Kristine was sitting in the office. She already knew that her husband was back, and she didn't feel any excitement. She was still dealing with business in Europe and had no time to go down to greet him.

After the examination, Eddie found that Margaret's brain had some congestion, which was a bit difficult to handle. Prepare to use electronic machinery to perform the surgery. It's really troublesome.

In East Slavic cities, a large number of spies came here, trying to track Sergei's traces. Sergey is the only one left, and he holds Umbrella's last resource. This is a piece of fat that everyone wants to take a bite of.

Wesker also followed Sergey, who asked Nikolai to retreat with the biological and chemical weapons, while he stayed to meet this old friend.

PS: If you are short of books, you can read the old book Marvel DC's Bastard Heroes. It is an old book with 3 million words. It does not guarantee your character!

Chapter 445: The Queen takes maternity leave

Wesker picked up the Merlin gun and said, Stop talking nonsense and hand over Umbrella's last resources. The old immortal is just using me. You are just a pathetic person with stupid loyalty. Spencer is not a good person.

Whether he is a good person or not, you are not qualified to comment. Sergey sneered, and the next second he appeared in front of Wesker and struck out with a palm.

Wesker also punched back, and the two of them each took five steps back. Overall, Sergey is slightly inferior. With the power of teleportation, he is only tied with Wesker.

It seems that your power has increased, what a pity. Now get out of here, I'll pretend I didn't see you. Sergey threatened, and the two Ivan-type bodyguards behind him also appeared again.

It seems that you don't know your situation at all, Colonel. I just want to ask, do you know Wesker's plan? Wesker was not impulsive. He was not sure about dealing with two tyrants plus Sergey.

Wesker's plan? Hum, that's a plan to assist Mr. Spencer, and you are also a part of it. Don't look at Umbrella being targeted, these are just small setbacks. After these sufferings and pains, Umbrella will Become more powerful. Sergey took out a box gun from the last century.

Hmph, it seems that the colonel is planning to sink the Umbrella ship, so just wait for death. Wesker dropped a smoke bomb and left Sergey's sight in an instant.

Sergei didn't care. His purpose was not to be buried with Umbrella. He wanted to use Umbrella's last resources to revive his hometown. As for Spencer's plan, it was beyond his control.

A week later, Eddie just came out of Christine's room, humming a little tune, with a very stern expression, like a big bad wolf who had succeeded in stealing food.

Alyssa called, Husband, the woman you brought back is awake.

In the laboratory, Margaret woke up, but she had some amnesia. She couldn't remember who she was. She only remembered where she had traveled before, and then she couldn't remember when her head hurt.

Eddie checked Margaret and found that there was no trauma. He held out a finger and said, Do you know how much this is?

One! replied Margaret.

Then a few more questions were asked, and Margaret answered them all correctly, and her usual common sense was not affected.

Eddie thought for a moment and said, Your name is Margaret. In view of your situation, you should stay here to continue your rehabilitation. You still need to be observed.

Then I'm sorry to trouble you, but I don't have money and may not be able to pay the bills. Margaret said a little embarrassed. It's not her character to act stupid, and she won't take advantage.

It doesn't matter, you can owe it, or do some work for me in normal times to repay the bill. Eddie smiled, Axi, take her down and arrange a room for her.

Ms. Aki looked at this woman with some sympathy, I understand, my name is Aki, your name is Margaret, right. Come with me, I will arrange a room for you.

Ms. Yaxi, who has helped Addie give birth to a lovely baby girl, knows very well that it is impossible for this woman to go back. Even if she can go back, her man will use some means to keep her. What a poor woman, it's impossible to leave once you're here.

Jack Baker didn't seem to know what a bad decision he had made, one that he would regret for half his life.

Eddie was sitting in the office, and Jessica was squatting under the table to check the circuit. Hello, Mr. Baker? Your wife's injury has been cured, but she has lost her memory and was surprised. I suggest you stay here for the time being. She already had hemocephalus in her brain before, which may be related to this.

After sending his son and daughter home, he contacted the boarding school so that his daughter, Zoe and son Lucas could have better care.

Uncle Jack felt very sad after receiving the news, How long do I need to stay?

I don't know, maybe two or three days, maybe two or three years. My suggestion is to stay here, she can get better care. The brain is damaged and requires a lot of expensive drugs and nutritional supplements to maintain. Once it is lacking It will lead to brain death. Eddie started to threaten and glanced down at Jessica.

Uncle Baker was shocked, It must be very expensive. I can't afford such an expensive bill. My children still need to study.

It doesn't matter, I will advance the payment first. Besides, you know that I am very interested in developing drugs for difficult and complicated diseases. I also want to develop related drugs in order to prevent such tragedies from happening in the world. Eddie's breath Somewhat chaotic.

Uncle Baker did not hear it, but said apologetically, Mr. Eddie, you are really a good person, you are a good person, I wish you a safe life. I will retire next year and go back to my hometown to cultivate the farm.

Well, if you have time, you can bring your child over to see Margaret. It may help her memory recovery. Eddie's breathing was a little rapid, and he seemed unable to breathe.

Sorry to trouble you, I will go over and have a look after the mission is over. Uncle Baker sighed that his life was good.

Okay, I will also invest in the farm business in the future, and maybe I will let you work for me. Okay, I'll hang up first. Eddie hung up the phone after solving the matter.

Jack Baker is a good man, but he has nothing to do with him. He will still die if he deserves it, and he can't be saved, so let him die.

Jessica crawled out from under the table and drank a cup of coffee to rinse her mouth. The line has been repaired. I suspect someone broke it on purpose.

Eddie's expression was a little strange, It seems like you were always the one in charge, right?

I don't know. Jessica lowered her head, she would not admit this little thought.

Just when Eddie was still teasing each other, a phone call came from Alexia, I'm pregnant and you're coming back.

The words were brief, but it was not difficult to hear Alexia's excitement. She was finally going to be a mother.

Christine also walked into the office with a suitcase and high heels, When will I go back to Goddess Island? I'm going on maternity leave.

Are you pregnant too? Eddie's expression was strange.

Of course, aren't you happy? Christine raised her delicate chin powerfully.

Of course I have no objection, very welcome. Eddie said with a smirk.

PS: If you are short of books, you can read the old book Marvel DC's Bastard Heroes. It is an old book with 3 million words. It does not guarantee your character!

Chapter 446: Fake Ada, Kara

The biochemical weapons corps incident that broke out in East Slavia continues to ferment. This is a crisis and a business opportunity. Many black marketeers have smelled the smell of money, and someone will definitely order these biological and chemical weapons.

There are currently three sales channels, one is the European region of the Travis family. The family led by Simmons also sells biological and chemical weapons in Latin America and the Middle East. The rest are sold secretly by Sergei's Caucasus branch.

With Sergei's start, large areas of Eastern Europe and the Middle East have become experimental and selling sites for biological and chemical weapons. The area here is turbulent, and maybe one day it will disappear. Today Zhang San will be the big brother, and tomorrow Li Si will rise up.

Margaret remained at the Mediterranean headquarters, watched by Ms. Aki and Nabeli. And after giving birth to a child, Axela has returned to her stage. She has no plans to have a second child for the time being, and she can also use her business talents in a brand new way. With children as a bond, Axela doesn't need to worry about being dumped.

In the laboratory on Goddess Island, Emma is still tinkering with her electromagnetic sniper rifle, which has the current characteristics of the mixed virus. This smart weapons designer had a second idea. The goal was to make a super electromagnetic sniper rifle that could be carried by a man. Using full plasma bullets, the power was nine blocks higher than that of traditional gunpowder weapons.

Alexia was lying lazily on the balcony of the villa basking in the sun. Ada Wang was holding her daughter and chatting with each other. The two beautiful women looked at Eddie in a daze.

After seeing the man's stupid look, King Ada chuckled, Idiot, what are you looking at? Come here.

What are your orders, my dear wife? I have a lot of time tonight. Eddie looked very funny.

Alexia also smiled sweetly. After she became pregnant, the queen's smile became more intense, Although I married you, the Ashford family is still there. I need you to find Alfred, that loser, and let him He inherits the position of head of the family.

Eddie spread his hands helplessly, He is already the head of the Ashford family. Isn't he cooperating with Simmons now? His IQ is not enough to be in arrears.

You don't understand. You need to come back to the British Isles, otherwise your status as a noble will be cancelled. Alexia explained that her obsession is to continue the Ashford family.

I just need to tell Anluka about this. I will talk to him when I have the chance. It's not the right time to have too much contact with him. Eddie nodded.

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