The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1674: The trouble is really much

Chapter 1674 is really troublesome.


Everyone's gaze converges on two people, the collision of the fist and the palm.

Just the moment the fist and the palm collide.

The whole world seemed to be shaking in an instant, and the void was torn apart.

The earth began to make a crack in the road. Under the feet of the two people, the cracks in the spider web were so dense that the spiritual power of the two men rushed out.

"This Xu Feng's horrible spiritual power, eight spirits respected, his spiritual impact, is not weaker than the half-step spirit of the Emperor?" Someone looked at this scene, and exclaimed.

Standing in the distance, he only felt that his mouth was dry and his eyes were astonished. "I can't think of the strength of this little brother so horrible?"


Finally, the two figures retired at the same time, and the golden light of Xu Feng became extremely heroic. He just stepped back two steps.

The opposite side of the golden gun is like the wind, the entire old body, but constantly sliding on the ground, about two or three feet away, finally stabilized the body.

No one found out that the golden gun was not injured, but his arm was constantly shaking, and his mouth had a slight jitter.

The heart of the golden gun was secretly shocked, and the heart said: "The youth who are so perverted are just the eight-pronged spirit, and they even condense the realm of the spiritual body. His body is endless, I can't continue with him. If you fight like this, use my long shot to kill this one."

"Kid, I have to say, I did smack you just now." The golden gun is as clear as the wind. His strong place is his half-step field and his shooting method, so he is not prepared to be like Xu Feng. Consumption: "Next, I will let you see and see, the true half-step spirit of the Emperor."


The squally wind began to roar, and the golden gun broke out in the field of half-step wind.

“A field of 50% of the half-step wind?”

Xu Feng feels very clear that this golden gun is like the wind in the field of wind, only 50%.

And if you want to condense a complete field, you must condense 10% of the field.

This is a lot of half-step spirits of the warriors, they choose the cultivation method, can not condense a complete field at a time, then a little bit of sentiment.

"The kid, the place where the half-step spirit is really strong, is the strength of the field, and then falls into the field of my wind, and with my shooting method, you will die very badly."

"If you want to be clear now, then hurry in front of me and commit suicide. I will let you die more quickly. Otherwise, it will be difficult to die in my hand."

The body of the golden gun seemed to be blowing with the hurricane, and there was a slam in his hand, and a long gun that burst into darkness broke out.

Above the dark rifle, the sharp cold blast broke out, tearing the air of the void, the incomparable majesty, the violent violent waves blowing.

"Don't you be an idiot? Don't you know that you are about to become a dead person, and your old witch is gathering?" Xu Feng's mouth was slightly raised.

His voice was extremely chilly, and the violent killings broke out. The ten killings on his body broke out, and the blood-red light rose from the sky.


Many people around are obviously swallowing their mouths.

Nine heavy killings.

They also finally understand why Xu Feng is so powerful and can easily kill the existence of the half-step spirit, so the talent of killing the Tao is simply unbelievable.

"Boy, I want you to die very badly!"

The golden gun was completely irritated by Xu Feng, and he did not expect that a boy who had just broken through to the Eight Spirits would dare to talk to him like this.

Moreover, in the face of so many people insulted him, his heart was completely angry, the violent wind of his body blew, the rifle in his hand danced.

"Then let you die under the direction of my half-step, take my wind out like a dragon." The sound of the golden gun is so gloomy.


I saw that his body was moving with the whirlwind, and the field of the half-step wind, wrapped up in Xu Feng's body, wanted to completely block Xu Feng.

The golden gun is attacked by the wind, his rifle is surging wildly, the violent gun shadow is like a dragon shadow, and the violent whirl of the whistling sweeps everything.


The golden gun is the oldest player in the state, and his inheritance and spiritual skills are of a high level of cultivation.

In addition, with the help of the field of half-step wind, his attack has become more fierce.

The ten-fold killing of Xu Feng’s body broke out, and the blood-red fist madly went out.

The fist shadow and the gunshot crazy face.

"Damn, how could the strength of this kid be so strong?"

The golden gun did not expect the wind, he had gone all out, but he was unable to kill Xu Feng, which was a shame and shame for him.

Just as the golden gun was as shocking as the wind, Xu Feng’s more horrible momentum suddenly spread, and the whole void was falling.

The golden gun suddenly found the wind, and the speed of the gun that he had just done was suddenly slow, and his body was suppressed.

“Gravity heart?”

"Day, I am not mistaken, Xu Feng two kinds of heart?"

"His gravity is the heart of the seven gravity?"

"How did he do it?"

The people watching the battle are completely shocked at the moment.

They originally thought that Xu Feng would be defeated by the golden gun.

Who knows, with the moment when these seven gravity hearts appear, they also know that the boulder is instantaneously reversed.


With the suppression of the seven-gravity heart, the field of the golden gun like the wind, and his gunwork can not fully exert its power, suddenly the whole person was suddenly bombarded on the body by Xu Feng’s **** fist.

"End it!"

Xu Feng roared, and the ten heavy killings on his body were accompanied by the seven-gravity heart, and the thorough impact came, punching and destroying the earth.

The first type of killing boxing, killing!

"no no……"

The golden gun screamed like a wind, and looked at the fist that destroyed everything. He wanted to escape, but he found that his body was as heavy as a boulder.

Only able to see the devastating fist, violently rushing toward his body, the power of the tearing of the fist, his body's meridians instantly shattered.

"You said that you are an idiot, you obviously can not live to die, but you do not believe in evil, to come to death, really commit! Oh!"

The words of Xu Feng sounded, and the heart of the golden gun was a resentment.

He did not expect that the strength of the eight-pronged youth in a district was so powerful that it was incredible.


Xu Feng’s mouth was slightly raised. He found that a few figures were coming in from a distance. His eyes were full of killing intentions. “The trouble is really much!”

(End of this chapter)

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