The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1835: Qingheng admitted

Chapter 1835 Qing Heng admit defeat

The face of the snake war turned from a disdain at the beginning to a surprise.

Up to now, his face has become incredible.

He thinks this is incredible. Whenever a warrior of the spirits can be so perverted.

At the same time, facing the two second-class spirit emperors, they did not fall into the slightest disadvantage.

"Haha, it seems that my decision is correct, this is a terrible talent." The heart of the giant Taishan is very excited at the moment.

Although the giant Dai people follow Xu Feng, they may lose a lot of freedom.

However, he feels that Xu Feng's character is very good, and their giants will not lose their dignity.

Moreover, the giant scorpion has the opportunity to become more powerful. Why not make such a choice?

All the people on the scene are very surprised at the moment.

No one had thought that the existence of a one-of-a-kind spirit could be such a strong point.

You must know that even if the Qingyi of the Qingyi Dragons is a master of the spirit, it is absolutely impossible to defeat the two second spirits.

The face of the snake red sky has become gloomy. When he thinks about his own limelight, it is very likely that even if he gets the first, he will be crushed by Xu Feng, and his heart is incomparably angry.

He finally managed to defeat Qingyi once.

Seeing his momentum and reputation, he must take off.

I know, it’s just like a Xu Feng, it’s just a cross.

Qing Yi’s heart at the moment is also very strange.

I have to say that he is surprised inside, this Xu Feng's talent is really stronger than him.


Snake Jade did not expect Xu Feng to be so strong, before she still felt that Xu Feng was a big talk.

However, at this moment, as the battle continues, he does not think Xu Feng is a big word.

Mainly, Xu Feng did not fall into the slightest wind with an enemy.

Moreover, watching the pattern of Xu Feng’s battle seems to have not gone all out.

"Snake Yunfei, we are fully committed, don't have any hands."

The snake jade snorted, her hands clasped the whip inside her hand, and the sound of the screaming sound came out of the infinite endless whip, and it began to float.

The shadow of the whip of the road, and Xu Feng both made a squeaky voice, seemingly tearing the void, and there was a crack in the road.

"The snake's palm has no shadow."

The snake cloud screamed and suddenly his palm turned out to be shadowless, and the horrible momentum on his body broke out instantly.


Suddenly, the huge palm print, covered with Xu Feng's head, seems to be Xu Feng's entire person into a meat.


However, the whip of the snake jade also came toward the attack of Xu Feng’s body.

The attack of both people was at the same moment and attacked Xu Feng.

"I don't know how Xu Feng resisted?"

Many people looked at Xu Feng with curiosity. They wanted to know how Xu Feng resisted this attack.

With such a rapid attack, can Xu Feng really resist it?

"The genius."

Xu Feng roared, and the first killing field of the peak of the sky appeared, and the blood-red light seemed to cover the entire ring.

Then, the violent fist seemed to be like a sky.

The fist turned into the sky, and the cockroach went out.


The fist fell, the violent attack, instantly became powerful.

The palm print of the snake cloud flying opposite, and the whip of the snake jade, were directly shaken by Xu Feng’s fist.

At the same time, the two figures quit and a blood spurted out, and their faces became ugly.

They did not expect that the two men joined forces and they were all defeated by Xu Feng.

Xu Feng looked at the opposite snake jade and snake Yunfei, slowly said: "You still need to be more amiable, don't be too hot, otherwise you will not like people."

His words rang, and the opposite snake jade and snake cloud fly, biting their teeth.

What can be said to be the defeat of others? "

Seeing that snake jade and snake cloud fly together, they were defeated by Xu Feng.

"You said that Xu Feng and the snake red sky are more powerful in the end. I feel that Xu Feng’s strength is not necessarily weaker than the snake red day."

Seeing that Xu Feng defeated the two, they all know that the snake red sky of the second peak of the Emperor of the Spirit may not be able to defeat the two so easily.

"This is really not accurate. It seems that this dark horse of Xu Feng is really preparing for a black end." Someone couldn't help but admire.

"Hey, just said that I have vowed to say that Xu Feng is very arrogant, will be defeated, and look for a dead end?" The person next to him laughed with sarcasm.

"Cut, you don't have to ridicule me like this. Didn't you think that Xu Feng didn't have a chance to win?"

The man suddenly retorted.

"Xu Feng, don't think you are more powerful, hehe!"

Snake jade biting his teeth, her eyes angered Xu Feng.

Grabbing the whip inside the hand, the sly sneak attacked Xu Feng suddenly, and slammed it toward Xu Feng.

"not good!"

Someone looked at the whip, but Xu Feng did not have any precautions.

However, the next moment in the eyes of the public, Xu Feng suddenly grabbed the whip of the snake jade.

His arm suddenly worked hard, only to see the body of the snake jade, and was directly picked up by the whip and flew out over the ring.


The body of the snake jade is heavy on the ground, and all the mouth is blood.

Snake jade struggled to stand up, her eyes glared at Xu Feng, said: "Xu Feng, you are not a man, how do you feel pity and chew jade do not understand ... Oh, hurt me..."

"Pity and cherish the jade is the fragrant jade, but you are in my eyes, it is worthless." Xu Feng looked at the snake jade, so a woman with a snake-like heart, really fits with the three-legged snakes.

"you you……"

The snake jade was said by Xu Feng, and suddenly biting his teeth, it seems extremely grievances.

The snake cloud flew down from the ring. He knew that he would continue to fight Xu Feng. The end will definitely not be much better than the snake jade.

Qingyi did not expect that the appearance of Xu Feng completely broke the ranking of the previous list.

He looked at a few people and said: "Now, Xu Feng defeated the snake jade and the snake cloud fly, only Qingheng, Snake Red, and Qingyi three people, you have not had a battle."

The words of Qingyi are finished.

Qingheng came out, he said slowly: "The patriarch, I think the top three in the list of the ancients are Xu Feng, Qing Yixiao, and the three people of the Snake Red Day compete."

"I am not Xu Feng's opponent, I admit defeat."

Before Qing Qing, he had the opportunity to get the top three in the list of ancients, but now Xu Feng’s appearance is born. He knows that he is definitely not an opponent of Xu Feng.

I am too lazy to fight Xu Feng, it is a waste of time, simply admit defeat.

He is also looking forward to the fact that Xu Feng can not defeat any of the snakes and the blue smile.

(End of this chapter)

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