The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1800: Soul damage

Chapter 1800 Soul Breakage

"Haha, what I don't like most is the threat of others, and the so-called fearless battle."

The sound of the Seven Killing Emperor sounded, and his eyes suddenly became blood red.

The horrible seven-killing field was instantly released.

Among his seven killings, there seem to be seven different levels of killing.

When those killings came out, some of the dark team members of the four spirits of the emperor felt that the blood of the whole body was boiling wildly.

"What is the horror of this field?" Someone inside the Dark Team had a shocking face.

They feel that their dark realm is already very strange.

Now, what they didn't expect was that the field of this boy in front of him was so strange, and the realm of that field was not weak.

"In the field of the fifth heaven, who are you? You can never be a nameless generation." Team B stared at Xu Feng and wanted to see some clues.

It is a pity that he is greeted by the madness of the Seven Heroes.

Above the hands of the seven killing spirits, the blood-red fists are condensed into huge whirlpools, and the mad killings are constantly erupting.

Suddenly, a hundred people from the Dark Team joined forces, but the strength of the Seven Killing Spirits broke out at this moment, which exceeded their expectations.

Team B is very clear that all the strong players who can understand the fifth heaven are almost all strong in the title of Emperor.

Is it true that this Xu Feng’s body is actually a strong person who is named Lingdi, which is too ridiculous.

"With you, you are not qualified to know who I am."

Seven killing spirits continue to shoot.

In a blink of an eye, the hundred people of the Dark Team were killed by the Seven Killing Emperors.

However, the killing of the Seven Killing Emperors is still going on.



A warrior of the dark team of Liu Pinling, his hands slammed into the back of the Seven Killing Emperor, and immediately flew his body directly.

The seven killing spirits spewed out a blood, and his eyes became extremely ugly. He knew that he would continue to tremble and he and Xu Feng would die.

He is very clear that at this moment he is occupying Xu Feng's body, and this continuous battle has already exceeded his expectations.

"It seems that it is not appropriate to fight, and we must go all out to kill a **** road. Otherwise, it will be completely finished."

The repair of Xu Feng’s body suddenly rose, and the hard-rooted ascension was carried out to the eight-pronged emperor, and the golden light of his body emerged.

I saw that on the body of Xu Feng, all the cracks that appeared were flowing, and the blood continued to flow from those wounds.

Seven killing spirits have long anticipated this, his cultivation has exceeded the limit that Xu Feng can bear, if the delay is longer, he and Xu Feng will die.

"Oh, a pity!"

The night in the distance, his old face, with some sighs.

He can see, even if it is the soul forced to improve and repair, want to break through the blockade of the dark team, how easy is it?

Moreover, even if it is to break through the blockade of the dark team, it is almost impossible for the two people to survive.

After repairing beyond the limits of the body, Xu Feng’s vitality has begun to disappear. I don’t know when Xu Feng has lost a little consciousness.


The seven killing spirits madly killed the people in front of him. His last eyes were red and fall on the body of the B team. He opened his mouth and smiled: "I may not be able to kill all of you, but I will kill them first." You, let me give me and Xu Feng to bury."

"Ha ha ha..."

The Seven Killing Emperor came almost out of the mad roar, and his face was distorted by the smile.

He was crazy and desperate, and shot at the team B of the seven-character emperor. The blood-red whirlpool was accompanied by the fifth-killing field of the fifth heaven.

The violent momentum is completely erupting.

The rest of the dark team was frightened by the sudden burst of the seven killing spirits.

"What are you doing, hurry up!"

The strength of the B team is only the seven spirits, how to be the opponent of the seven killing spirits, just three fights, he spurted blood.

His roar did not play any role at this time. Anyone can see that Xu Feng at the moment is looking for someone to do the back.

Even if they follow the orders of the B team, they can't make their lives.

Moreover, everyone knows very well that Xu Feng has not been able to persist for a long time.

If team B is killed by the other party, they can also successfully kill Xu Feng. ,

In this way, it is still a great achievement.

And some of them are very likely to become new captains.

Therefore, no one really helped him out.

"Ah... you are a group of waste, you are pitting me..." Team B made a deep snoring, and now, at this time, he still doesn't understand.

However, he also knows that this is the dark temple, which is itself a world where people can eat, and the dark temple will be a darker temple.

Today, he only hates that he is too close. He should watch the members of Team B and Xu Feng kill, and finally he will slowly shoot.

However, all of this is beyond the expectations of the B team. He did not expect that the Seven Killing Emperor could improve his cultivation and become so powerful.


The **** vortex of the seven killing spirits, the tearing of the B team.

The warrior who was repaired by the Seven Spirits was still strangled like this.

The old night's eyebrows in the distance suddenly condensed, saying: "Miss, let's save people."

"go away!"

The Seven Killing Emperor suddenly used the blood-red vortex to kill the B team. He immediately rips open a **** road and flees away in the distance.

"Everyone is chasing, whoever can kill this Xu Feng, it is estimated that the captain is his." In the dark team, no one cares about the death of his companions.

They all know that if they are not killed by their companions, they are themselves dead.

This is the cruel dark temple.

"Xu Feng Xiaozi...Xu Feng kid..."

The Seven Killing Emperor kept yelling at Xu Feng. He knew that he could not hold on, and his soul had broken.

It’s hard to stick to the sky, and it’s getting closer and closer to the ancient comet, and his face is incomparably ugly.

"Oh, it seems that this kid is also a lot of fierce." The Seven Killing Emperor sighed helplessly, and he broke into the boundless forest.

The people of the dark team are still continually chasing.

The Seven Killing Emperor only felt that his eyelids were getting heavier and heavier, and his footsteps became extremely slow.

Finally, an old man and a young woman appeared in front of him.

"Oh, it’s weak."

The old feelings of the night are very clear. The vitality of Xu Feng’s body has almost been exhausted, and even the soul has fallen asleep.

(End of this chapter)

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