The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1810: Palace in the depths of the sea of ​​fire

Chapter 1810 Palace in the Deep Sea

Snow Sakura is puzzled inside.

Wherever she went, she was counted as a goddess by countless young men.

However, Xu Feng in front of the moment, wants to send her away, does not seem to want to get alone with her.

Snow Sakura thought of something, she said to Xu Feng: "Xu Feng, are you not afraid of these flames, then we can go to the depths of this sea of ​​fire."

"Deep in the sea of ​​fire? What are you doing?"

Xu Feng asked directly.

Snow Sakura didn't know what to think of, and suddenly she was red and she glanced at Xu Feng.

Xu Feng is full of surprises, he does not know how to provoke each other.

"You don't know, we have a legend in the Snowy Silver Fox family. It is said that this piece of the sea is deep and hides a huge treasure. Whoever can enter the depths of the sea of ​​fire and obtain the treasure can become the master of this star, in charge Everything here."

Snow Sakura said to Xu Feng.

"it is good."

Xu Feng said to Snow Sakura at the moment: "Be careful, I use these flames to protect you, and then we move toward the depths of the sea of ​​fire."


Snow Sakura was some distance from Xu Feng, and suddenly there was a flame directly on her clothes. She suddenly screamed.

Xu Feng looked at the flames burning, and he reached out directly to catch the flames directly in his hands.

However, under this grasp, it is incredible.

Xu Feng only felt his hand, and the places he caught were soft and incomparably flexible.

Although, those flames were also extinguished directly by his hand.

"I... I didn't mean it..."

Xu Feng is also a bit embarrassed at the moment, because in the eyes of Snow Sakura, two big eyes, as if tears are constantly spinning.

Snow Sakura's face is shy red, tears in the eyes flow out, and he said: "Do not blame you, I know that you are not intentional..."

"Then why are you crying?" Xu Feng asked.

"Don't I cry? You touched me... there..." Snow Sakura was shameful on his face. "We have regulations for snow and silver foxes. If they are touched by strange men, they are in two places." In this life, I have to be a woman of the other side, and I can’t marry anyone else."

"Ah... Miss Snow, you must not misunderstand, we are misunderstanding, you do not need to marry me..." Xu Feng immediately retorted.

I know, this way, Snow Sakura is crying even more.

The crying sound of Snow Sakura made Xu Feng's face become very embarrassing.

"I can't marry you... Someone is very kind to me, I... can't disappoint her." Xu Feng said to Snow Sakura, he thought that the rain was good for him.

He probably also guessed that if it wasn't rain to save him, he might have died.

Snow Sakura widened his eyes and looked at Xu Feng. He suddenly smiled and said: "You are a fool. Isn't it normal for a man to be married?"

"Miss Xue, let's not discuss this issue, go to the depths of the fire." Xu Feng said to Snow Sakura, he did not understand, how snow sakura suddenly did not cry.

Snow Sakura is very clear inside.

Xu Feng is a person from outside, and it is impossible to leave this ancient comet.

Then, Xu Feng naturally only can marry her.


Snow Sakura actually leaned directly on Xu Feng's side. Those flames didn't dare to get close to each other. When Xu Feng went there, there was almost a road.

Xu Feng’s arm from time to time touched the softness of the snow sakura. He was pulsating in his heart. He lost his memory, but that was his instinct.

The bursts of enchanting scent also radiated from the body of Snow Sakura.

Xu Feng was surprised in his heart. This fragrance made his heart become very peaceful, as if he enjoyed this fragrance.


Xu Feng found that as he approached the depths of the sea of ​​fire, the violets in his body were violently shaken.

The purple flame, constantly floating in the sea of ​​air, he seems to tell Xu Feng, there is something he wants in the depths of the sea of ​​fire.

"Is it a flame in the depths of the sea of ​​fire?" Xu Feng felt a little shocked inside, and said: "Is it a hidden fire in the depths of the sea?"

Xu Feng also felt that his own flames were filled with sentimental emotions.

Between the heavens and the earth, you can feel each other.

"Xu Feng, what happened to you?"

Snow Sakura leaned on the side of Xu Feng, she found Xu Feng's face changed, asked.

"It's nothing……"

Xu Feng shook his head. He wouldn't tell Snow Sakura that he had a fire in heaven and earth. He had already experienced it before, and now he will not trust others easily.

Even if he can believe in snow sakura, if the snow sakura tells others, he has a world of fire, snow sakura is not tempted, does not mean that others are not tempted.

"Then let's go."

Snow Sakura feels the temperature of Xu Feng's arm. Once they have a man, they will be loyal to this man.

Therefore, for Snow Sakura, she felt that it was natural to hold Xu Feng’s arm. Her heart was a happy smile.

Whirring whirring……

As Xu Feng continued to approach the depths of the sea of ​​fire, the flames of the group began to riot, and the flames around them were also mad.

A lot of flames, actually took the initiative to swoop toward Xu Fengqi.

However, with the help of the flames of the world, the flames are swallowed instantly.

Xu Feng and Xue Ying continued to advance. They found that there was an ancient palace hidden in the sea of ​​fire not far away. The atmosphere of the palace was incomparably simple.

"The legend of our Snow and Silver Fox family is really true?"

Snow Sakura has big eyes and she stares at the palace in the distance.

She is actually skeptical about the rumors of the Snowy Fox family.

The reason why she had a whimsy before was because Xu Feng was not afraid of these flames, and she wanted to see Xu Feng together with the depths of the sea.

I know, the palace here is actually true.

If there is a huge treasure hidden here, then they will certainly be able to rise, and they will not be bullied by the three-legged snakes all day.

Every time, she looked at some snow-and-silver fox women. When they were sent back, they were all horrible bodies. She bit her teeth and practiced hard.

However, the cultivation talent of the three-legged snakes is more powerful than their snowy silver foxes. It is not a simple matter for her to go beyond the three-legged snakes.

"Xu Feng, thank you."

Snow Sakura suddenly kissed Xu Feng directly on the face.

Xu Feng felt the temperature of the lips, he was a little dull.


Snow Sakura is very happy, she took Xu Feng's arm and walked toward the front palace.

Xu Feng is still reminiscent of the taste of the kiss, which is extremely sweet.

(End of this chapter)

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