear.

The old patriarch of the Qingyi Dragon family is now abnormal. He knows that he has not received any useful news from here. .

Simply letting this flow down, no one knows the result.

It is better to go and see for yourself. In the end, it is death or alive. It seems that this rumored western part of the wild comet is what it is.

"The young patriarch, you should know that the soul of the old patriarch is broken, even if he is swallowed by nine days of snow lotus, he can't recover."

The broken soul and broken soul are the same as horrible.

The soul is broken, it is a serious injury.

However, the broken soul is the soul of the old patriarch, and the one born is deprived of part.

"But... the wild west of the comet is really dangerous."

Qingyi said to Xu Feng.

"Thank you for the reminder of the Qing patriarch."

Xu Feng is determined to do things, of course he will not change his mind.

I saw that Xu Feng was holding the kitten in his arms and heading toward the western part of the wild comet.

Qingyi looked at the back of Xu Feng's departure and couldn't help but shook his head.


The blue wing is also very clear inside, and the hope of leaving the ancient comet is really too embarrassing.

Xu Feng and the kitten came out from the Qingyi Dragon. He took the kitten and quickly walked out toward the western part of the ancient comet.

After his long journey, he looked at the distant place, it looked like a gray sky, and it seemed to be foggy.

"Is there the western part of the wild comet? It doesn't seem so horrible?" Xu Feng stared into the distance, he said slightly.

Xu Feng's speed was very fast, and he came outside the western part of the wild star. He clearly felt that a pressure from the soul came from all directions.


He didn't think there was anything strange here, but when he appeared here, he obviously felt the soul was under pressure.

"It seems that it is really not simple, there is a soul pressure?"

His face changed slightly and his mood was fluctuating.

However, he did not have any hungry hesitation, and walked slowly toward the foggy place in front.

(End of this chapter)

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