The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1678: Conceited Dong Lai Peng

Chapter 1678 Conceited Dong Lai Peng

"Day, what is this monster in Xu Feng? He actually faced four half-step spirits and killed three people. It was terrible."

Someone looked at Xu Feng's figure, his face was a shocking look, no one thought, Xu Feng's strength, even to such a strong point.

"Or originally, at the beginning, I still think Xu Feng will die. I don't think Xu Feng is so strong, I don't know if Liu Hao can survive."

When some people surrounded Xu Feng in four and a half steps, they felt that Xu Feng would die. I know that Xu Feng was able to explode such a powerful strength.

"The situation is changing rapidly. I am sure that as long as Xu Feng is not killed, the future will be the legend of the entire southern continent."

Someone looked at Xu Feng, with a look of awe in his eyes.

The person next to him suddenly rolled his eyes and said: "Is this still used by you? I don't have to think about it, it's hard to be a legendary martial talent."

"However, his enemies are still too strong. The Nangong family and the dark temple can be huge. Do you think Xu Feng can escape? Are these two forces killed?"

"The whole southern continent, countless big forces, can't wait to kill Xu Feng, can get to the two forces. So, I am still not optimistic about Xu Feng's future."

At the moment, the onlookers have recovered from the shock, and their eyes have a shocking color, and they have begun to talk about it.

Liu Hao’s eyes flashed, and he stared at Xu Feng, saying: “Xu Feng, you are killing so many people in our Liu family here, you will die very badly.”

Liu Hao’s heart is also somewhat fearful at the moment. He did not expect that the four-and-a-half-step spirits would kill Xu Feng, and this situation would happen.

The strength that Xu Feng shows can be compared with the Kyushu Fengyun Record, the more advanced half-step spirit Emperor.

The fields of those people are more than 80%.

Only those people can kill Xu Feng.

"Ha ha ha..."

Just after Liu Hao’s words were finished, Xu Feng laughed directly at the sky. There was a mocking smile in his eyes: “You had arranged for someone to assassinate me before Liu.”

"In the ancient city of Kyushu, Liu Hyunde has tried to find me trouble four times. Just before the start of the Kyushu hegemony, Liu Jia, the owner of your Liu family, also provoked Shen Ronghai of Hell State, so that Shen Ronghai had to let me withdraw from Hell State. ""

"You Liu family wants to kill me with one heart and one mind. I have been dead for a long time with you. You said this to me now, don't you think it is an idiot?"

"Or, do you think you can use the Liu family to threaten me?"

The sound of Xu Feng sounded, and it was extremely powerful.

As if, he is not facing the powerful Jingzhou Liu family, but an ordinary small force.

Xu Feng dared to say that this Liu family is not dead, many people secretly admire Xu Feng's courage.

"Xu Feng, you can't live anymore. The power of the Nangong family is not something you can think of, let alone the dark temple wants to kill you."

Liu Hao stared at Xu Feng with his eyes, and he said directly to Xu Feng.

The Nangong Family and the Dark Temple are almost the top forces in the entire southern continent. These two big forces want to kill anyone, and anyone who feels terrified.

However, Liu Hao found that Xu Feng’s eyes did not have any surprises or panic, and some of them were calm and self-confident.

"The Nangong family and the dark temple, one day I will let them pay the price." Xu Feng's mouth flutters slightly, he stares at Liu Hao, said: "All those who want to kill me, I will let them know, in the end This southern continent, my Xu Feng will not die, and I will not die."

Liu Hao really didn't know, in the end, Xu Feng came from the courage to say such things.

You must know that the dark temple and the Nangong family are strong, and the entire southern continent, I am afraid no one knows no one.

"Since your nonsense is finished, can you die?"

The spiritual power of Xu Feng’s body, with cold eyes and cold eyes.

"Just because you want to kill me too, haha... dreaming..."

Liu Hao actually has been delaying the time. In his hand, a jade symbol suddenly shattered, and the void was torn into a crack.

"Ha ha ha... Xu Feng, why do you kill me..."

Liu Hao’s laughter came out of the void, and his face was mocked. He knew that he was not Xu Feng’s opponent, and he wanted to escape.

"is it?"

However, the moment when Xu Feng’s mouth slightly floated, Liu Hao, who was about to merge with the void, suddenly found that the void he was in was completely blocked.

"Impossible... impossible..."

Liu Hao’s face had a shocking look, and his mouth was filled with trembling voices.

"Don't you forget that I have the inheritance of the blood of the Nangong family space, so the space is not so magical in front of me."

Said, Xu Feng's brow was picked, and suddenly the space began to shrink.

"Heaven and earth, square space, kill!"

What Xu Feng displayed is the heavens and the earth, the square space, this horrible inheritance and spiritual skill.


With the constant distortion of the void, Liu Hao’s face showed fear. He looked at Xu Feng and his eyes were full of fear. He had never seen such a enchanting existence.

Three kinds of hearts!

Did it condense three kinds of hearts?

"Xu Feng... Don't kill me, I tell you a secret... don't kill me..."


Listening to the sound from Liu Haokou, Xu Feng’s face seemed to have a curious color, which made Liu Hao hurry and nodded. “Good, yes, a big secret...”

"Unfortunately, I am not interested in the secret you said, die..."


After that, in Liu Hao’s shocked eyes and remorseful eyes, the space will completely tear Liu Hao into pieces, and Xu Feng will collect Liu Hao’s storage ring and the heart fragments.

Liu Hao is annoyed in his heart. If he knows that Xu Feng’s strength is so strong, how can he come to Xu Feng’s troubles? He is remorseful.

If he does not come to Xu Feng, he will not be killed.

Unfortunately, there is no regret in the world to sell drugs.

Xu Feng received the fragments of the three half-step spirits.

Harvest all the spoils.


Just as Xu Feng was satisfied, ready to leave quickly, and find a place to restore the lack of spiritual power, a man wearing a blue robes, he has appeared not far away.


The man's hands clapped his hands, his face with a playful smile, his eyes fell on Xu Feng's body, said: "I can't think of it, an eight-pronged spirit, can also kill four half-step spirits, really makes me feel Shock."

(A lot of begging everyone, come to QQ to read and read! Thank you!)

(End of this chapter)

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