The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1690: The body of the spirit will become

Chapter 1690, the body of the Emperor will be

"No, no... you are not a waste... I am a waste... I don’t know Taishan, I beg you not to kill me, my 355 points, I am willing to give you..."

The old man felt his life hanging on the line, his heart was angry, and he screamed: "***, it’s been a savvy life, this time being a kid."

"Oh, this kid is really a shameless face, and the strength of the Emperor is obviously half-step, but he still has to act. If he is so struggling to win at the third-level Fengyuntai, how can I shoot?"

The bitterness of the old man’s face is really hard to tell.

The man who had just been beaten out by Xu Feng, he looked at the seriously injured old man, and his inner anger was completely gone.

Dare to love, Xu Feng just fought with himself, is acting, in order to still need a person's points, I can't think of this old man suddenly fooled.

Looking at the painful color of the old man at the moment, the man suddenly felt that he was not so wronged, but when he thought of his points, he was so ruined.


Xu Feng's palms fell on the old man's face, and the slap in the palm of his hand made the old man's mouth full of blood. The old man only felt that his head was full of seven.

The man who was subtly beaten by Xu Feng, the face at the moment is glad, but fortunately he was the first person to fight with Xu Feng.

Otherwise, I don't know what to look like. I watched the old man's face full of blood, and his head was completely swollen into a pig's head.

"Remember later, there is no strength, don't learn other people's clothes! Forced, or you will be thundered!" Xu Feng still shaking his palms and said: "You are so thick and honest, playing my The palms are a bit numb, let's go!"

Xu Feng’s arm was raised. The old man was like a dead pig. He flew out a few dozen feet directly. He squatted on the ground, and a slamming sound made countless people feel the heart tremble.

Just now those who want to challenge Xu Feng’s Jiu Pin Ling Zunfeng, one by one, are full of faces, their throats are constantly swaying.

It was the sound of constant swallowing. They found that if it wasn’t the fierce man, I’m afraid that Xu Feng would be a dead dog.

The fierce man appeared on the edge of the valley of people.

Seeing the man's dejected appearance, many people have smiles on their faces.

One by one, I want to laugh.

"Laughter you paralyzed, whoever laughs again, labor and his desperation!" The fierce man's face was depressed, suddenly his eyes were round and angry, looking at the people around him.

"Ha ha ha ha..."

I know, everyone around me laughed happily. Everyone is a cultivator of Jiu Pin Ling Zun, who is not afraid of his desperation.


The old man who had a big pit on the ground, his face was full of blood, his body bones were like falling apart, and he struggled to stand up.

The man, including the fierce and sinister man, couldn’t help but laugh.

However, at this time, Xu Feng's figure appeared in the center of these people who laughed.

Suddenly, the laughter calmed down directly.

Xu Feng’s eyes were swept one by one, but he was very clear about who was just around him.

He also needs three hundred points.

He now defeats two people, and the points he earns are seven hundred and ten. He wants to redeem two pieces of eight-gravity gravity, and he needs three hundred points.

"I remember correctly, you just threatened me very arrogantly. If I don't promise your fight, would you kill me?" Xu Feng's gaze finally fell on a white-haired man.

This person, who was just yelling, is also very arrogant.

"Ah... little brother, you got it wrong, you got it wrong, I really didn't say..."


I know, Xu Feng stepped out step by step, slamming his fist on his face, and his teeth flew out dozens of pieces, his mouth full of blood.

"Either go for a fight with me, give me the points, or die!" Xu Feng stared at this person, he is not a good person, this person wanted to find him trouble before, he would not let him go.

"How? Now I know what it is like to be threatened by people? Just now you are very arrogant?" Xu Feng’s voice sounded, the white-haired man felt the killing of Xu Feng’s body, and there was no rebellious idea. Nodded, said: "I promised your appointment."


When the two men boarded the Fengyuntai, the white-haired man was directly killed by Xu Feng, and countless people were quiet at the scene.

Especially those who are the peaks of the nine spirits, but they threatened Xu Feng personally, watching Xu Feng's means so hot, the heart began to hold cold sweat.

However, Xu Feng did not continue to find their troubles, but appeared in front of the old man, said: "Predecessors, I want to exchange two pieces of eight gravity gravity heart fragments!"

"The three people you just defeated, the points you earned are one thousand and fifteen. Are you sure you want to redeem two pieces of eight gravity gravity?"

The old man asked Xu Feng.

Xu Feng nodded and said: "I confirm the exchange."

The old man is facing Xu Feng: "That's good."

I saw the old man standing up, he went to the side of the box next to it, as his old palm slipped, the box showed a horrible atmosphere.

Suddenly, two pieces of eight-gravity gravity heart fragments fell in the hands of the old man. He came to Xu Feng and said: "This is two eight-gravity gravity, offsetting your thousand points. You still have three hundred and seventy. integral."

“Thank you for your predecessors!”

After Xu Feng got these two gravity hearts, his heart was full of joy. He couldn't wait to refine the two Taoist hearts. He looked at the old man and said: "Predecessors, can I practice on this wind?" ”

"This wind and cloud platform is the same as the battlefield of the entire ancient battlefield. As long as you defeat the above-mentioned war spirits, you can naturally cultivate on it."

"Do you want to refine and refine these two gravity heart fragments on the top of the wind?" The old man asked Xu Feng and said.


Xu Feng nodded to the old man.

"That's fine, but I have to remind you that you seem to face a strong robbery, you have to be prepared for everything." The old man reminded Xu Feng.

Xu Feng’s heart is shocking. The old man in front is a real person, or the existence of a war spirit. How can you see that your own robbery is strong?

"Thank you for your concern. I just need lightning to quench my body." Xu Feng said to the old man, and immediately rushed out toward the wind and clouds.

As Xu Feng's body fell on the wind and cloud platform, he did not do anything else, but took out the supreme liquid and began to recover.

"Hey, the fourth heavyweight of the ninety-nine days, I used to temper my body, and strive to completely condense the body of the successful Emperor." Xu Feng's inner secret.

(End of this chapter)

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