The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1804: Forget about the rivers and lakes

Chapter 1804 is forgotten in the rivers and lakes

Two figures, among the plum blossoms, dance constantly.

The yard at the moment seems to be very quiet.

It is a beautiful picture.

"Miss Rain, then you practice, try to see if it is very effective?" Xu Feng released his hands in the rain, his face with a smile, he went aside.

I don't know why, the rain felt that when Xu Feng let go of his hands, her heart was filled with the feeling of loss.

"it is good!"

Yu Ruoqi began to use the 19-year-old Tianhua Folding Mei Xuan to refine the medicinal herbs.

As her hands continue to change, her refining is still the soul of the soul.

"Miss Rain, the grass does not need to be so refining, waiting for the medicinal preparation, a little bit of integration." Xu Feng said directly.

Yu Ruoyu continued to refine the medicinal herbs according to what Xu Feng said.

As the soul of the soul was gradually formed, she smelled the fragrance from the alchemy furnace, and her face was full of surprise.

"Is it really good?" The rainy face changed slightly, and her look was shocked. She never thought that the drug could be refining like this.


With the successful refining of the medicinal herbs from the alchemy furnace, she took out those sacred souls and said: "These souls are worth more than ninety-three."

"If Miss Rain's technique is sufficiently skilled, even if it is to refine the ninety-nine-year-old soul, it is definitely not a difficult thing."

Xu Feng’s face with a confident smile, his voice sounded.

When the rain went to Xu Feng's body, she smiled and said: "Xu Feng, thank you for teaching me such precious alchemy techniques."

"you are welcome."

Xu Feng reached out and put the rain on his nose, and the tiny sweat swept away.

With a pure smile on his face, he said: "You are not familiar with the control of the technique. Otherwise, you will display this type of ceiling with a plum-like style, and there will be no sweat."

"You need to practice a lot!"

Xu Feng’s voice sounded.

Not far from the night, the old man frowned, came to Xu Feng's front, with a swearing voice: "Boy, what are you doing?"

"You don't want to take advantage of our lady's cheap, otherwise I will interrupt your leg." The night old is facing Xu Feng, the voice is extremely cold.

Xu Feng smiled a little, said: "Miss Rain, I am sorry, I did not really deliberately, I am just..."

Xu Feng didn't know how to say it. He really couldn't help himself.

I don't know why, he just had a deep shadow in his mind.

It was a shadow of white wins in the snow, her face is so flawless, there is nothing wrong with it.

It can be said that the woman is more perfect than the rain in front of him, but Xu Feng feels that there is a little bit of smoke and smoke between the look of the shadow.

It seems that it is a fairy from nine days.


Yu Ruoyi smiled at Xu Feng shallowly.

She looked at the night and said: "Night, Xu Feng is not intentional, you don't have to be so harsh."

One day, the unconscious past.

At night.

Xu Feng has already formed the habit, he is constantly practicing.

He walked out of the yard quietly.

He wants to see the surroundings.


"Miss, you must not be willful this time." The voice of the old man was incomparably firm, and his old face was full of sorrow.

If the rain is stunned, she stares at the night, saying: "The night is old, can we do people who are fortunate?"

"We are not forgotten, we saved his life. We compensated for his heaven and earth, is it wrong?"

"And, Xu Feng is now completely an idiot. He has no memory at all. Even if he has the fire of heaven and earth, if we don't take it, the fire will soon fall into the hands of others." The face, the voice does not bring any feelings.

For the strong people like the night, they have seen too much.

For him, as long as he can improve his chances, there must be no misses.

If it is not during the day, he is worried that if the rain will be resentful, he will even directly report to Xu Feng.

After all, the heavens and the earth are really precious.

Above the vast land of Shenzhou, there are one hundred and eight kinds of fires in the heavens and the earth, and the known heaven and earth are full of fires, but there are dozens of them.

Moreover, these worldly fires are in the hands of the big family, and it is difficult to capture them.

The rain home also has a kind of heaven and earth fire.

However, the strange fire of that day did not belong to the rain.

"Night old, I definitely don't allow you to shoot Xu Feng. If you want to shoot him, then kill me first?"

"It’s a strange fire that day, I will never want it. It’s Xu Feng’s thing, we shouldn’t have greed.” Yu Ruo said.

At this moment, neither of them found out, not far from the jungle, where a figure was curling up, it was Xu Feng from the yard.

There was a bitter smile on his face, and he said with gratitude in his heart: "Miss Rain, thank you!"

"I don't even know who I am, but I believe that one day, I will remember." Xu Feng's face with a firm color.

"Miss, you can never be a woman!" said the old man: "If you get the fire of heaven and earth, you will definitely become a master of the nine emperors in the future. By that time, the status of the entire rainy family will be greatly improved. The benefits for your future are great."

"No, absolutely not!"

If the rain bites his teeth.

"Miss, do you want to take care of Xu Feng in this **** forest?" The old voice became a bit harsh.

He blinked in the rain and said: "You don't forget, you have parents, you still have a rain home. He is now an idiot, and has no use at all."

"Don't you want to be the next Nangong Snow, and be chased by the Dark Temple everywhere. And the Rain House, will you have a major loss because of you?"

The rain and the night are constantly arguing.

Xu Feng quietly walked back to the yard, his confused eyes looked around.

He returned to the room with a slap in the face.

I saw that Xu Feng took out the pen and ink from the storage ring. He had been useless for a long time.

"Miss Rain, the grace of life, will never be forgotten."

"You are like me, the flame in the darkness, thank you for your care these days."

"I am definitely not a person who is ungrateful. I don't want to leave, but I can't drag you down."

"I don't want you to argue with the night, the flame is precious to me."

"If it is ok, I would rather live with you, live in this quiet courtyard forever. You tell me every day, those stories about me."

"Although those stories are always headless, I still listen to it."

"If it can't be perfect, let us forget about it."

Xu Feng’s notes were vigorous and powerful, and he decided to leave.

He knows that the old man is telling the truth.

He followed the rain and only hurt her.

(End of this chapter)

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