Chapter 1815 Gui Bo


The people around them took a breath.

They looked at Xu Feng’s fist and easily hit the half-step Lingdi directly.

The heart is shocked. Some young women of the Snowy Silver Fox family, they look at Xu Feng’s eyes, they all shine, and I want to rush to hold Xu Feng.

"This... how is this possible?"

Gui Zheng was full of horror, he looked at Xu Feng, his voice was a little trembling.

"How? If you come to me in this way, are you ready to go out without taking the shot?" Xu Feng found several people surrounded by him.

Except for the Guizheng, the rest of the people wanted to slip away quietly, but Xu Feng said that the pace of several people fleeing stopped.

"Xu Feng, you are very strong, we are not your opponent."

The young people looked at Xu Feng and said with fear on his face.

"If you want to come to me for trouble, you must be prepared to be punished by me. If it is so easy to let you go, isn't it a trouble for a cat and a dog to come to me?"

Xu Feng’s voice is extremely overbearing.

He looked at a few people across the street and said, "I will give you a chance to live. The four of you will continue to resist me."

"As long as you resist the punch, you can leave."

Xu Feng looked at the opposite of Gui Zheng and other four people.

"Xu Feng, don't be too arrogant, we will fight more and less, not necessarily afraid of you."

Gui Zheng’s eyes stared at Xu Feng, and his face was bright.

"Okay, what I want is your sentence. Next I will shoot, I hope you are lucky." Xu Feng's mouth raised and said: "You must not be beaten to death by me."

"People kill."

The spiritual power of Xu Feng’s body is surging. He actually did not go all out. Otherwise, the four people in front of him must be a punch.

Xu Feng just wants to avoid the trouble of someone coming to him in the future. He wants to give these people a lesson. It is also an announcement that Xu Feng can be irritated.

With the blood-red fist, a slap in the air, and all four people across the street, all shot, attacked Xu Feng’s fist.

However, Xu Feng’s blood-red fist seemed to contain the existence of a powerful force. The fists slammed out and slammed out toward the four.


With this blood-red fist, the moment of falling down, in the strange eyes of the surrounding people, the four bodies fell to the ground at the same time.

Xu Feng looked at the four people who fell to the ground. Some people were dissatisfied: "I don't want to provoke me in the future, otherwise your next game may be very bad."

Guizheng struggled to stand up and said: "Hey, you want to get our approval, unless you can defeat our bloodthirsty rat."

"Gui Bo?"

Xu Feng's mouth whispered, he seems to have heard of this name, this person is the first genius of the bloodthirsty rat, the strength is a good spirit.

However, this Gui Bo is very strong among the Snowy Silver Fox, but it is not very strong in the entire ancient comet.

Even the top ten are not eligible.

"Where is Gui Bo?"

Xu Feng looked at the opposite Gui Zheng and asked.

Several people were shocked and said: "Do you really dare to fight with Gui Bo?"

"Why don't I dare?" Xu Feng asked.

"You don't need to find me, I have already come."

Not far away, a figure slowly came out, although this person is a bloodthirsty rat, but looks not very difficult to look.

It can be seen that this person should be a hybrid of the bloodthirsty rat and the snow-and-silver fox, and such a gene will appear. Otherwise, the bloodthirsty mouse will grow very urgent.

When Gui Bo came out, his body seemed to contain incomparable blood, and the violent momentum broke out from him.

The feeling of bloodyness seems to contain the real killing spirit, the incomparable horror, the fierce and incomparable blood.

"Are you a man brought back by Snow Sakura?"

Gui Bo stared at Xu Feng with his eyes and asked calmly.

Xu Feng nodded and said: "You said it is wrong. It is not Snow Sakura that brought me back, but I brought it back with Snow Sakura. She is a woman of Xu Feng in the future."

"Whoever dares to beat her idea, I will beat him to who he is, I don't know." His voice was extremely arrogant.

Many young women of the Snowy Silver Fox family screamed when they looked at Xu Feng.

"If you talk nonsense, then let me see how strong you are."

The blood-red light of Gui Bo is filled with it. This guy gathers out the bloodthirsty field of the first heaven, and the bright red light is constantly emerging.

Many people feel that their blood is rolling, and they have to quit and go away from the pressure of bloodthirsty in Guibo.

"Don't think about using the field to suppress me, your field is in my eyes, but that's all." Xu Feng's mouth leaped and suddenly stepped out.

Many people have wide eyes. At this time, they finally feel the breath of Xu Feng. The young man who came back with Xue Ying is actually a spiritual emperor.

Many people are stunned.

Gui Zheng and others who wanted to find Xu Feng’s trouble before were all wrong.

"It turns out that you are also a good emperor, so it's no wonder so arrogant, but I will tell you, we have a big gap." Gui Bo said.

Suddenly, I saw his bloodthirsty field condensed, his body became incomparably violent, and the blood-red claws in his hands slammed.

"The bloodthirsty claws."

The blood-red claws seem to be able to tear the void, and the blood-red light that emerges is extremely powerful.

"The ground killing."

In the moment when Xu Feng’s body of killing broke out, the earth was shaking, and he saw his double fists, like the earth covered.

Many people feel the momentum of Xu Feng's fists, one by one stunned, stunned, and the heart is an incredible look.

It is clearly a spiritual emperor, why this Xu Feng's fist is displayed, giving people the feeling that it is terrible.

They don't understand their hearts.

Looking at the punch, it was like a collision with the **** red claws.


Things that many people did not expect have appeared.

That is the opposite of Gui Bo, the **** red claws, there is a crack, bursting out of the sound.


Gui Bo screamed, and the blood-red claws swept straight away. He attacked Xu Feng’s neck and wanted to attack Xu Feng at the fastest speed.

Who knows, Xu Feng's body moves faster, and Xu Feng's power becomes more fierce, and a punch hits Guibo's wrist.


The whole person of Gui Bo was quit by Xu Feng, and then the golden light of Xu Feng broke out, and the incomparable fist fell to the chest of Gui Bo.


At the scene, suddenly screams.

(End of this chapter)

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