The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1833: Snow Sakura Battle Snake Jade

Chapter 1833 Snow Sakura Battle Snake Jade

"Qing Teng lost!"

Everyone’s eyes were shocked.

They opened their mouths and their faces were wrong.

You must know that Qingteng is able to rank in the top ten in the list of the oldest.

Moreover, everyone can see that Qing Teng in front of Xu Feng, there is no power to fight back, it is easily defeated.

Qing Yixiao was shocked. He knew the strength of Qingteng. However, it was the refinement of the spirit of the Emperor, but even the real strength of Xu Feng did not force it out.

"Xu Feng, this dark horse, is so powerful?"

Many people looked at Xu Feng, standing on the platform, and they were surprised.

Not far from the snake red sky, he has won the battle.

He did not expect that Xu Feng, who killed his younger brother, exceeded his expectations.

"Damn, what exactly is this Xu Feng coming out? How did the Snowy Silver Fox suddenly find such a powerful genius?"

The snake fight stood at the three-legged snakes, and his face was a bit ugly.

Qing Teng stood up from the ground, and there was a trace of blood hanging from his mouth. His heart was very shocking.

He actually lost to a nameless pawn.

For Qingteng, Xu Feng did not have any fame at all. It was almost the dark horse that appeared in this battle of the ancient list.

"I lost!"

There was some disappointment on Qing Teng’s face, and he looked extremely unsettled.

Xu Feng smiled faintly and said: "Winning and defeating is a common practice."

Qing Teng heard Xu Feng's words. His look was a bit complicated. At the beginning, he felt that Xu Feng could not be his opponent.

I know, Xu Feng actually defeated him easily.

"I won't be so decadent."

Qingteng said that he had a firm look on his face.

The battle between Xu Feng and Qing Teng came to a close, and no one thought that Xu Feng would easily enter the top seven of the old list, and deservedly became the dark horse of this ancient list.

"Xu Feng, you are amazing!"

Snow Sakura said to Xu Feng with worship.

Xu Feng reached out and scraped the nose of the snow-snowing cherry. He said, "Of course, you don't look at it. Who am I?"

"Cut, stinky!" Snow Sakura's face with a sweet smile, that smile can simply reverse the sentient beings, can confuse the people.

Xue Qiao stood on the side and watched Xu Feng and Xue Ying flirting and said: "Hey, what do two people do so, he is my man sooner or later."

Such words can only be said by Xue Qiao.

Snow Sakura seems to be a declaration of sovereignty against Xue Qiao, reaching out to hold Xu Feng's arm with a hint of provocation in his eyes.

This round of battle is over.

There are only seven people left, all of them are of three major races, and the rest of the races are completely annihilated.

Including the giant tyrants, his luck was very bad, and the opponent he met was a smile.

Although his current strength has improved a lot, but compared with Qing Yixiao, the gap is still huge.

However, the performance of the giant tyrants is also a big surprise for many people.

The former giant tyrants, at most, are the existence of the 20th list.

Now the giant tyrants can actually enter the top thirteen.

The most important thing is that anyone can see that if his opponent is a blue smile.

Then his ranking can go further.

At least, many people can see that the strength of the giant tyrants is already stronger than the snakes of the three-legged snakes and the snow sakura of the snow-and-white foxes.

Qingyi looked at the remaining seven people, the three of the three-legged snakes, namely the snake red sky, the snake jade, the snake cloud fly.

Two people of the Qingyi Dragon, Qing Yixiao, Qing Heng.

Originally, if it wasn't for the appearance of Xu Feng's metamorphosis, then the Qingyi Dragons should be three.

At least, the strength of Qingteng is definitely not weaker than the snake cloud and snow sakura.

"You seven people, the next thing is the ranking battle, which is to rank your rankings." Qingyi looked at the seven people and said.

"So, you can't draw lots like you did before, then you have to fight each other, and the one who wins the battle between two and two can fight with others."

"Of course, if you defeat him and he defeats him, then you prove that you are not his opponent that he defeated. It means that you two have no need to fight, so that you don't have to spend extra time, understand?"

"Finally, I have to explain that your seven people are very likely to be the future of the wild comet. I don't want you to be able to keep your hands."

"Sometimes, the absolute strength of conquering each other, along with noble morality, will make people feel more respectful."

After the words of Qingyi were finished, he looked at seven people.

"Snow Sakura! People, I want to challenge you, do you dare to fight with me?" The words of the Qingyi just finished, and the snake jade not far away looked at the snow cherry.

Her face was stunned and said: "Smelly! Hey! Son, if you can't beat me, let me give your man."

"I like him very much and it looks very good."

"Snow Sakura, you are not her opponent, don't be subject to her radical method." Xu Feng stood next to the snow sakura, reminded.

"Snake jade, you are the cockroach! People, hit and fight, who is afraid of you." Snow Sakura with a persistent face, she can see that the snake jade really wants to get Xu Feng.

"Giggle... I don't know if I scratch your face, do you say he will like you?" Snake looked at the whip in his hand, with a mocking voice.

"Snake jade, talk nonsense."

After the snow sakura was finished, she grabbed the sword in her hand and attacked it toward the snake jade sword. Her field broke out and it seemed incomparably dexterous.

"Just by you, it is really not my opponent, I just want to hit you, let him look distressed." Snake jade's face with a charming smile, she throws a wink at Xu Feng, said: "Xu Feng's little brother, if you are willing to go with me to the three-legged snake family, be my man, I can spare her life."

Xu Feng almost did not vomit blood, how the three-legged snakes and the snow-and-white foxes are all open women.

When Xue Qiao looked at him, he directly wanted to seduce him.

Now, this snake jade looks at him, and it is such a blatant attraction to him.

Of course, Xu Feng does not know that Snake Jade is stronger than Snow Sakura.

However, the entire ancient comet, the man who likes snow sakura is far more than the one who likes her.

So, she looked at the snow cherry to find such a good person Xu Feng, naturally hearted.

This is that others are the best, and their own are the worst.

"Xu Feng is mine, no one can take it away."

Snow Sakura seems to be fighting for dignity, and the swordsmanship becomes more fast.

"You really are not my opponent."

However, the gap between snow sakura and snake jade is very large.

The snake jade was repaired by the Emperor of the Second Spirit. Her soft whip fell, and the long sword of Snow Sakura was rolled out.

Seeing that the soft whip is about to fall on the body of Snow Sakura, Xu Feng’s body suddenly disappeared in place, and he grabbed the whip of the snake jade.

"Get so hot, be careful that no man wants you later."

Xu Feng had seen the character of snake jade before, and this woman’s heart was very hot, and it was really unrelenting.

This whip, if he does not come next, estimated the snow cherry body, at least the skin is fleshy, bloody.

(End of this chapter)

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