The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1628: God of Heaven

Chapter 1628, the **** of the gods

As time passed, the auction finally began.

I saw the huge auction center, an old figure appeared in the ring.

His eyes swept over everyone.

I saw that he cleared his throat and said: "I represent Lingbao Pavilion. I welcome everyone to attend this auction. I believe that those who come to the auction will be rewarded."

"You, you will never be disappointed to participate in this auction. The auction will start next, and we will have a clear understanding of the auction items."

"But, the auction items we started, I believe everyone will be shocked. We will auction the first item, which is the blood of a ancient monster."

"Of course, some people may say that Lingbao Pavilion does not have an auction item. Does the blood of the beast be known as the treasure of the opening auction?"

The old man’s words are said here, and the auction atmosphere on the spot is completely mobilized.

"You don't want to sell off, let's talk about what it is."

As the following people began to rush.

The old man nodded to the people not far away. Two beautiful women, carrying a delicate bottle, came to the old man.

"I believe that everyone will not be disappointed."

When the old man opened the lid of the delicate bottle, countless people in the entire auction hall were shocked and felt as if they were oppressed.

Many people are pale, especially some of the warriors near the auction floor. The momentum is so terrible that they are somewhat unprepared.

The old man had a smile on his face and quickly covered the lid of the bottle. His face was very satisfied with his auction.

He looked at the people with different looks and said: "I believe that many people are very interested in this drop of blood. This blood is determined by our Lingbao Pavilion. It should be an ancient monster, a yak!"


The scene suddenly became awkward, but there are countless legends about the yak.

Legend has it that there are ten beasts in ancient times, and this yak is one of them.

It is incredible that such blood appears in the ancient city of Kyushu.

If this news spreads, I am afraid that many powerful spirits will come to compete.

"The starting price of this drop of blood, five million to the liquid, each increase of not less than 500,000."

The voice of the old man sounded, and this huge price has also discouraged countless people.

Five million supreme liquids are not a small number.

Only the strong Emperor of the Spirit can come up with such a supreme liquid.

"Six million!"

As the voice of the old man has just ended, an old voice is heard inside a box, which is definitely the existence of the powerful Emperor.

"Seven million!"


The asking price is constantly going on, Xu Feng did not expect the blood of the yak to appear, but he can only see, this blood he does not have so much supreme liquid.

There is not much supreme liquid in his body at present. It is estimated that the Naha **** needs five million supreme liquids to see if there are other herbs needed, and it will also cost some supreme liquid.

As a refining law, the **** of the gods is not very expensive.

After all, there are many big forces, and there are so many laws and regulations, many warriors are not willing to spend time, which requires a lot of pain.

It is like Xu Feng's cultivation to the perfection of the body of the Spiritual Religion. In order to cultivate this god, he does not know how much suffering he has eaten, perhaps only he himself knows.

Finally, the blood of the yak was sold with 22 million supreme liquids.

Xu Feng’s heart is shocking. If he couldn’t find a way to get this million liquid from Donglai Red, then he is really a poor man.

But now it seems that it is still a poor ghost.

"The second auction item is a sword of eight spirits. This is a good sword."

As the voice of the old man sounded, many of the strong men who used the long sword became hot.

The eight-pronged spirits are also the existence that the Emperor of the Spirit is in need.

With the constant price of this sword, the last price stayed at 16 million to the liquid, and was also taken down by a powerful Emperor.

The auction continued, Xu Feng did not look at anything. As for Shuya, she did not lack anything at all, and she was not interested in the auction.

Sitting in the red snow beside Xu Feng, she did not have anything to look at.

"Next, what we want to auction is a refining law. I believe many people are very interested in this refining law."

The old man’s voice sounded, and a woman with a fascinating look appeared next to him, carrying a tray with a jade slip.

"This is the law of the gods. I believe that many people have heard of this method of refining the body. If the refining body reaches its peak, it can be transformed into the body of the spirit emperor. With the flesh, you can shake the world and fight against the spirit. Emperor strong, can be described as a rare refining law."

Sure enough, as the old man’s words rang, many people’s faces showed a feeling of no interest, and many people were interested in the practice of the body.

Xu Feng is sitting in the box. The purpose of his participation in this auction is to swear by the gods.

Seeing that the atmosphere is not very warm, the old man wants to hurry to auction the God of Heaven, so he directly said: "Hey God, the starting price, one million supreme liquid, each price increase must not be less than 100,000."


"1.7 million..."

"Two million..."

The price is not very competitive.

"four million!"

Seeing that everyone's fare increase is not competitive, Xu Feng directly added two million to the liquid, he wants to win this tyrant at the fastest speed.

"I really don't care about the local tyrants in the box. How can this tyrant God be worth so much? It is a waste of supreme liquid." Someone heard the sound coming out of the box and shook his head.

I sigh that the local tyrants have money and willfulness.

"Oh, it turned out to be you!"

In another box, a cold voice sounded, it was Dong Laihong who had contradicted Xu Feng before. He heard Xu Feng increase so many supreme liquids at one time, and felt that Xu Feng was very much in need of the gods.

"five million."

Many people are dumbfounded, and when they can be added to five million.

"Donglai Red?"

On the face of Xianhongxue, there was anger. From that voice, she heard that Donglaihong was in trouble.

"Six million!"

Xu Feng did not hesitate any more, asking for the price again.

"6.1 million."

The voice of Dong Laihong is with a pleasing color.

Many people have seen this at this time, and this is not to auction the gods, but the people in the box want to deliberately raise the price.

"This person is really detrimental. It is so high that the price of the gods is too high. The original three million gods, now it has increased to six million, it is really insidious."

(End of this chapter)

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