Chapter 1820 Total Kill

"It is him, Xu Feng is here!"

Many people are surprised in their eyes.

Also with a happy color.

Especially the young children of the Snowy Silver Fox family, they are watching Xu Feng's back at the moment, just like watching the hope of defeating the opponent.

"Xu Feng, give them a good lesson."

"Yes, as long as you can let us out of this evil today, we all support you."

"Yes, in the future you will be the benefactor of our Snowy Fox family."

"Learn them."


The young people of the Snowy Silver Fox family, watching the appearance of Xu Feng, they all cheered Xu Feng.

Xu Feng did not bother to see the shock of the face of the snake.

Instead, I came to the front of Snow Sakura and said, "What's going on in the future, don't be too reluctant, you have to remember that I will protect you."

Said, Xu Feng took out some healing remedies and handed them to Snow Sakura.

The gentle and incomparable way: "Take these medicinal herbs to heal, see that I will kill them all today."

The snake top heard the words, did not expect the snowy silver fox family to appear so arrogant.

He suddenly sneered at his face and looked at the snakes around him. He said, "Haha, snakes, how can I not know the snow and silver foxes, have such a powerful young man, and want to kill us?"

"Does he think this is a joke?"

The snake top and the snakes looked at each other and suddenly laughed.

For both of them, there is no other person in the Snowy Fox family who is enough to fight them.

Therefore, they do not think that Xu Feng has a chance to defeat them.

"If he feels that he can beat us with his mouth, then we are very convinced."

There was a mocking smile on the face of the snake.

"This young man really doesn't know how to be tall and thick, and he doesn't want to think about it. The snake top and the big snake-snake brother are all powerful ones."

"Just because he also wants to defeat the snake top and the snake, I simply cut his head and gave him a urinal."

Several young people of the three-legged snake family also ridiculed.

Many young people of the Snowy Silver Fox family are angry on their faces.

"Xu Feng, hurry to defeat them, as long as you defeat them, I am willing to give my first dedication to you."

A charming woman not far away, she is very enchanting.

It was the Xue Qiao who sang Xu Feng yesterday.

I don't know when this woman came here.

"Hahaha... It turned out to be Xueqiao's hoof, and we simply took it with her." The snake looked at the appearance of Xue Qiao, with a greedy look.

Xu Feng turned his head and looked at Xue Qiao. He said, "You don't hurt me. I don't have anything to do with you."

Xu Feng’s heart is bitter. Since Xue Qiao said that Xu Feng and what happened to him, Snow Sakura is like a demon after returning.

It is simply crazy. If Xu Feng’s body is very strong, I am afraid I can’t really bear the crazy snow sakura.

If Snow Sakura has been so crazy, it is estimated that Xu Feng will really become a man.

"It’s a coward."

Xue Qiao seems to look at Xu Feng with some disdain. The eyes are provocative, as if to say, "I have the ability to sleep with me?"

Xu Feng also had to say that this snowy silver fox woman is really more attractive than one, even if he can not resist.

He also finally understood why the young people of the three-legged snakes in front of him wanted to come to the snow and silver fox to make trouble.

"Kid, do you dare to ignore us?"

The face of the snake and other people have become extremely gloomy.

They looked at Xu Feng in front of them, and they were not nervous and Xue Qiao flirting.

Suddenly, the spiritual power of the snake's top and the snake's body broke out.

The two men said: "Catch this kid, I will smash him for a thousand years before I can lift the anger of my heart."


The snake top sighed at the snake, and suddenly saw the sword in his hand, which contained a breath of chilliness, and the field on his body floated out.

That sword, the thorns of Xu Fengyu.

"Really weak."

When Xu Feng’s mouth was slightly raised, he spit out four words.

The spiritual power in his body provoked, and the fourteen spirits in his body, the double angry sea made his breath, and became extremely terrifying.

The golden light emerged from Xu Feng's body. The most important thing was that he actually punched and greeted the snake's sword.

The top of the snake's face is a mocking color. He stared at the opposite Xu Feng, sneer: "I really don't care, I dare to use my fist to resist my sword, find death?"


However, he thought that he would be able to easily kill Xu Feng.

The golden fist and the sword smashed together.

His sword did not pierce Xu Feng's fist, but the sword in his hand instantly bent down, bursting out the sound of metal collision.

The snake top quits after the whole person successively, his face becomes extremely dignified, saying: "Snake, hurry to shoot, this kid is not simple."

The snake also naturally found that Xu Feng’s strength was very strong. His current chilly field filled his body and attacked Xu Feng’s claw.

"People kill."

Xu Feng saw two people attacking himself. He faced two Yiling spirits at the same time and did not dare to relax.

The body of the killing field instantly poured out, and the momentum of the blood-red killing field made many people feel that the blood was rolling.

The **** red fist burst out with madness.

This punch seems to be very common, but it is like the most powerful force that a person has erupted.


The snake and the snake top simultaneously resisted the punch.

However, both of them were expelled by Xu Feng’s fist and the earthquake.

"Damn, you snow silver fox, when did such a powerful person appear?"

The face of the snake top changed completely.

Just because Xu Feng’s cultivation is also a good spirit.

The most important thing is that Xu Feng is very strong.

"Ha ha ha, snake top, have you not been very arrogant?"

Many young people of the Snowy Silver Fox family feel extremely elated.

Xue Qiao is looking at the opposite snake top, saying: "Snake top, how? You still want my body, he is my man, do you have the ability to defeat him?"

Not far from the snowy words, Xu Feng almost did not spurt out.


Xu Feng was too lazy to talk nonsense with the three-legged snakes. He had been in the fire overseas and saw the three-legged snakes who wanted to forcefully arrest the snow sakura.

For the three-legged snake family, he really does not have any good feelings.

Suddenly, he showed his fist to kill the boxing.

With the mad attack of his boxing, plus the power of his Spiritual Emperor.

The opposite snake's top and the snake's snake were bombarded by his fists and smashing on the body.

When two people squirt blood.

They quit and quit, and said: "We admit defeat, don't fight again."

"I want you all to die."

Xu Feng’s mouth was slightly raised, saying: “The woman who dares to hurt me, no matter who you are, has only one dead end.”

(End of this chapter)

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