Hurry, Case, you and Quint take people to that building to rescue the people inside. Be careful. Others, follow me to seal off the downstairs to prevent the monster from running in. Chris Directing hard.

A hunter rushed over, and Chris hit it in the head with an assault rifle. The powerful kinetic energy of the bullet blew the hunter's head apart.

At this moment, an invisible wave came. Just as Chris was about to turn around, a gunshot was heard. Blood splashed on Chris, the blood of the invisible hunter.

A simple and honest middle-aged man held a Melin gun and wore a weird helmet with some antenna radar on it. It is Barry who is in charge of logistics and firearms, and he is also Eddie's father-in-law.

Next to him was a simple and honest uncle dressed similarly, Uncle Kendo, the team leader of the weapons research and development department.

Barry, Kendo, why are you here? Chris kicked the hunter away and shot him in the head several times.

Come over and take a look if you can't help it. We just tracked some information. The Hound Organization has mastered a new type of BOW, an invisible hunter called the Seriously Wounded! Barry said with a smile.

We are here to provide support and practice our marksmanship. This thing was made by my daughter. It is used to detect nearby biological and chemical weapons, and can also detect invisible predators. It is very expensive, and we only have two. Ken Uncle Da looked very proud. His only daughter Emma was a genius. How could he not be proud of this!

Then you're here just in time. Barry, go up and support Quint and the others. Search and rescue civilians to prevent sneak attacks. Kendo, you are here to help us build a defense line. Chris nodded.

It would be a lie to say that I am not jealous, Emma is beautiful, gentle and virtuous. There was no one in the former Raccoon City precinct who disliked her, and Emma was also a popular lover. It's a pity that Emma, ​​a big idiot, was eventually defeated by Eddie, a pig.

At the same time, Rachel also drove to the command room, her beautiful eyes hidden behind her blond hair staring at her husband.

Sheila is still responsible for organizing the guard force and protecting the command building. Parker, on the other hand, took a new guy named Raymond to clear out biological and chemical weapons, that is, to fight monsters.

Rachel, you are responsible for protecting Dr. Eddie, collecting new viruses, and assisting the doctor in making vaccines. General Morgan said.

Copy that. Rachel nodded and picked up the assault rifle, Let's go, Doctor, don't have any bad intentions, I don't accept unspoken rules here.

This was a bit embarrassing to say, and Eddie could only cough, I didn't intend to do that.

This is Tragriga's chief, Warren, who came in with someone, General Morgan, if there is anything I need help with, just say something. We must move the citizens as soon as possible. There are monsters everywhere now.

By the way, Morgan, clear out the medical laboratory in the building next door. Then I will conduct on-site vaccine production there. I don't know if it will be effective, but it can still be used as a vaccination. Eddie said and took the lead Then Jessica left.

Ye Minzhi's eyes flickered a few times, and he walked to the rest room next door to smoke. He did not follow him. It was too dangerous outside, so he might as well stay here.

The top floor of the entire building is still very safe. There are a large number of regional senator representatives gathered here. Only the ancient East has not come, and they are not involved in this kind of thing.

Going downstairs, there are special sky restaurants and hotels below. It was used for the representatives to rest. After Eddie saw this, he came directly to a room.

Rachel locked the door to her room and leaned on it, Do you need help?

Of course, I need your help. Jessica, help me find more food. Lisa, stay and help! Eddie ordered.

Well, don't be too tired. Jessica nodded, opened the door and walked out.

There is still a war outside, but Eddie is hiding and lazy. He needs to stabilize his emotions and state. The magnetic field ability he used just now took a lot of energy out of him, and now his head is a little dizzy.

The combined fleet encountered a huge ocean monster on its way. This is a very weird creature, with a head that looks like a gravedigger, and it can be seen that there are parasites on it. The two tails resemble those of a scorpion, and the skin is covered with scales.

This monster was infected by T Abyss because of parasites. The parasite infected T Abyss, and the body infected T Abyss. The combination of the two mutated and parasitized each other, and finally turned into a monster.

The main body is a huge whale, but now there is no whale at all.

The commander of the fleet saw that the 20,000-ton cruiser was almost beaten to the point of being beaten. When the entire ship was dragged into the sea, he didn't know how to describe it.

Fire the gun, use carnivorous bait, and use the strongest artillery to crush it! the commander shouted angrily. He lost a cruiser before he even saw the enemy. Is this a big deal? Do you still want to be promoted?

There are monsters everywhere in the city, and zombies are spreading due to the spread of trackers.

Countless residents could only find a place to hide. Wait for the army to clear away the monsters in these places and come to pick them up, otherwise it will be a dead end for them to go out.

There was originally a road leading to a large dock, but this road was directly destroyed by explosives.

As a result, large ships cannot approach, and yachts can only come to take people away, which is very slow.

Two hours later, Eddie hummed a tune and ate all the love steak made by Jessica.

Rachel was recovering her strength with her eyes closed. If Lisa hadn't helped share the firepower, she would have fainted.

That's almost it. Let's rest for half an hour. Let's catch a dripper and play with it. Let's see what happens. Rachel, it's time to eat. The show will come on later. Eddie was smoking a cigarette. Smoke, with an extremely proud expression.

PS: If you are short of books, you can read the old book Marvel DC's Bastard Heroes. It is an old book with 3 million words. It does not guarantee your character!

Chapter 483: Black-haired beauty, Mia

In the afternoon, it’s close to dinner time. Eddie caught a dripper that emerged from the ventilation duct. This classmate seemed to be addicted to the Internet, and used electricity to give it an Internet addiction treatment package. Drippers are much more honest and are used for research.

As expected. This monster infected by the T-Abyss has lost its human characteristics and seems to have no bones. Bones are made from fat deposits, which is why they can emerge from narrow places.

This thing makes Eddie a little curious, rubber man? But in this way, the strongest power cannot be exerted. There is no reference value, this T-Abyss is complete garbage, and adapted to water pressure and underwater breathing. T Fear does this better and enhances the original virus strengthening effect again.

As long as it can be perfectly adapted to T-Fear, there will be no problem in being a humanoid tank, humanoid submarine or humanoid bomber.

Rachel crossed her arms and didn't speak. She just took out a cigarette and smoked it silently. Her legs were still a little weak now.

After observing for a while, Eddie extracted a little more solution and the dripper's blood, and then killed the monster.

Use the rapid magnetic field response to compare the strengthening effect of the virus.

It seems that Eddie already has all the effects it should have. The invisibility ability can be achieved through the electric current ability of the TG virus to distort the magnetic field. The ability to breathe underwater is also the adaptive and evolutionary ability of the G virus.

After researching for half an hour, I found that this T-Abyss looks like crap. Sure enough, what use are the things made by some scientific researchers who have become monks halfway? Rage tendencies? It seems that the role of the T virus is not to increase the tendency to be violent.

Did you find anything? Husband. Rachel asked.

Yes, it's just this kind of T-Abyss is useless garbage. Eddie spread his hands helplessly.

Rachel walked over and stroked the man's hair, and helped him tidy up his collar, just like a virtuous little wife. It's okay, you have done a good job. You are my god now, the god I believe in.

After being praised by Rachel, Eddie suddenly felt a little elated, his big tail was raised, he was so proud!

By the way, hubby, you still need to study the vaccine. Rachel reminded.

Yeah, I almost forgot. It doesn't matter, go find the source and get the pure T Abyss for better research. Now that I know the pathogenesis, I can start research and development after finding the samples. Eddie said nonchalantly.

This is the benefit of a fully developed brain, which can understand at an incredible speed and reduce the experimental process time to an outrageous level. Generally speaking, before using T-Fear, Eddie would need at least a week to observe experiments and make calculations.

Now it only takes less than half an hour to understand everything. This is the ability to understand. When seeing the virus, the brain is already calculating rapidly.

The advantage is that you become smarter, but the disadvantage is that your body consumes more. Become more able to eat, and the more you eat, the more powerful you become.

The city is too big and there are too many citizens to evacuate. In a short period of time, it is impossible to evacuate at all, and they can only concentrate in a safe area with sufficient firepower.

If a yacht is used as a means of transportation, the use of a helicopter will only lead to a crash and death.

This forces the federal anti-terrorist forces to allocate part of their manpower to deal with the trackers in the city, the frontal hard steel trackers, and still in a responsible environment. It can only be said that it is very difficult and death is inevitable.

On the way back, Eddie punched a hunter away. It wasn't until two walls were broken that the hunter fell softly. The internal organs have been beaten into a ball of mud by the huge force. Biochemical weapons? It was just a joke in front of Eddie.

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