The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1653: Terrorist youth (32 more)

Chapter 1653 Youth of Horror (Thirty-two)

Kill the organization!

Still the old man with the hollowed eyes, he is the five elders of the killing organization. He looked at the two crystals in front of him and has become shattered.


He sighed deeply. He did not expect a young man in the district, a young man of seven spirits, to bring such a big loss to the killing organization.

The three killers he arranged, the latter two men and one woman, they have never failed, and the assassination is the peak of the half-step Emperor.

"I really can't think of it, it's dead!"

The old man is very clear, the only way to do it is to arrange the killer of the powerful Emperor.

However, he is very clear that if the killer of the Emperor of the Spirit is killed, it is really a huge loss for the killing organization.

"Five elders...have something?"

Not long after, an old figure appeared in front of the five elders.

"You need to assassinate a seven-pronged spirit."

The sound of the five elders sounded, the old man almost did not violently jump up, he looked at the five elders, cautiously said: "Five elders, you are crazy!"

"Assassination of the seven spirits of the waste, I need a spirit to shoot? If I shot, it is very likely to be noticed by the old man."

The old man is very clear that if the spirit of the spirit is locked by the old man, then even if he is assassinated and killed, he will be killed by the old man.

In front of the old man, he has no resistance.

This kind of thing happened before.

"You can rest assured that after you kill the young man, I will arrange for you to leave the ancient city of Kyushu immediately." The voice of the five elders became incomparably firm. He looked at the old man opposite and said: "No way, half-step Emperor's Killing, it is impossible to kill him, you look at the two crystals, are the killers arranged to go out."


The old man knew that he had to pick up the task. Now he began to ask Xu Feng everything. His face became dignified and he seemed to understand why he had to be arranged.


Early the next morning.

The edge of the huge square of the refining guild has already gathered countless people early.

These people are all coming to watch the refining contest, they want to see who can get the first place in the refining contest.

However, in some places in the VIP area, there are already many top powers of the big forces, all of which are the emperors.

The purpose of their presence here is very simple, that is, to recruit the refiners they want to recruit.

"Big brother, you must cheer, we believe that the first place is yours!"

Shuya cheered on Xu Feng.

Lingmao now has a great change to Xu Feng. She found that Xu Feng is not only a natural horror, but also a very horrible mentality. The other side has no arrogance.

Xianhong Xue also stood with Xu Feng. She originally came to participate in the Kyushu Hegemony with Yanzhou Xianjia. Now she does not want to go back to Xianjia.

With one hundred refiners standing in the center, the same eight-skilled division who was responsible for the competition in the previous period, he swept his eyes over a hundred people.

"My first round of assessment today is very simple. One hundred of you will be drawn by lottery. That is, the same level of refiners will draw lots each other, and two pairs will be decided."

"For example, if you are a seven-product quality trainer, you will take a seven-product quality trainer and compare it with you. You two will refine the same medicine, compare the quality of the refining medicine, and the speed of refining. Fast, then start the draw."

With the eight masters, it is obviously ready.

The draw will end soon.

Xu Feng’s face was smiling, and he was actually the old man who taught him. The other side’s look was awkward, and it’s really not a family’s head.

The old man looked at Xu Feng and said: "Xu Feng, I know that the quality of your refining medicinal herbs is very good, but we are the seven grades of the refining division, of course, we can not refine the Tianxiang Dan, then we have to refine the medicinal herbs, It’s a seven-pronged medicinal herb, and it’s a good thing.”

In the moment of swallowing, the moment of swallowing, the spirit can be repaired as a person, the strength is skyrocketing, and the duration is a small half hour, which is very precious for the spiritual worshipper.

You must know that if two people who fight for the peak of the nine spirits fight, if one of them swallows this spirit, the strength will inevitably rise, and the chance of killing the opponent will be greatly improved.

"You may be able to refine the ninety-nine of Tianxiang Dan, but I don't think that you can refine the spirit." The old man stared at the opposite Xu Feng, so when talking.

In fact, it seems that he is somewhat uncertain in his heart. Can he beat Xu Feng in the end, so he used his words to ease his inner anxiety: "This is the essence of the seven products, the refining process is incomparable, I If you feel that you are avoiding shame, let's take the initiative to admit defeat."

"Proactively accept the loss?"

Xu Feng’s mouth was slightly raised, a very good-looking range. His eyes were fixed on the opposite old man and said: “Don’t continue to talk nonsense, ready to start alchemy.”

The old man did not expect Xu Feng to give him face, so in front of so many people to talk to him, suddenly a sleeve, said: "I really do not know."

The old man felt that he was kind enough to advise Xu Feng, who knows that Xu Feng actually said that he was talking nonsense.

"Xuan Ming Wang Ding."

In front of Xu Feng, when the eight-piece alchemy furnace Xuan Ming Wang Ding appeared, many people were envious of the color, to know that eight products alchemy furnace can not be met.

With the constant changes of the times, many precious alchemy furnaces are now left in the ancient times. Now there are few refiners, and they are willing to spend their time to refine an alchemy furnace.

The black flame is burning.

Before Xu Feng came to the medicinal material of the scent of Dan, the same means, he still did not have a selection of medicinal materials, but his eyes swept through those medicinal materials.

Finally, when his palms were constantly floating, one after another, the medicinal materials continued to fly into the Xuan Ming Wang Ding, and the dark flame was still burning.

The old man looked like a blue-green, he did not expect Xu Feng to refine the seven products of the medicinal herbs, but also dare to smelt so many medicinal materials at the same time, to know that this medicinal material, more than 50 kinds.

Huo’s gaze fell on Xu Feng’s body. I don’t know why, he’s from Xu Feng’s body, and he’s seeing the temperament of a great master.

"The arrogant boy, you will lose the Dan, you will lose." The old man said to Xu Feng, did not continue to pay attention, but concentrated on starting alchemy.

However, when Xu Feng's dark flame burned, the medicinal materials in the Xuan Ming Wang Ding continued to melt and the impurities were also removed.

Xu Feng’s gestures became incomparably mysterious. His body was still scattered with plum blossoms. The plum blossoms were so beautiful that many women looked at Xu Feng’s eyes with awe.

(End of this chapter)

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