The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1607: Nine heavy killings (5th)

Chapter 1607 Chapter 9 Killing the Heart (Five)


The people around them all took a breath of cold. They looked at Xu Feng's figure. They were all shocked. In the end, this punch, who is the young man who repelled the Aoqing youth, why have they never seen it?

It’s hard to say, when the Hell State, in addition to Xu Feng, has a genius.

"who are you?"

Ao Qing’s eyes stared at Xu Feng, his look became ugly, and his heart had a vague guess, but he was not sure.

Xu Feng heard the words, his mouth slightly raised, said: "You have not had an answer at the moment? Do you still need me to say it directly?"

"Oh, you are Xu Feng. It’s a shame that you hide your head and tail." Ao Qing’s eyes were full of anger, and he did not expect Xu Feng to be opposite.

Xu Feng simply took off the mask on his face and smiled at the corner of his mouth. "What is this shameful, I am still less than 27 years old?"

"If I am as old as you, I can hang you at will. But, in this field, everyone is the same starting point, you will understand, how big is the gap between me and you?"

Xu Feng’s words are ringing, and many people’s hearts are surprised.

I have to say that the talent that Xu Feng showed is indeed much stronger than that of Ao Qing. This is a fact that cannot be denied.

"Xu Feng, you are really arrogant, do you really think that you can defeat me just now, can you beat me?" Ao Qing's eyes emerged with anger.

Xu Feng is extremely calm, it seems that from beginning to end, everything is under the control of Xu Feng.

"To tell the truth, all the qualifications of Ou Qing are arrogant in front of me. Nothing lies in two points. First, you are lucky, and you have access to the Hell Gate to get a huge resource."

"Second, you are more fortunate than me, that is, you have lived for more than 20 years. But for more than 20 years, you really lived on a dog."

"Do you dare to agree with me, after a year of life and death? I am afraid you will refuse if you don't want to think, just because you don't dare, because you know, after a year, you are no longer my opponent."

When I heard Xu Feng’s words, many people looked at Ao Qing.

Proudly's face is ugly, and he certainly can't agree with Xu Feng's request.

Just a joke, Xu Feng has no name for a few months, and now he has killed the half-step spirit of the extreme list.

No one knows, and what kind of situation he will raise to Xu Feng for a year, perhaps it is not necessarily impossible to break through to the spiritual emperor.

Ao Qing mouth with a mocking smile, he looked at Xu Feng, slowly said: "Xu Feng, you really take it for granted, the strength is the king of the world, the strong is the respect."

"Your age is younger than me, I should let you, then according to your statement, those spiritual emperors are not always ridiculed."

"And, if a person's talent is strong, he must be able to survive and grow up, and he will be a true genius, otherwise he will die."

Proudly said, he stepped out and took the initiative to attack Xu Feng.

"I said, you are the ants in front of me at this moment. Today I will teach you lessons and let you know what is called, true talent."

Kowloon God Boxing.

Xu Feng directly displayed the Jiu Shen Shen Quan, suddenly the golden light broke out, his fist is extremely fierce, although there is no spiritual power, but everyone can see that Xu Feng's boxing method is very high.

"It is an incredible youth to be able to cultivate spiritual skills into the realm."

Someone has seen that the Jiu Shen Shen Quan exhibited by Xu Feng is already the realm of the realm.

The boxing method became extremely fierce, and a punched attack went out, and the nose of Ao Qing was interrupted.

However, Xu Feng did not end the tyranny of Ao Qing.


Xu Feng’s crazy fists continually greeted the head of Ao Qing’s head. Ao Qing only felt dizzy and uplifted. His face was full of blood.

"Are you not very proud? What are you?"

"Are you not very arrogant? Are you arrogant to me?"

"Are you not very powerful? How can I be hanged?"


Xu Feng greeted Ao Qing with his fists, and he screamed at the same time. He only felt his head and was crushed.

Ao Qing spurted out a blood, and the whole person quits. His eyes have lost the shape of his eyes. His heart is crazy about Xu Feng.

"Xu Feng, you are waiting for me, I will let you die without a place of burial." In the hand of Ao Qing, there was a smear of imprint, and the moment of the imprint of the seal, a horrible atmosphere filled.

His uncomfortable body suddenly disappeared in place.

Xu Feng looked at the back of Ao Qing's departure. He knew that the genius such as Ao Qing could not be killed so easily. He must have the means of life-saving left by the powerful Emperor.

Therefore, looking at the proud and escaping, Xu Feng did not feel too surprised.


An old voice sounded, and many people understood that the inheritance of this spiritual emperor was estimated to have been obtained by Xu Feng, and Xu Feng’s realization was too amazing.


Suddenly, other people in the field felt that their heads were dizzy and disappeared into the field that was suppressed.

They appeared outside the field, looking at the rolling purgatory, all of them were extremely sighing, and it was really painful to be suppressed.

"I can feel it, your heart is completely different from my heart, but the field can create any kind of heart, and then my field will slowly merge with your body."

"good luck!"

The time when the voice of the Spirit Emperor disappeared.

Xu Feng felt a huge pressure to fall, his body was completely shaken by the momentum of the field.

The eight-point killing of Xu Feng’s body, involuntarily began to absorb and devour the atmosphere of the field.

The killing atmosphere of Xu Feng is constantly improving.

In a blink of an eye, time passed quickly.

The trial of purgatory is coming to an end.

The killing atmosphere of Xu Feng’s body has completely changed. If it is said that Xu Feng, who had killed the Taoist heart before, is a sword waiting to go out.

Then, at this moment, Xu Feng, who has smashed the nine killings, his murderousness has become extremely erratic, as if it is completely integrated with the whole world.

"Nine heavy killings?"

Xu Feng felt the smell of killing on his body. He knew very well that he no longer had to fear the half-step field of the half-step Emperor. His nine-point killing was absolutely not weaker than any half-step field.

Xu Feng is a surprise inside, this is the advantage of his strongest path.

Although this road is extremely difficult, but it is extremely powerful, he is not only invincible in the same realm, but also able to compete with the half-step spirit.

This is the strongest road!

(End of this chapter)

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