"OK! The great leader repented and changed his mind. This great general admires him! Then how about I follow the big leader into Fushi City and sign the surrender document?"You Ziyuan said

"Of course, it should! Invite the general into the city!"Xu Chuquanqu said, standing on both sides with Yi Yu and others. You Ziyuan and the generals got on their horses and led a large group of people to Fushi City. When they arrived at the government office, Xu Chuquanqu asked You Ziyuan to sit down. You Ziyuan He said:"You don't have to be polite, chief, I am also fulfilling His Majesty's edict. Now that the big leader has surrendered, we will be a family from now on. Please move a table over and we can sign the paperwork."

A few soldiers moved a table over, and Xu Quanqu said,"General, please sit down!"

"Also please take a seat, the big leader!"You Ziyuan said, and he and Xu Chuquanqu sat down. Two of Youziyuan's soldiers unfolded a piece of yellow silk and put it on the table. Two soldiers of Xu Chuquanqu brought over an inkstone and a writing brush. There was already an inkstone in the inkstone. After grinding the ink, Youzi looked at the Xuquan Canal from a distance, then looked at the yellow silk, and said:"Let's get started!"

Xu Chuquanqu nodded, and You Ziyuan said:"I will tell you the contents of the document. If the big leader has no objection, we can take it as written, okay?"

"Then please tell me, General!"Xu Chuquanqu said. You Ziyuan thought about it for a while, and then said:"The leaders of the Di and Qiang, Xuquanqu, are willing to serve His Majesty the Emperor of Han and Zhao as the master from now on. From now on, I will never rebel. The tribes of the Di, Qiang, Jie and other tribes within the scope of my rule are willing to be the people of Han and Zhao and obey the edicts of the Emperor of Han and Zhao. After You Ziyuan finished speaking, he asked,"Big Chief, are you satisfied with this wording?""

Xu Chuquanqu thought about it and found nothing wrong, so he said:"The general's words are rigorous and have rich connotations. Just write according to this content!"

You Ziyuan picked up the writing brush and first wrote a line of words on the right side of the yellow silk from top to bottom. The content was: A document of reconciliation between the Han Zhao Kingdom and the Di Qiang leader. Then he wrote the content just now on the yellow silk. After finishing, You Ziyuan signed his position and name in the lower left corner: You Ziyuan, the Chariot and Cavalry General of the Han and Zhao Kingdoms, and then handed it to Xu Chu Quan Qu. Xu Chu Quan Qu took it in his hand, looked at it, and praised:" The general is both civil and military, and his calligraphy is excellent!"

"A prize! A prize!"You Ziyuan said modestly. He handed the brush to Xu Chuquanqu. On the left side of You Ziyuan's name, Xu Chuquanqu wrote the words"Di Qiang Chief Xu Chuquanqu". After writing, he handed it to Xu Quanqu. You Ziyuan looked at it and said:"This year is the summer of the third year of the reign of Emperor Guangchu of the Han Dynasty. Let's add the five words"summer of the third year of the reign of Emperor Guangchu"!"

You Ziyuan wrote these five words in the lower left corner again. One of You Ziyuan's soldiers brought over a small box, which contained a sticky red color. You Ziyuan dipped his right thumb into it, and then put it on himself He clicked on his name. Xu Chu Quanqu also clicked on his name according to You Ziyuan's method. The soldier handed You Ziyuan a seal again. You Ziyuan dipped it in red color, and then stamped it on the position. Seal. A personal attendant also handed the seal to Xu Chuquanqu, and also stamped his own seal.

You Ziyuan looked at it carefully from right to left, and then handed it to the personal soldier. Another personal soldier handed over a bamboo tube , You Ziyuan took out a piece of yellow silk from the bamboo tube, and said:"The leader of the Di Qiang emptied the power channel to receive the order!"

Xu Quanqu quickly knelt down, and Yiyu and other chiefs, leaders, and generals also knelt down. The generals and soldiers of Han and Zhao present also knelt down quickly, and You Ziyuan began to read out. The emperor of

Han and Zhao said:"

The great leader of Di Qiang I am very pleased that Xu Chuquanqu, regardless of past grudges, has a deep understanding of righteousness and an open mind. Now I grant Xu Chuquanqu the title of General of the Han Dynasty and the Duke of Xirong. From then on, the family of Xirong Gong and his tribe are all Han. Zhao Zimin. Therefore, they moved Yiyu brothers and their more than 200,000 tribesmen to Chang'an. They share health, live and work in peace and contentment, and build peace together. I admire this. In the lower left corner, there are still five words"Xia Guangchu three years".

You Ziyuan read out After finishing the imperial edict, he said:"Xirong Gong, please rise, and all the leaders, please rise!

People on both sides stood up. You Ziyuan handed the imperial edict to Xu Chuquanqu. Xu Chuquanqu handed the imperial edict to his son Yiyu, and then said:"I have prepared a small amount of wine to invite the general and all the generals to a banquet." After that, how about embarking on the road back to Chang'an?"

You Ziyuan thought for a moment and said,"Xirong Gong, I won't waste any time. Your Majesty is still in Chang'an waiting for the good news of reconciliation with various tribes and turning hostilities into friendship. So I led the soldiers back to Chang'an. The two sides were fighting these days, and both sides lost some brothers. After we leave, you should quickly find a place to bury the bodies of the fallen soldiers! Their families should be well cared for. We will transport our fallen and wounded soldiers back to Chang'an. Before there is reconciliation, war is inevitable. It will be better in the future. The production and life of the Di, Qiang and other tribes around the capital will be much better than in the mountainous areas here!"

"What the general said is so true, I admire him so much."Xu Chuquanqu said. You Ziyuan continued:"Shangjun was one of the thirty-six counties established by the First Emperor of Qin, and the name Fushi was even earlier. About six hundred years ago, Master Zhao, together with Qi and Yan, destroyed Zhongshan. And he moved Prince Fushi of Zhongshan to this place. In order to protect the people of Shangjun, I left two generals, Pingxian and Qiu Zhongbo, and 10,000 troops as reinforcements for Duke Xirong. I helped Duke Xirong's sons and tribes pack their bags and go to the capital of Chang'an to live and work in peace and contentment. At that time, I will have a banquet with the princes, chiefs, and leaders in Chang'an!"

"Thank you, General, for the arrangement! Let the general make the decision!"Xu Chuquanqu said.

You Ziyuan and his generals said goodbye to Xu Chuquanqu and others. You Ziyuan said:"Xirong Gong, our green mountains will not change, and our green water will always flow. We'll see you later. When you, your family, and your generals go to Chang'an to see His Majesty, I will definitely entertain Duke Xirong at a banquet!"

"Okay, okay!"Xu Chuquanqu said, and he and his sons and generals lined up to see You Ziyuan off. Pingxian and Qiu Zhongbo also saluted You Ziyuan and said goodbye.

You Ziyuan and the generals mounted their horses and headed south along the North-South Street of Fushi. Go...

Back to the west gate of Chang'an, Liu Yao and his civil and military ministers were already waiting outside the west gate to greet him. You Ziyuan saw Liu Yao and the ministers welcoming him back in triumph, and he quickly dismounted with the generals. You Ziyuan and others came to Liu Yao They knelt down and saluted, and said in unison:"I see your Majesty!"

"General, your hard work has paid off, please rise quickly! Dear friends, please rise!"Liu Yao said with a smile. You Ziyuan just stood up, Liu Yao took You Ziyuan's hand and said:"The general put down the rebellion of Di and Qiang, and achieved the greatest gain at the smallest cost. Today I am holding a banquet to celebrate the success of the general and other generals at the Ziguang Palace. I invite the general to ride in the chariot with me."

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