The village chief Mendez fell to the ground and fell in front of an old house. He struggled to get up, but finally fainted.

After Ashley saw this exaggerated scene, her jaw almost dropped to the ground. This punch sent the person flying into the sky. Was this throwing a Frisbee?

Are you surprised? Eddie asked, hugging Ashley.

Ashley nodded unconsciously. What an exaggeration.

You can also get such power, do you want it? Eddie said with a evil smile.

Ashley suddenly turned away and made a defensive posture with her hands, I will not help you hurt my father. Are you with them?

Eddie covered his head helplessly, You seem to be suitable only for having children.

What, damn it, what are you talking about! Who is only suitable for having children? I am an outstanding college student at the Aviation Industry University. I am already a junior and very powerful. Vacuum reverse centrifugal force is my theory. You just don’t know!” Ashley was unhappy, she didn’t want to be looked down upon by a man.

Haha, just joking. You know you like to study medicine. Do you know what I thought of when I was studying these virus vaccines? Eddie asked.

I'm not your wife, how do I know? Humph, you should tell me! Ashley is a bit arrogant. It seems that she will not be honest until she is dealt with.

What I'm thinking is that humans are afraid of viruses and only see the harm caused by viruses. Why don't we try to use viruses to turn their destructive power into advantages that are beneficial to us? Eddie asked.

Ashley's beautiful eyes flashed with curiosity, You have the same idea as me. I originally proposed the theory that using forest mechanics plus reverse centrifugal force, we can fly quickly, even beyond the speed of light. This theory was developed in college Even if it wasn’t for my father’s noble status, I would have been laughed at, and now some people are also laughing at me for overestimating my abilities.”

Eddie didn't expect that Ashley would have such a past, which seemed to have some similarities.

Geniuses are always not understood. Our vision is too much beyond ordinary people. They can't understand it, just like we can't stand on the same point of view. I want to invite you to join my team, what do you think? I am also developing A project about space travel,” Eddie invited.

Of course, hum, I will prove to you that not only can I give birth to children, but I also know a lot of smart knowledge! Ashley waved her pink fist, as if to cheer herself up.

On the other side, Lisa had been knocked away by two other villagers, and her weak body was shattered into pieces in the air.

I brought this special operations team member to a house, and then I discovered that the other party was actually an old acquaintance, the female Hank Olemino!

Eddie took out the mineral water and poured some water on the other person's face, stimulating the other person to wake up.

Aulemino woke up immediately and assumed a fighting stance, Is it you? Eddie, you saved me?

PS: If you are short of books, you can read the old book Marvel DC's Bastard Heroes. It is an old book with 3 million words. It does not guarantee your character!

Chapter 498: The village chief is a centipede spirit

If there is no one else here, then I saved you. What are you doing here? This is dangerous and not the place you should come. Eddie took out a cigarette and lit it.

Give me one. Oremino stretched out her jade hand and took off her glove.

After lighting up the cigarette and taking a nice puff, Oremino said, I was hired by Ye Minzhi to follow you and find out what happened in this area. The situation here is very strange. A village like this is in Ibi. There are many in the Lia Peninsula, and their folk customs are so fierce that even if the agents come, it will be of no use.

It's just disobedience to discipline, which only gives law enforcement a headache, and it doesn't cost money to use the army. Therefore, it has been stranded like this. The poor mountains and rivers have unruly people, and the Kingdom of the Iberian Peninsula does not pay much attention to it. It does not know the real situation here. As long as there is no rebellion, it is easy to say anything.

There is nothing to investigate. The people here have been infected with a parasite. They will be controlled by a superior parasite. This parasite is called Plaka. There are dominant types and subordinate types. These people use the subordinate type. My life is to be a cow or a horse.

The dominant type can strengthen the host's ability. I don't know if there will be other side effects. The information I investigated has not found this yet. Now you know it? You can go back, woman, don't be so curious about me. Eddie explained and prepared to leave.

Wait a minute, I need a sample, the dominant type and the subordinate type. Oremino said.

Woman, it seems that you don't know your status at all. It's very dangerous here, and there are many enemies you don't know about. Do you think you are Superman when you are alone? Eddie sneered.

Hmph, I can rely on myself. Women are not weaker than men! What Oremino hates most is being looked down upon.

Lisa, you take Ashley out to find something to eat, and I'll talk to her about something. Eddie said unhappily, testing his bottom line three times and four times, and it's not over yet!

What do you want to do! Aulemino stepped back step by step, and was finally forced to retreat against the wall.

On the other side, Leon went to the back of the village and saw his new teammate Dully being tied to the stake and burned to death.

Kevin and Enrique were sitting on the ground with bruises all over their bodies, surrounded by a large number of corpses of villagers.

Can you still continue to fight? I have some first aid medicine here for you to use. Leon asked.

Dully is dead. Report it to the headquarters and ask them to send people here for reinforcements. The villagers here are obviously under control. We have found some documents that can absolve us of the crime of massacring civilians. Kevin gasped , took out the bloody documents.

Enrique stood up silently, They will pay for it with blood! Dooley, my old friend, I will help you get revenge.

Wait a minute, we should reinforce first. We don't have much ammunition and we need to think long term. Kevin persuaded.

Enrique nodded, Of course, I haven't lost my mind yet. In this way, Leon, you are responsible for contacting the headquarters. Kevin, you search the area with me. They have shotguns, and the equipment of the previous victims is there. A place where we might be able to find something useful.”

Okay, be careful, don't provoke new enemies. Leon reluctantly picked up the video intercom and asked for help from the Secret Service Department.

This time it was not Hanigan who answered the call. Hanigan went on vacation. She passed the fear test and is currently recuperating. She found out she was pregnant, so she applied for maternity leave in advance.

Because of Eddie's relationship, Hanigan applied for one year and three months of paid maternity leave.

The beauties in the special service team were stolen away, which made many Pentagon staff feel very sad. What made them most depressed was that the goddess Hanigan was pregnant. Why should she take maternity leave if she is not pregnant?

The person who succeeded Hanigan was a white woman who was very young and had a mature temperament. With her long, silky hair and beautiful face, her suitors quickly formed a reinforcement camp!

Hi, Helena, have you eaten? You look a lot more beautiful. Leon greeted with a smile.

Alfred coughed a few times, causing Leon to immediately become extremely serious and recount the incident.

This intelligence agent is the new agent Helena. Leon, please don't try to strike up a conversation while working. I don't like it. Let's get down to business. Did you massacre a village of villagers? You take photos of the documents and send them over, and I will report them to my superiors. apply.

Leon hurriedly followed the instructions. He didn't want to bear the reputation of massacring the villagers. He was not Li Sanguang, really not Li Sanguang!

The four of them met the village chief who had just woken up in the middle of the village. As soon as Mendez got up, he saw the four strangers.

He has a dominant Plaka, and he can clearly sense that the four people in front of him are not his kind, despicable foreigners.

Wait, where is Ashley? Where did you hide her? Leon asked, raising his pistol.

Despicable foreigner! Village Chief Mendez started running quickly.

Leon hurriedly shot at him, but the attack power of the pistol was obviously unable to break through the defense. The village chief, Mendez, was unmoved at all and continued to run over quickly.

At the critical moment, Enrique took out a shotgun and at close range, shot the opponent back continuously.

This is not the place to deal with him, lead him over there! Kevin pointed to the pasture in the distance. There were several oil barrels outside the pasture. The oil barrels could be used to deliver a fatal blow to the village chief.

The four of them worked together, paying the price of Enrique's leg being broken, and finally led the village to the vicinity of the oil drum.

Mendez, who ignored the gun bullets, stood on the oil and was hit by Leon's shot.

Whoosh! The impact of the bullet caused the flame to burn instantly and connected to the oil barrel. Under the internal and external pressure, the oil barrel exploded.

The village chief Mendez was blown away, with a large amount of flames still burning on his body.

The huge trench coat was burned to the ground, and the nails on Mendez's hands grew rapidly, and in an instant, he turned into a terrifying mentality similar to scissorhands.

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