The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1638: Dull, too much (seventeen)

Chapter 1638 is dull, too much (17th)

"That may not be the case, the dark temple has always been not paying attention to principles. If they really want to do it, there is really no way." The old man said with some concern.

Now, the people of the Dark Temple emerge from all directions. It can be said that the entire dark wreckage is almost in a **** battle, and countless people fall.

"Hey? You two are also going to die."

A half-step Emperor's old man in a black robe, he looked at Xu Feng's moment, the half-step dark field of his body filled, and the dark attack suddenly came toward Xu Fengqi's attack.

"What do you count, rely on your waste, and want to kill me?"

Xu Feng looked at the half-step spirit of the attack. The spiritual power of his body suddenly flowed, and the killing of the Taoist heart broke out, directly tearing each other's half-step dark areas.

The old man next to him wanted to shoot. He knew that the violent wind was coming. When Xu Feng’s spiritual power flowed, he widened his eyes.

People kill!

As Xu Feng displayed a moment of killing the boxing, a punch actually flew out the man in the dark hall of the half-step Emperor, and the blood spurted out.

The man looked at Xu Feng with a stunned look. He seemed to be convinced that the existence of the seven spirits was a powerful strength.


Xu Feng screamed and suddenly slammed out.

The power that broke out in that punch was incontrovertible.

"Do not!"

The half-step Emperor's black robe old man, his whole person was directly punched, his cockroaches were crushed, and his body fell to the ground.

Xu Feng stepped out step by step, and his shot was extremely decisive, and his life was directly solved.

Suddenly, he charged the half-step dark field fragments of the old man in the black robe.

"Since the Dark Temple likes to kill, then let's not leave for the time being. Then you will kill. If you can kill the Spirit of the Dark Temple, I believe they will be very painful."

Xu Feng said to the old man next to him, he actually rushed out to the people in the battle.

"This kid is really crazy."

The old man frowned, and his spiritual power flowed wildly. He didn't dare to leave alone. If Xu Feng was killed, he would die.

Only able to keep up with Xu Feng.

However, he suddenly discovered that Xu Feng’s strength is really not covered.

"Two elders?"

Xu Feng constantly shot and killed the people in the dark temple. He suddenly saw not far away. The old men of the two dark temples were besieging an old man.

It was the second elders of the War League. The other side was blood all at the moment. Obviously it was not long before he could step out.

"Two elders, is it okay?"

Xu Feng looked at the old man around him and took out some medicinal herbs and handed them to the two elders.

The two elders looked at the medicinal herbs that Xu Feng handed over. He had some embarrassment between his looks. He knew that when Xu Feng had just joined the War Alliance, he also slandered Xu Feng.

The two elders swallowed the medicinal herbs quickly. He suddenly became shocked by the face. The efficacy of the medicinal herbs was quickly played, and his injuries recovered a lot.

"Hey, kid, the seven spirits of the district are respected, are you here to die?" The two black robes in the dark hall opposite, they looked at Xu Feng, and the half-step darkness of the body continued to condense.

"I am afraid you are dead!"

The majestic momentum of Xu Feng broke out, the spiritual flow of madness, the radiance of a circle of circles continued to float, and all gathered were powerful attacks.

"Kid, I will kill you first, and then solve this old ghost." One of the black robes, the spiritual power of his body, the half-step dark field of his body emerged.


The old man in the dark temple, the spiritual power of his body flowed like a flowing water, and he carried a devastating force with his palm and attacked Xu Feng.

"People kill."

Xu Feng did not have any hesitation. The ten-fold killing of his body broke out. In the eyes of others, it was only a nine-point killing, but the power of the explosion was completely different.

The ten-degree killing of the Taoist heart and the display of the horror of killing the boxing are really shocking.

The **** red fist broke out with a powerful momentum.

The people around are looking at the side where Xu Feng is.


The fist directly hit the dark palm print, and the palm print suddenly broke, and the wind swept away.

"Ground killing!"

However, Xu Feng did not give up, the second form of killing the boxing, the violent violent waves, all rolling, suddenly killing.

The black robes of the half-step spirit emperor were directly flung out by a fist, and when they fell to the ground, they could no longer climb up. His eyes were not reconciled.

The half-step spirit that was left next to him swallowed.


In Xu Feng’s eyes, the crazy killings permeated, and the killing fists were once again displayed. His double angry sea and twelve spiritual veins were all fluctuating.

The fierce wind whistling, the blood-red fist fell like a storm, making the half-step spirit emperor easily killed.

Xu Feng received the half-step dark field fragments of the two people directly.


"This young man of the Seven Spirits is so strong and powerful that it is not easy to kill two half-step spirits one after another." Someone looked at Xu Feng and looked with admiration.

"This young man has a strong and powerful talent. His killing and martyrdom is the nine major and complete killings." A powerful Emperor looked at Xu Feng and said.


When the old voice rang again, a horrible pressure spread, and the darkness shrouded the dark wreckage.

As the old voice sounded, the darkness of the field enveloped countless people, and they felt the horrible killing of the savage, and many of the spirits of the Emperor had a secret voice: "Not good!"

"Not good, kid, run, the six spirits of the dark temple shot." Not far away, the old man looked at Xu Feng, but unfortunately too late.

The dark field of terror shrouded the whole earth, and the violent wind continued to blow, and many people made a squeaking voice.

"The dark temple, you are too arrogant, I am the Liu family of Jingzhou."



Similar sounds are constantly ringing, and many people are filled with fear.

"Yes, the seven spirits will kill the half-step spirit, you should die!"

The dark breath shrouded and Xu Feng's face turned pale.

"Damn, I don't know if I should stay."

Xu Feng’s heart snorted and he felt that his whole body was shrouded.

"Is it dead?"

"Is it really going to die?"

Xu Feng’s heart was shaking, the horrible darkness, and the oppressed he could not move.

"Dark, too much!"

On the occasion of this millennium, an old voice sounded through the clouds.

"The old man of heaven is the old man of heaven..."

"The old man shot, we are saved..."


Xu Feng only felt that the blockade of the whole body suddenly disappeared. He couldn’t help but swallow his mouth. This time, he really took a trip at the gate.

"Hey! The old man of Tianji, this is not the ancient city of Kyushu, it is not the scope of your jurisdiction." The dull voice appeared, it seems very dissatisfied.

(End of this chapter)

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