The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1680: Anonymous Dongfu

Chapter 1680 Unknown Cave House


Those who watched the battle, watching Xu Feng escape, Dong Lai Peng chased out.

They are all wrong with their faces.

After Xu Feng actually killed four half-step spirits, there was still strength to escape.

"If Xu Feng is not dead, then Dong Lai Peng will die."

Many people are very clear that Xu Feng's strength is not weaker than Dong Lai Peng.

If Dong Laipeng is not in danger, he would not dare to be so arrogant in front of Xu Feng.

"Xu Feng's spiritual power is definitely very expensive. He can't run for a long time. It is estimated that it is really fierce."

"Yes, in this ancient battlefield, it is very difficult to hide from these battle platforms."

"It is also said, do we have to catch up and see?"

"If you want to die, you can catch up. That Dong Lai Peng can't kill Xu Feng. He will take us to suffocate when he arrives. Isn't that looking for death?"


Qian Yan looked into Jin Hong and said: "Go to the brother, what do you do now? Do we have to catch up and see if Xu Feng’s brother is really fierce."

"That Dong Laipeng, as a member of the Donglai family, is really mean and shameless, and such a dangerous situation can be done." One person next to him said.

Jinhong shook his head and sighed: "Forget it, we will not be able to catch up. Will we watch Xu Feng brothers being killed? If we can get a huge chance in the ancient battlefield, we will break through to the spiritual emperor in the future. Help Xu Feng brothers revenge and kill this East Lai Peng."



In Xu Feng’s double-angry sea, among the twelve spiritual veins, the majestic spirit of the majestic continually surging, tearing the void, he appeared in dozens of feet.

His speed is very fast, but don't forget.

The Dong Lai Peng who chased him behind him was not a mediocrity, but a genius of the Dong Lai family.

The speed of Dong Lai Peng is also very fast, Xu Feng can not get rid of Dong Lai Peng.

"Xu Feng, today you will die, your spiritual power is probably very serious now? Hahaha..." Dong Laipeng eyes sneer.

The spiritual power of his body is flowing wildly, the spiritual power under his feet is constantly floating, and his speed is very fast, just like the screaming wind.

"Damn, follow this way, my spiritual power will support me to tear three times of void." Xu Feng felt very clear that the physical strength of the body is really lacking.

"Even if I swallow the medicinal herbs, the effect is very good, and I can't support it for a long time. What should I do?" Xu Feng fled, while he was secretly trying to find a solution.

His face was cold and murderous, and he said: "I can't do it. I can only show that the spirit of the fire has changed. Even if it is a serious injury, I must kill this Dong Lai Peng."

"Don't let me find the chance, otherwise I will kill this person."

Xu Feng thought that he had always been a part of his fisherman's life. This time he and Liu's four and a half-step spirits worked hard to fight, but did not expect to be cheaper by this Donglai friends.

Otherwise, Xu Feng, who has broken through to Ba Pinling’s respect, is not afraid of Dong Lai Peng.

"Ha ha ha... Xu Feng, can't you run?"

The sharp laughter of Dong Lai Peng came from behind. Xu Feng bit his teeth. He knew that this was the last time to tear the void. If it didn't work, he could only use the three spirits.


When the space heart broke out and Xu Feng suddenly tore the void, he found that the surrounding atmosphere turned out to be hot, and his eyes were shocked.

He just looked at the escape, only to find that it was a small oasis not far away, and there were quite a few clear water flows.

"Hmm? Well, what's going on, how my body is out of control..." Xu Feng's moment of tearing the void, he wanted to flee in front.

Who knows, the emptiness of the emptiness in the void directly erupted, directly dragging his body and disappearing toward the void.

"Ah! I won't be so unlucky, I will see a crack in the space?" Xu Feng couldn't help but scream, and if he fell into a space crack, he wanted to live out, it was really difficult.

If he knew that this was the case, he should show his three changes to kill Dong Lai Peng.


"Hey, man?"

Dong Lai Peng appeared in the oasis. He stared at the surroundings. He found that the breath of Xu Feng had disappeared.

"Damn, where did this kid go?"

Dong Laipeng is very clear, Xu Feng is already the end of the strong.

As long as you continue to chase Xu Feng, the other party will die.

However, Xu Feng suddenly disappeared, making him suddenly a little aggressive.

"This kid must have used the space of the road, short-term avoidance, I have to see how long he can avoid?" Dong Lai Peng's face with a stern color.

His eyes are also envious and hateful, the blood of the space is the entire southern continent, almost the most precious blood heritage.

Cohesiveness of the space is also the most powerful first-class existence.

"Xu Feng, I know that you are hiding. I want to see if you can use the space for a long time. Your spiritual power will not last long. I am waiting here."

"I am waiting for your spiritual exhaustion, and I will roll out and kill me."

"Xu Feng, you have the ability to hide and get out."

"Xu Feng, get out!"


Dong Lai Peng’s insults continue to spread.

"Strange, what is this place?"

Xu Feng's face changed slightly. He could hear the insult of Dong Lai Peng, but he found this void as if it were an independent small space.

"It’s a road to heaven. If you want to come to this small space, it’s the cave house that the spiritual powerhouse has opened up.” Xu Feng began to look at the cave house.

He found that the structure of Dongfu was very simple, not far from a neat stone bed, and some tables with some teacups.

Because it is a void created by independence, this cave is very clean, but it has been seen for many years from the traces on those stone tables.

"It seems that this is the ancient battlefield, and some people have opened up to cultivate the Dongfu, but it is very strange." Xu Feng knows that he did not fall into the space crack, then rest assured.

In this nameless cave house, Xu Feng can just refine the refining of the liquid to the sacred liquid, and fill the sea of ​​the lack of the sea and the twelve spiritual veins.

He still faintly heard the insults of Dong Lai Peng outside, and his face showed a cold killing intention. He said: "When I recover, it is your death."

Xu Feng discovered that he was really not hurt.

He quickly took out some of the medicinal herbs and swallowed them directly to start healing.

Xu Feng refining the healing remedy, the effect is very good, coupled with his physical recovery ability.

After he swallowed it, he sat cross-legged. After a while, his injury recovered to 70%.

(End of this chapter)

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