Is this Morpheus? Eddie was a little confused.

Oriana shook her head, No, it's not like him. If it were him, it wouldn't be like this.

Clone! Remember the William you mentioned? Didn't he just use the clone to escape? Alexia saw through the monster's secret directly.

Another clone? Aren't these people afraid of losing their lifespan? Eddie threw away the cigarette butt speechlessly, turning into a flash of light in the air and turning into ashes.

Cloning a person requires certain standards. Complete cloning requires a lot of materials, including the most important bone marrow and so on.

Extracting bone marrow will cause the human body to age rapidly. Aging to a certain extent is equivalent to shortening life span. A life that was supposed to last fifty years turned into forty-five years.

And cloning technology has risks and will fail. High risks and low returns are the reasons why cloning technology has not developed rapidly. Even the genius Dr. William will not clone himself and use it as a biochemical weapon. That is not a lunatic, that is a conscious pursuit of death.

Are you going up or am I going up? Eddie smiled.

Come on, you are full of energy, young people should exercise more. If something happens, Jessica will help you, don't worry. Alexia applied smoke rings, and applied purple and black mysterious jade finger cinnamon. The nail polish is just like that of a wealthy lady.

Can't you? Jessica, who had been silent, suddenly spoke up.

Alexia looked at the blonde beauty with some surprise, Because I'm not ready yet, aren't you happy?

I'm extremely happy. Jessica's beautiful eyes flashed with a trace of expectation and excitement. For Eddie, she would do anything, including die. This was the first time she saw Eddie in the long darkness. final determination.

Eddie twisted his neck, stepped on the ground with his right foot, and rushed out quickly, with a trace of undetectable lightning flashing in his right hand. The claws of the monster tyrant collided with each other, seemingly insignificant, and it felt a bit like an egg hitting a stone to death.

Fengling, who was watching the battle from behind, had a trace of worry in her beautiful eyes, while Oriana had a trace of curiosity and wanted to see what kind of powerful fighting ability the man had.

Eddie's eyes flashed with incomparable confidence. After being strengthened three times, and with the help of Lisa and Jessica, could he still not be able to defeat a monster tyrant?

Bang! The monster tyrant's arm was directly broken, and Eddie immediately followed up with a roundhouse kick, kicking the monster tyrant away. The electric light protects the shoes, and even the hard bone spurs are broken by the kick.

The monster tyrant flew out and hit the big stone hard. Half of the stone was broken into pieces, and its body was embedded in the stone.

What's the point of getting the violence if it's not about beating these monsters? It's just for strengthening the kidneys, you don't need wolfberry water at all!

PS: If you are short of books, you can read the old book Marvel DC's Bastard Heroes. It is an old book with 3 million words. It does not guarantee your character!

Chapter 415: Li Sanguang was captured

Only Oriana's beautiful eyes flashed with a look that was indeed true, and she could deduce that Eddie had definitely been strengthened with a virus. And the enhanced results were very much as she expected. No wonder a twenty-year-old man didn't even have acne. This kind of maintenance would make even women jealous.

Only Alexia was indifferent. She couldn't deny her boyfriend's pretense and continued to smoke her cigarette lightly. Unless it's a mutated monster under the sea, which may be a little more difficult to deal with, I'm really not afraid of fighting alone.

Eddie retracted his fist and walked over slowly. The monster tyrant is still struggling to stand up, but the trace amount of G virus is not enough for it to evolve into a big meat mountain like William. He raised his foot, and as soon as the electric light flashed, he wanted to crush the opponent's head and completely end the monster's life.

Don't attack him at close range. He is accumulating electric light, and a magnetic storm will occur. You won't be able to withstand it. Alexia reminded him in time. Don't play with your life.

Eddie retreated very quickly, taking Fengling and Oriana far away. Go to the other direction of the island and try to avoid the attack range of the magnetic storm.

A helicopter came over to prepare for support, but the monster tyrant suddenly exploded, and a burst of magnetic storm waves spread out. The helicopter's instruments malfunctioned instantly, spinning and falling somewhere on the island, followed by a burst of explosions.

Eddie looked at this kind of magnetic storm wave and raised his eyelids, Should we think of a way to think about how to defend against this kind of attack after we go back?

Alexia is also a little frightened. Even she may feel uncomfortable with this kind of attack, especially the possibility of disfigurement. We have to think of a way to do it. Compared with magnetic resonance hits, some mutations and unimaginable trauma may occur. You really need to think carefully about how to deal with it.

Let's talk about the future later. Now we're still thinking about how to leave the island. Eddie frowned. It was not worth being happy to deal with a tyrant.

It is impossible to mass-produce this kind of tyrant. Genetic constitution matching is a problem, and it is even rarer than Sergey's constitution.

Soon there was a big explosion on the seabed in the distance, and the waves were lifted almost sixty meters away by the blast. The entire Kazakhstan Island was shaken for a while. This kind of explosion shock wave could only occur with a nuclear bomb!

Many animal severed limbs soon appeared on the sea level. They seemed to be like the tentacles of octopus fish. All the limbs were burned one by one. The high temperature will cause them to be cooked even if there is no flame in the ocean.

Two more huge turbulences came, and two more nuclear missiles exploded in the ocean. This tiny amount of nuclear missiles is very powerful. The pollution was relatively small. It seemed that because a warship was sunk, the commander of the fleet lost his composure and began to use various powerful weapons in turn.

Soon another helicopter flew in to greet Eddie and others.

You guys go up first, and I'll take the lead. Eddie waved his hand to let the woman go first. This was a risk-free pretense. It makes Fengling and others a little touched. Anyone who can make way for you at the moment of life and death must be someone worth cherishing.

Leon and others on the other side were not so lucky, and were knocked away by Morpheus.

Participating special forces surrounded and tried to eliminate this eccentric tyrant. As a result, Morpheus blocked the bullets with an electromagnetic barrier, and then attacked at high speed, using his claws to slice off their heads.

Bullets, grenades, and even rocket launchers have no effect on him. Even Morpheus's left hand, which is no different from a human, can pick up a firearm and attack humans with human weapons.

None of the EU special forces present survived. Faced with inhuman monsters and invincible beings, the brave warriors could only turn into corpses.

It's your turn, you little bastards. Morpheus looked at Leon and others with a sneer.

Come here, madam. Leon discarded the assault rifle and had run out of bullets. Seeing that hot weapons were ineffective, he used cold weapons.

Hanigan, find the ship, let Kevin and the others leave, and I'll hold this monster back. Leon said quietly through the communicator.

Hanigan, who was far away at the Federal Ministry of Communications, was silent for a moment. Actually, you can escape on your own. Soon the island will be cleaned by missiles, and the mission is no longer important.

We can't escape, someone must stop this person. After Leon said, he took out the dagger and made a few moves, Kevin, you go get the reinforcements, I'll hold him back.

You're crazy. That guy is not easy to deal with. I have not abandoned my companions, not even in Raccoon City. Kevin took out his Merlin gun and fired several shots at Morpheus.

Morpheus used the characteristics of electric current to block all the bullets. It can be seen that the malin bullets have been twisted into an iron flower, which proves how lethal it is to the human body after collision, but everything is in vain and cannot be beaten. Someone is here!

Whoosh! Morpheus slapped Kevin and Bruce away, sending them flying more than thirty meters, and fell into the sea. If they hadn't been knocked away, this kind of force could have broken their bones in an instant. .

Did you just call me ma'am? Morpheus's voice turned male again.

Aren't you? After Leon said that, he stabbed with a dagger.

Morpheus grabbed the dagger directly and twisted it hard, breaking the alloy dagger. One hand grabbed Leon's neck and lifted it up, Do you want to die?

Morpheus did not choose to kill Leon. Instead, while his mind was clear, he took Leon as a hostage and quickly jumped to the bottom of the cliff. In an inner cave, there are tributaries connecting to the outside ocean.

Arriving in front of the submarine, Morpheus threw the stunned Leon in, and quickly controlled the submarine to dive with his left hand, heading towards the distance.

Kevin and Bruce, who were knocked out, were rescued by nearby sailors and evacuated with the personnel.

The EU has obtained the research information on the island. Although many of them are of no use, a piece of biochemical human cloning technology cannon fodder is very useful and can greatly reduce the casualties of soldiers.

PS: If you are short of books, you can read the old book Marvel DC's Bastard Heroes. It is an old book with 3 million words. It does not guarantee your character!

Chapter 416: Spectacular Missile Cleaning Scene

Just when I was about to inquire, I heard a pleasant female voice. Hi, Dr. Eddie, what a coincidence to see you here.

Turning his head, he saw a female agent with short pink hair and a somewhat coquettish dress talking to him. It was Silla who had the same name as the bodyguard Jessica.

Hello, are you here too? You won't be lurking on the island as an undercover agent, right? Eddie smiled.

The doctor is joking. We are here to help deal with the bioterrorism here. The situation is getting worse and worse. These monsters have reached a point where they are huge and cannot be dealt with by regular weapons. It is worrying. Sheila lowered her head. There was no trace of her inner fluctuations at all.

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