The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1623: A sword light chills Kyushu

Chapter 1623, a sword, light, cold, Kyushu

Xianhong Xue looked at the back of Xu Feng. I don’t know why, I always feel particularly safe.

Even if she knew that Xu Feng is now very weak relative to those big forces, she still feels very comfortable inside.

Liu Hyunde looked at Xu Feng, and he dared to be so arrogant. He suddenly sneered: "Since you are so arrogant, it seems that I don't need to leave you alive."

Having said that, Liu Hyunde’s eyes swept over the people around him.

He said slowly: "You, do you know, Xu Feng in front of him, what is his identity?"

"I believe that at the moment someone's heart is sure that the other person looks very ordinary, not like a wealthy person, but you are really wrong!"

Liu Hyunde’s words rang and the scene suddenly became a little noisy.

You must know that according to Liu Hyun-de’s statement, it’s not easy to be Xu Feng’s identity.

Xu Feng stood there, taking a deep breath.

He knows that his identity will be exposed sooner or later, and sooner or later there will be such a day.

In fact, the identity exposure is also a good thing for Xu Feng. He can use it in the future without hesitation.

"I said Liu Hyunde, don't you sell it, just say it."

Someone looked at Liu Hyunde and directly urged the Tao.

Liu Hyunde looked at Xu Feng, his mouth with a cold smile, said: "Xu Feng, you can't blame me, this is all you don't know."

"Let's say, let you say a good time."

Xu Feng spread his hands and didn't care.

"You have heard of the sensation of the entire southern continent more than 20 years ago!"

"The future heir of the Nangong family is actually a man who is married and unmarried."

Liu Hyunde’s words are said here, Xu Feng’s eyes are showing his murderous intentions. His eyes stare at Liu Hyunde, cold and cold: “Liu Xuande, don’t talk too sinister. I Xu Feng provokes you, but my mother did not Call you."

"My father and my mother are very happy, they are in love, why should you be so humiliated? You really think that you have the foundation of Liu, my mother does not dare to kill you?"

Xu Feng’s words rang, which made Liu Xuande, who was incomparable, become a little bit afraid.

Although he did not know the current situation of Nangong Snow, the other party was in the entire southern continent that year, but it was a man of the wind.

These geniuses on the Kyushu Fengyun record were not eligible for the Nangong snow shoes.


The scene of the scene suddenly sounded loud, many people looked at Xu Feng, their eyes were shocked.

"It is difficult, this Xu Feng is the son of Nan Gongxue’s birthday?"

Some people know this sensation in the southern continent, but did not expect Xu Feng to survive.

At that time, the three main temples of the Dark Temple went to the Nangong family in person. It is said that the Dark Temple sent many superpowers just to obliterate Xu Peng.

In the end, the Nangong family will make Nangong Xue permanent about the Futuo Palace, and let the three main temple swords of the Dark Temple be left alone, but also have a great blow to the Nangong family.

"That was really a young genius, inheriting the talents of his mother and father. When his father was in the vast land of China, it was also a storm."

"It is also like Xu Feng. In the past, Xu Pang was able to kill opponents. The strength of Xu Pang was terrible."

Some people think of Xu Feng before the lively fragrance, the leapfrog kills the half-step spirit of East Lake.

At this moment, watching Xu Feng are shocked.

"I don't think I just mentioned it casually, everyone thinks it, that's really good!" Liu Xuande's arrogant smile on his mouth became more intense.

"Then I will tell you a good news by the way, I believe many of you will be interested." Liu Xuande's face, the look is killing: "Nangong family elders Nangongyuan, personally issued a killing order to Xu Feng."

"Where, anyone who can kill Xu Feng can go to the Nangong family to receive the reward. Moreover, the reward is very rich, and you can pick a piece of the field."

"Even if it requires debris in the space field, the Nangong family will not refuse."

Liu Hyunde’s words came out, and the atmosphere of many people at the scene became wrong. They looked at Xu Feng’s eyes as if they were looking at treasures.

"Ling mother, what is the big brother?"

Shuya felt that something was wrong, and quickly asked her mother-in-law.

Lingmao sighed and said: "Miss, if this Xu Feng is really that identity, I am afraid you have to leave him as soon as possible."

"If you are willing to go it alone, I am afraid that your father will come forward to take you back. The big forces he has provoked, even our Lingbao Pavilion, will not easily offend."

"No! Never!"

Shuya bit her teeth, she looked at her mother-in-law, saying: "Ming's mother-in-law, no matter what, big brother is now an enemy on all sides, I have to stay with him."

Lingmao did not continue to say more, she believes that the things here, will not be long before it will spread to the land of Shenzhou, when Shuya's father will naturally deal with.

Even her, this time, can not be by the temperament of Shuya.

"And, the people who killed Xu Feng can get a permanent humanity from the Nangong family. That is the promise of the Nangong family elders and Nangongyuan personally!"

Liu Hyunde’s voice sounded and his face was sneer.

"Hey! People!"

Just when Liu Hyunde was very proud, a very cool sound sounded.

I saw that there was a man standing there, wearing a white robe and holding a sword inside.

Just now! The word of man is coming from his mouth.

Many people look at the white robe man, full of surprise.

Others dare to insult Liu Hyunde.


Xu Feng’s eyes were full of surprises. He did not expect to see Yao Kyushu in the ancient city of Kyushu.

However, he also remembered that Yao Kyushu had been swinging thousands of swords in the Qianjian Building in the past few years.

Could it be said that Yao Kyushu was successful.

"Who is this person? Dare to dare to insult Liu Hyunde?"

Someone puzzled and looked at Yaozhou, which suddenly came out.

"You don't even know who he is, it's ridiculous."

The people next to him suddenly took a mocking tone.

"A few years ago, Jianzhou appeared to be a genius of swordsmanship. This son was trained by the Emperor, and he dared to sway the Qianjianlou, and it was like a broken bamboo!"

"He is the first person in the history of Jianzhou who has crossed the thousand-story building. When he entered the Qianjian Building, he was repaired by Jiu Lingling, and he finished the Qianjian Building. He is now a half-step spiritual emperor. for."

"The main entrance of the Jianmen Gate personally invited him to join the Jianmen Gate, and he was rejected by him. Although he was not on the record of the Kyushu, he was rumored that he killed three and a half-step spirits with one sword."

(Xu Feng’s disciples have appeared. Are you looking forward to it? Are you looking forward to their continued presence in the vast territory of China? Looking forward to their presence in the ancient city of Kyushu? If you look forward to it, then come on, let’s wait for you in QQ!)

(End of this chapter)

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