The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1651: Almost (thirty)

Chapter 1651 is almost a little (30th)


The entire refining tower was violently shaken, only because someone had reached the ninth floor of the refining tower.

Huo’s old eyes almost didn’t get out of his eyes. He didn’t expect Xu Feng to go from the eighth floor to the ninth floor. The speed between them was so fast.

"How did the kid do it? It's incredible?" Huo's inner feelings were completely shocked. He never thought that a young man could reach the ninth floor of the soul tower.

This means what he is very clear about.

That means that the potential of Xu Feng’s soul is endless.

The old man around Huo’s strange stunned, he can’t describe his inner surprise in words at the moment.

"How is it possible? How can Xu Feng get to the ninth floor of the refining tower? Isn't that only the soul power of the eighty-order, is there a chance to arrive?"

Yu can suddenly stand up, he can't even enter the eighth floor, but Xu Feng hits the ninth floor, which is a huge blow to him.

"Someone got to the ninth floor of the refining tower, wouldn't it be Yuda?"

The refiners in the refining towers, they all know that the movement of the refining tower has just represented the shock of the ninth floor of the refining tower.

Those who watched were stunned at the moment.

Just because the person who went to the ninth floor of the refining tower was not Yu Can, but Xu Feng.

"What is the origin of this Xu Feng, so strong?"

"When you reach the ninth floor of the Spirit Tower, it means that the talent of his soul power is terrible."

"It’s an incredible youth. Where did he come from?"

The crazy discussion of those people, knowing that they can reach the ninth floor of the refining tower, this means that Xu Feng has become a teacher of eight qualities, almost a fact of ironclad.

Chen Fan was completely shocked.

"That kid is a monster."

Chen Fan’s mouth is slightly floating. He does not know that he and Xu Feng signed a soul contract. Is it the most correct choice?

However, his feeling of faintness at the moment is that Xu Feng will become a legend in the southern continent.

After a few years, when Chen Fan looked at the world that Xu Feng had made, he couldn't help but sigh.

Mistakenly hitting and Xu Feng signed the soul contract is the most correct thing he has done in his life.

Lingmao also came with Shuya, they are preparing to leave, I did not expect Xu Feng to go to the ninth floor of the refining tower, the spirit mother completely shocked.

"What kind of monster is this, can it be so abnormal?" Ling's mother at the moment has some expectations for Xu Feng's growth.

Thinking of Xu Feng’s suffocating enemies, Ling’s mother can only secretly pray: “I hope this kid can grow up intact, but the enemy he provokes is really strong, and it’s easy to grow up safely.”

"Genius? There are so many talented geniuses. How many people have really grown up over the years?" She sighed.


When Xu Feng appeared on the ninth floor of the Spirit Tower, he felt that his body seemed to relax, and the whole person became so clean.

He found that the ninth floor of the refining tower is not very large. This is actually a small square box of cultivation, but this contains a strong atmosphere of soul power.

"Improve the power of the soul here, much faster than the refining of the stars in the refining." Xu Feng felt the power of the soul.

He did not hesitate. When he was sitting cross-legged, the soul of his body began to work, and the power of the soul around him continued to converge toward Xu Feng's body.

The breath of his body is constantly improving, and the improvement of the power of the soul becomes very fast.

You must know that his soul power has just broken through to the seventy-eighth order, and now it is crazy to swallow the power of the soul around.

With the help of the heart of the soul, Xu Feng is not afraid of the instability of the realm.

Time, constant past.


"What happened to the two of you, haven't you killed the boy of Xu Feng?"

In the killing organization, the same place, the same people.

The man with his eyes closed was a bit cold.

The two of them performed the task of assassinating Xu Feng. It has been so many days, there is no movement.

"It's not that we don't want to kill the kid, but his luck is good. We chase the dark wreckage and prepare to assassinate him. I know that the dark temple is coming out."

"Under the chaotic situation at that time, we didn't know when the kid disappeared. After he returned to the ancient city of Kyushu, he was in the courtyard of Lingbao Pavilion."

"There are spiritual emperors there, we can't assassinate. He is now participating in the refining contest of the refining guild, and now in the refining tower, can't do it."

The killer of the men’s and women’s killing organization, the man’s man who said to the depressed man’s eyes.

"What, he went to the refining contest?"

The man with his eyes narrowed his brow and said, "Don't tell me, is that kid still a trainer? How old is he? Is it a seven-finisher?"

"Five elders, he is afraid that not only the seven refiners, but also very powerful refiners, the first round of refining guild assessment, he won the first place, can be described as the power to suppress the genius of Yujia."

The man’s voice was also a bit amazed. At such an age, even the martial arts talents were overwhelmed, or the genius of the refiner, which is really more popular than the people.

"It's no wonder that there can't wait to urge us to kill this child as soon as possible. I don't think there is such a talent." The man with his eyes closed slightly frowned.

"When the soul refining tower is tested, when will it end?"

"three days left."

The man with the hollowed eyes nodded and said: "After three days, the test of the soul refining tower is over. You must kill this one, otherwise you will not have to come back alive."

The voice of the old man sounded, and that man and woman were involuntarily playing a chill.

“The five elders are assured that we are guaranteed to complete the task.”


For seven days, dazzle the past.

The soul power of Xu Feng, after the cultivation of the ninth floor of the refining soul tower, his soul power has risen to the peak of the seventy-ninth order, but after all, it is still a little worse.

He wanted to use the refining tower to temper to the 80th order. Unfortunately, seven days passed, and when the breath in the refining tower disappeared, his body disappeared from the refining tower.

Xu Feng’s heart is somewhat regrettable. If this soul power can break through to the 80th order, it is really great help for him.

He participated in the Kyushu hegemony, and if the soul power of the 80th order cooperated with the soul secret technique, he faced the top geniuses above the Kyushu Fengyun Record, and it was not without the power of a war.

"Forget it, so much so that the power of the soul is raised, it should be satisfied."

Xu Feng knows that he has been honing his soul in the seven days of refining the soul tower. It is a great improvement. It is not easy to upgrade from the soul power of the seventy-seventh order to the peak of the seventy-ninth order.

(Thirty, thirty, thirty!)

(End of this chapter)

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