Chapter 1632 The killer hits

"Hey, can't you think that you will leave the ancient city of Kyushu so soon?"

"In the old city of Kyushu, I am not very good at it. If I leave the ancient city of Kyushu, this person will die."

The old man did not hurry and walked, even Xu Feng did not find out, someone followed himself.

You can think about how good the hidden means of the old man is.

But think about it and feel normal, the old man is not a simple person.

Although he is a half-step spirit emperor, but he has been assassinated half-step spirit emperor, not a minority, for him, Xu Feng is not worth mentioning.

"I don't know if there is anything strange about this seven-pronged spirit. It is incredible to send me to assassinate him. But it is his grace to die under my hand."

The old man's gaze seems to have never stopped on Xu Feng, but Xu Feng is constantly detouring in the ancient city of Kyushu, and the old man can clearly follow.

Xu Feng is constantly detouring, he just wants to see if he has been tracked.

However, he had been around for a long time and found no clues.

"It seems that I think too much, many people go to the place where the treasure map is, the dark wreckage, it is estimated that there is no mind to take care of me." Xu Feng is very interested in the treasure.

However, he also knows that such a treasure he just thinks about it, he did not want to join in the fun, he wants to quench his body.

As Xu Feng walked out of the ancient city of Kyushu, he walked toward the place where the dark wreck was located. His speed was very fast, and the spiritual force flowed toward his legs.

Xu Feng has never found out, not far from him, the old man is following.

at dusk.

Xu Feng rushed for an afternoon, and the look was a little tired.

"Let's find a place to take a break."

Xu Feng casually found a place, his heart is a little relaxed at the moment, his powerful soul power feels very clear, and does not follow himself.


At the moment of the lightning fire, Xu Feng only felt a cold and chilly chill, falling directly from the top of his head to every part of the body.

His body seemed to be solidified, and the cold and horrible killings came from his back.

"No, there is a killer."

Xu Feng’s face suddenly changed greatly. He did not expect that there would be such a terrible killer. Under his powerful soul power, there was no warning.

"Kid, you die!"

A squeaking sound sounded, and the sharp edge that was close at hand suddenly passed through Xu Feng’s abdomen, and suddenly Xu Feng’s body continued to retreat.

The edge continually passed through Xu Feng's body, and the whole person was heavily squatting on the ground, and his mouth suddenly spewed blood and his face was white.

The white-haired old man’s eyes were a little shocked. He didn’t expect Xu Feng to die, and his attack was almost completely escaped by Xu Feng.

Xu Feng struggled to stand up, his face became extremely ugly, his eyes staring at the opposite old man, said: "I am very curious, why didn't I find you at all?"

Xu Feng’s mouth was slightly raised, and his heart was full of horror. If he was not sensitive to killing, he could feel the advent of killing in advance.

Well, he is probably a dead man now.

Although he found it very timely, the injury was very serious at the moment. If his soul is not perfect, he is afraid to explain it here.

The white-haired old man was a little surprised. He found that Xu Feng was seriously injured, but he was not fatal at all. That is to say, his assassination failed.

"Hey, if you can find me, then what is the role of assassination? As a killer, if even the exploration of the soul can not be isolated, then how to assassinate the spirit and assassinate the spirit?"

The white-haired old man looked at Xu Feng, and the momentum of the half-step spirit of the emperor broke out. He stared at Xu Feng with his eyes and said: "It seems that I have been stunned by you before, otherwise you should not be alive."

"But, it doesn't matter if you survive, because you are about to die." Among the eyes of the white-haired old man, the red blood of the killing blew.

Xu Feng looked at the old man opposite. He was amazed at the other party’s assassination. As for the other party’s battle with him, he was not afraid.

"is it?"

Xu Feng’s mouth was slightly raised, and his brow was suddenly screwed up. He looked at the old man opposite and said, “I want to know, which killer organization are you? Jingzhou Liujia?”

The old man looked at Xu Feng and said: "It is no problem to tell you. We are the killer of the Kyushu ancient city killing organization. My mission is to kill you."

"I originally thought that sending me out and assassinating a seven-character spirit is really overkill. Now it seems that you are really strong."

"Ge kill organization!"

Xu Feng’s eyes flashed, and he heard about the killing organization.

It is said that this killer organization is the most terrible killing gesture in the ancient city of Kyushu.

They were able to assassinate others in the ancient city of Kyushu. However, the law enforcement team of the ancient city of Kyushu could not catch any of their clues.

In other words, the law enforcement people in the ancient city of Kyushu also have no way to take them.

"Kids, before you die, what else do you want to ask, and then ask them all at once, lest you die." The white-haired old man looked at Xu Feng.

There was a cold killing between Xu Feng’s look. The golden light of his body broke out and his mouth cracked slightly. “Unfortunately, I am afraid that you are going to die, not me!”

Said, Xu Feng stepped out in one step, and the killing in his eyes suddenly emerged.

The nine-fold killing of the Taoist heart broke out, and the nine blood-red lights rushed into the sky.

The violent wind broke out from Xu Feng's body.

"Nine heavy killings?"

The white-haired old man is shocked, but he does not think that Xu Feng can defeat himself.

"Kid, even if you have nine killings, you have to die."

Saying, the spiritual power of his body surged, he attacked Xu Feng, and the violent attack seemed to be very powerful.

Seeing the attack of the old man, Xu Feng’s face appeared disdainful. He shook his head directly. He had to say that the old man’s killer method was very powerful, but such a bright and serious attack, his strength is not as good as Shi Wende.

However, Xu Feng now can easily kill Shi Wende.

"People kill!"

In the moment when the killing fist was displayed, the blood-red fist suddenly slammed into the white-haired old man, and the blood in his mouth spouted out.

"Want to run?"

The old man felt that he was not Xu Feng’s opponent. He wanted to escape, but he was punched by Xu Feng’s fist and squatted on the back of his head.

He widened his eyes, with an incredible look, and his heart was terrified. He did not expect that the existence of the Seven Spirits could be strengthened to such a degree.

(Eleven, ask if you are very cool, but this is just the beginning, just the beginning, just the beginning, the important thing is said three times!)

(End of this chapter)

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