The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1785: Dragon Warrior is still not dead?

Chapter 1785 Dragon Warrior is still not dead?

"Thank you for your predecessors."

Xu Feng expressed his gratitude to the killing spirit.

He knows that it is good for him to kill the Emperor.

"You have to hurry and feel a little better."

The killing spirit emperor said to Xu Feng.

Xu Feng did not hesitate. He began to sit cross-legged and began to feel the atmosphere of the killing field. He found himself inside his body.

The killing field left by the killing spirit is very strong. Xu Feng only needs constant sentiment, and his field of killing will continue to improve in the future.

Time passes by one minute.

Outside the ancient battlefield, it has become a storm.

Xian Yi’s sudden announcement of the Jingzhou Liu family’s battle was a stone that stirred up a thousand waves.

Many people are very clear that this will be the biggest turmoil in Kyushu Seoul in the past 100 years.

Whether it is Xianjia or Liu Jia, a little carelessness will be completely annihilated in Kyushu Seoul in such a battle.

"Xian Yi, are you sure that your fairy family is going to fight with my Jingzhou Liu family?" Liu Wei's face became very difficult to see. He knew that the overall strength of Xianjia was slightly stronger than that of Liu.

Xian Yi looked at Liu Wei and said firmly: "You Liu Jia is the second time. I want to annex my fairy house. Do you think our fairy family should sit still?"

"This time, the only goal of our fairy family is to completely erase your Liu family." Xian Yi's voice is extremely positive.

"You said that the battle between Xianjia and Liu Jia, who can get the final victory?" Someone asked with curiosity.

"These two forces are the top presence of Kyushu Seoul. It is hard to say which forces have an overwhelming advantage. I am afraid it will be a protracted war."

"Oh, I also think it is a protracted war. It seems that our Kyushu Seoul is really going to start to turmoil. This war is probably just the beginning."

Many strong people from Seoul, Kyushu, they are very clear.

The next two major forces of fighting are most likely deadly.

"What I care about now is, can Xu Feng survive?"

Many people look at the palace.

Undoubtedly, Xu Feng received the inheritance of the killing spirit.

However, they are very clear that neither the Nangong family nor the Dark Temple will let Xu Feng leave, and can he really live away from the ancient city of Kyushu?

"You really asked one of the most boring questions. Do you think Xu Feng can survive?" Someone looked at the palace with mercy.

"I think that Xu Feng is afraid to become the most tragic figure in Seoul, Kyushu." The person next to him said with a sigh: "Historically, the first person who won the inheritance of the ten major seals has not yet had time to become stronger. It becomes a dead person."

The face of Oriental Zirconium has become a bit ugly, and it seems that the ancient battlefield is about to close, and the end of the Kyushu hegemony is getting closer.

He looked at the Oriental Lingyue, and said: "Ling Yue, that Xu Feng is in a very dangerous situation. You must leave the ancient city of Kyushu first."


I know that the voice of Dongfang Lingyue is very firm. Her eyes are full of anger. She is talking to the eastern zirconium and said: "Five Uncle, I definitely can't leave Xu Feng."

"But, Lingyue, you should know that there are strong people in the dark temple here, plus a few people from the Nangong family, and fight up."

"This kind of battle has no benefit to you. If you have any accidents, then the consequences are unimaginable."

"When is the time, how can I tell your father to the entire Eastern family?" The inner zirconium of the East also has concerns at the moment.

"Five Uncle, you can rest assured, I have the means to protect myself." Oriental Lingyue nodded, her face with firmness.

The eastern zircon looks at the rain house not far away. He is talking to the old night, saying: "Night, can I trouble you one thing?"

"If it is, there is no danger in waiting for this gimmick. I hope that you will save her life. I am grateful for the oriental zirconium."

There was no change in the old look of the night. His old eyes were slightly twisted. His heart was very clear. It seems that the eastern zirconium is ready to save Xu Feng.

He has some admiration for the courage of the eastern zirconium. He said: "Zhongfang zirconium, you have to think clearly, that is the strongest of the Nangong family and the dark temple. You may not be able to resist the dark temple and the Nangong family. ""

"Night, Lingyue, this girl is obviously moving to Xu Feng. I can't let her watch Xu Feng being killed."

"This time, I just represent myself. If I can help him, then help him." The sound of the eastern zirconium is absolutely unique.

"The eastern zirconium is very dangerous."

Night old and oriental zirconium.

Other people, at this moment, are constantly communicating.

It seems that the outside of the ancient battlefield is in a dead silence.

"Night is old, there are things in this world that are always dangerous. No one knows what will happen next time. It’s good to have a clear conscience."

When the words of the eastern zirconium came out, the night knew that the eastern zirconium was going to help Ye Lei, and his heart was already the worst plan.

"Ha ha ha ... is not the strongest mainstay of the East. Rest assured, the old man is, Lingyue that girl will be safe and sound."

The night is old and the oriental zirconium is also admired.

Outside the ancient battlefield, it has already begun to storm.



Ye Lei’s eyes suddenly opened, and the field of killing on his body became even stronger. His first-day killing field has improved a lot.

"Not bad!"

Killing the spirit of Emperor looked at the opposite Xu Feng, he slowly nodded.

"Xu Feng, I need to remind you to pay attention to one person."

Killing the Emperor Ling looked at Xu Feng, he slowly said.

"In our top ten enemies, you need to pay attention to the dragon war spirit emperor, he is very likely not to be willing to die."

"So, he is very likely to be alive." Xu Feng was stunned when the sound of the killing spirit was sounded.

"Predecessors, this is all over the years, the Dragon Warrior is still alive, this is incredible?"

Xu Feng’s voice was a little shocked.

Killing the spirit of the emperor, but slowly said: "He may not be really alive, maybe he can control someone, have been alive?"

"Do you understand what I mean?" said the killing spirit.

"Predecessors, what you mean, Dragon Warrior can use some people's bodies to keep their souls and consciousness."

Xu Feng’s heart is shocked, and the stronger the strength, the more the means he possesses.

In the past ten thousand years, if the Dragon War Emperor is still alive, would it be even more terrifying?

"Not bad."

Killing the spirit of the emperor nodded, he said: "Dragon war spirit emperor this person, acting is very decisive, he is usually for the purpose, unscrupulous."

"As long as he can complete his own ideas, then he can give everything, even if he is a wife and children, he will not care."

(End of this chapter)

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