The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1806: Wild star

Chapter 1806 Wild Stars

"Brother, you don't really forget us all?" The kitten's two smart eyes, dripping, he stared at Xu Feng and asked.

The sound is incredible, and he can be sure that Xu Feng must be the same as the white-haired bird of the fire, and it is also amnesia.

"I can't remember, but I can feel that you are very good." Xu Feng patted the kitten's small head with a smile on his face.

I don't know why Xu Feng feels that when he is with the kitten, there seems to be no alert.

In other words, the kitten may be very familiar with him.

He can't remember everything about himself.

"Well, my brother, you are so pitiful, you have lost your memory." The kitten looked at Xu Feng, and some worried himself said to himself.

"Haha, what's so poor? Maybe it's good to forget some troubles." Xu Feng licked the kitten's small head.

He can feel the kitten is very close to himself. He holds the kitten in his arms and says, "Kit, since you are familiar with me, then let's go."

"Ah... Brother, everyone has grown up, you can't lick my head in the future." The kitten expressed resistance against Xu Feng's own head.


Xu Feng’s mouth said yes, who knows that the hand is unnaturally starting to lick the kitten’s head, so that the kitten in the bottle is twisted and the mouth is full of shackles.

However, I can see it.

The kitten and Xu Feng are very happy together.

I don't know how the kitten came to this forest. He fled the fire and the little guy at the same time. Later, Xu Feng met Yinger and Xu Guang, Li Tian.

He arranged Yinger in the disciple of Lingwu Emperor, and Xu Guang and Li Tian two little guys went out alone.

He is also worried about the safety of the fire and the kitten. It seems that the kitten is very elf and there is no danger at all.

"Oh... my brother, where are you going?"

The kitten looked at the dim star in the distance, and he looked at Xu Feng with some surprise.

"Go there."

Xu Feng felt that the place seemed to be calling himself.

In fact, if Xu Feng’s soul was seriously injured, he is now in the wild, and it’s impossible to meet the rain and the night.

Followed by Xu Feng, the kitten said strangely: "Brother, it seems very dangerous inside... I can feel it..."

"Then you can wait for me outside, I go in alone." Xu Feng always felt that he could find his own memory in that place.

"I have never met my brother again. I certainly will not abandon my brother to leave alone. No matter how dangerous, I have to be with my brother."

The kitten's eyes are all solid colors.

"Let's go."

Xu Feng and the kitten, one person and one cat, are in the depths of this vast forest.

If a strong person sees this scene, he will be shocked and unable to speak.

Is this person a cat getting impatient?

That is the ancient comet, but the whole southern continent, the real most dangerous place.

Almost no one who can enter it is alive.


Xu Feng lost his memory. Although he instinctively told himself that he must go to the ancient comet, he did not know the danger of this ancient comet.

However, the kitten is not afraid of the character this day, it seems that in the entire southern continent, there is no place he dare not go, his eyes are full of excitement.

It seems that the kitten feels very good to go to that place.

Da da da……


One person, one cat, walked in this boundless forest.

Time does not know how long it has been in the past.

In this forest, although the lush and magnificent trees are all towering, there is no danger at all, as if it seems calm.


"What happened? I arranged a few of you to go into this big forest to explore. Did you find out what?"

Outside the forest, the dull face is gloomy.

On the other side of the Dark Hall, the results of this side are constantly being urged.

As a result, he did not dare to enter the forest.

Only a few people can be sent into it, but no one has found clues.

"Dark, it is possible that the death of Xu Feng can no longer die, and you don't want to think about it. When he fled, he was said to have been hit hard."

"In such a huge forest, if he died, it is very difficult for us to find him." One person next to him said.

"I also know that this big forest is very strange, but on the other side of the Three Temples, I have already ordered the death. I want to see people die to see the dead. What do you say?"

He looked at the people around him who had opinions on him. He spoke directly.

The Dark B team also entered, they chased Xu Feng.

It is said that in the end, Xu Feng had a very strong soul, killing the captain of the B team, and Xu Feng was alone to escape.

However, now the dark temple is to Xu Feng, to see people, to see the dead, where to find.

"Darkness, is it true that the three lords do not care about our lives and deaths?" The people next to them said something angry: "On the other side of the Nangong family, yesterday, the existence of a peak of the Four Spirits Emperor disappeared, and the space of the Nangong family was known. In the field, it is really difficult to want to disappear without knowing it."


Xu Feng stepped forward and walked up to the dim star in front of him.

He looked at the dim star in the distance, and he found that among the forests, there were towering trees.

However, the place near the stars is actually ridiculous.

It seems that the grass is not the same.

"Well, it’s a weird feeling."

Xu Feng frowned, and he felt that the dim star in front of him seemed to be very simple.

However, he still did not hesitate to rush out to the star.

His figure fluttered in the void.


As Xu Feng's body moved, the sound of the squeaking continually emerged, and the cold and chilly wind around him seemed to condense on his body, forming a circle of ice.

He bit his teeth, without any pause.

"Do it all at once, second time tired, third time exhausted."

Xu Feng is very clear that he only needs to produce a little fear now, so it is very likely that he will directly retreat. This is not his character.


The space of Xu Feng’s body emerged, tearing the void in front of him directly, and the dim light became even more strange.

However, Xu Feng's body disappeared into the vast forest of innocence, and he felt a whirlwind of turns, and he appeared in a ridiculous place.

His eyes looked around and found that there was a ridiculous place everywhere, and the ground was uneven, and the hot air waves spread out after a wave.

His face became a bit ugly, and the most important thing was that he felt that his vitality was constantly passing.

(End of this chapter)

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