The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1664: Kyushu hegemony begins (forty-three)

Chapter 1664 The beginning of the Kyushu hegemony (forty-three)

The old man with his eyes hollowed, his wrinkles on his face shivered slightly.

He is very clear that he did not have any ability to fight back in front of the old man.

However, he is not able to sit still.

"Senior, I respect you very much."

His eyes were slightly twisted, and the look was a decisive killing.

He looked at Xu Feng and said: "Predecessors should know that this Xu Feng is not simple. He is a Nangong family and a dark temple. They all name people who want to kill. How do seniors think you can keep him?"

The old man heard the words and his mouth floated slightly.

"Haha... You don't have to threaten me with the Dark Hall and the Nangong family." The old man's eyes revealed a ray of light, saying: "If they really want to kill Xu Feng in the ancient city of Kyushu, then you should let them personally. As for You kill the organization, the old man actually endured you for a long time."

"But, you have not given me face three times. This way, I am a little unhappy." The voice of the old man is filled with killing.

Many people have come to understand this. It turns out that Xu Feng is a member of the Nangong family and the Temple of Darkness. The one who was killed by Xu Feng was the killer of the killing organization.

However, this old man who appeared at the moment is also the killer of the killing organization.

Their purpose is only one, that is to kill Xu Feng.

"Since you kill the organization and don't give me face, then I don't need to care about your face. Today, take your knife."

The voice of the old man of the heavenly machine just fell, the five elders of the peak of the three spirits, his pupils contracted, and the spiritual power of his body suddenly flowed, and he wanted to escape.

He is very clear that he is in front of the old man of the celestial being, the existence of the ants, and he will die undoubtedly. Only by escaping will there be a chance.

"If you let me run in front of me, will you be more arrogant after killing the organization?" The voice of the old man of the heavenly voice sounded, and the old man with his eyes hollowed out was so locked in the air.

Xu Feng looked at this scene, and his heart was shocked. I can't think of this old man being so powerful. It is no wonder that even those in the Dark Hall must be jealous of three points.

"Kid, don't underestimate this old guy, his strength is very strong, although not strong at the peak of my time, it is not an ordinary generation."

Seven killing spirits reminded Xu Feng.

He once visited the ancient city of Kyushu, and has had several relationships with this old man. He knows that the existence of this person will make the ancient city of Kyushu so prosperous.

However, this is why Kyushu, Seoul, although there is constant chaos between them, but there is no big power of the vast land of China, because of the existence of this person.

“So strong?”

Xu Feng's face changed slightly. He knew the existence of the Seven Killing Emperor. According to this guy, he broke through the existence of the Southern Continent.

"The kid, the water in the entire southern continent is very deep. What you see is only the surface. You don't want to think about it. For many years, those high-ranking spirits, they can't break through to the monarch, but their lives are almost It’s all over the millennium. Unless it’s killed, it’s hard to die.”

The seven killing spirits said.

"This is also true, these people are hard to die."

Xu Feng is very clear that the Seven Killing Spirits are telling the truth.

"I will remember later, in the ancient city of Kyushu, if anyone dares to break the rules, then you are their foresight." Said, the old man's arm waved.

Suddenly, Xu Feng saw a horrible wave of air, and the whole person was swept away in an instant when the old man with his eyes was sunk.

As he flew out, the body disappeared completely.

It seems that there has never been such a person in the whole world.

Many people at the scene couldn't help but take a breath.

"The old man of Tianji is really too strong. The strongest of the peak of Sanpinling Emperor is like an ant in front of him." Someone couldn't help but feel shocked.

The old man of Heaven’s eyes fell on Xu Feng’s body. He said slowly: “It’s very good. It’s really amazing to be able to kill the killer of a good spirit.”

"You are careful, I can't guarantee that the killing organization will not continue to kill you. After all, I guess the good things, the Nangong family and the dark temple, gave them even if they offended me, at the cost of not hesitating. ”

The old man of Tianji reminded Xu Feng and praised Xu Feng.

Many people watched Xu Feng's eyes change.

Can get the praise of the old man of the sky, it shows that Xu Feng's talent is really strong, the strength can not be underestimated, otherwise it is impossible to get the appreciation of the old man.

"I will try not to provoke this Xu Feng in the future. Even the old man praises him. If he grows up, the future cannot be limited." Some people secretly made up their minds and must not provoke Xu Feng.

“Thank you for the help of the seniors!”

Xu Feng expressed his gratitude to the old man of Tianji.

"You don't have to thank me. It is the responsibility of my old man to maintain the order of the ancient city of Kyushu." The old man of Tianji said to Xu Feng: "Hello, let it be, and leave."

The old man of heaven lost its place.

Xu Feng quickly took out some of the medicinal herbs and swallowed them directly. The injuries were restored. He also went quickly to the yard where Lingbao Pavilion was located.

In this way, after the five elders of the killing organization were killed by the old man, Xu Feng did not meet the killer of the killing organization. He knew that the other party would never let go of his own.

He is very clear that such silence is only temporary.

Around Xu Feng, Chen Fan has been following.

In this way, the time of half a year has passed away, and the Kyushu hegemony in the ancient city of Kyushu is about to kick off.

From the powerful warriors from Kyushu, they all gathered together.

This time, not only do these half-step spirits, but also the strongest of the nine major states, they are very concerned about their own state disciples.

In the past six months, Xu Feng removed the time of cultivation, that is, he went to the refining guild and Huo Laoqi and others to understand alchemy. He also learned a lot.

However, some of the alchemy techniques in the Tianhua Folding Mei Xun style, Xu Feng was also taught to Huo Lao Ge and others, they are extremely grateful to Xu Feng.

At the same time, it also shocked Xu Feng's mind.

They all say that their peers are family members, but Xu Feng still gives them such precious alchemy techniques.


The noisy voice is as deafening, and there are at least thousands of warriors from Kyushu, and some are not from Kyushu, from the southern continent.

Shen Ronghai and several elders of Hell's Gate also appeared on the huge platform, and behind them were the top 100 strongest.

Shen Ronghai’s face looked at Xu Feng with a strange look. He apparently heard the rumors about Xu Feng and became sensitive to Xu Feng’s identity.

(End of this chapter)

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