Yeah, after all, we're still fellow villagers. It's very dangerous here. It seems that there was a research accident and it turned into a zombie paradise. Let's leave quickly. Eddie explained simply.

No, I need to rescue the target. Have you seen Ms. Ye Minzhi of Shenya Pharmaceutical? Fengling asked.

Madam? Isn't she not married? Eddie asked doubtfully.

Fengling was speechless. Is this man really the rumored medical genius? Is now the time to grapple with this issue? Have you seen them?

No, I'm leaving first. It's not safe here. Eddie waved his hand and ignored the fellow. When a fellow countryman sees a fellow countryman, he shoots him in the back.

Continuing forward, Eddie came to the room used for experimental research and development, where research data was stored. The computers here are not connected to the outside world, so the network cannot be used to steal data. The principle is similar to the nuclear bomb password, which changes all the time.

Oriana continued to control the keyboard here. She began to trust Eddie a little. He was obviously at the forefront of the times. While everyone was stuck in the Lintan swamp with the virus, he had already begun to use the virus to strengthen himself. Maybe she can get a good benefit from following Eddie and maintain her gorgeous appearance?

Chapter 410: New ability to kill with one hit

Looking at Oriana, the beauty with smoky makeup who has been developed to become more mature and attractive, Eddie had a puzzling question, If you leave with me, what will your brother do?

Him? He can't be saved. If he were normal, he wouldn't think of blackmailing the whole world. Even Umbrella, who was at the height of his power, didn't dare to do it, but he actually did it. Sometimes being too advanced is crazy. If God wants to destroy it, he must first make it crazy. Oriana continued to process the information files without looking back.

As if aware of the man's gaze, Oriana continued without looking back, Maybe you think I'm selfish, but we are all adults. Sometimes when you know a person, you will know that it is useless to work in vain. Just It’s like seeing a family that is not filial to the elderly and thinking they are bad, but no one has thought about how hateful that elderly person is.”

Eddie nodded, I believe you and have never doubted you. I once saw a lonely old man whose children didn't even look at her. I thought it was a problem with the younger generations. Later I discovered that as soon as this old man spoke out, Just all kinds of curses, very vicious, and he will only bully his own people.

This kind of person who is arrogant at home and cowardly outside is not worth paying attention to or caring about. So what if there is a bond of family ties? This is a node that strengthens the pivotal relationship and is not a way to consume family ties. So I believe You! Eddie continued.

After Oriana finished typing on the keyboard, the password on the computer was cracked and the research data began to be transferred to the special disk.

These information are not too precious, but they still have reference value. Eddie's experiment went so smoothly because, in addition to the intelligence of his wives, he also had the data of these people as a reference, which prevented many detours.

Thank you. Oriana lowered her head, her tone trembling.

Eddie walked over and patted the other party on the shoulder, Don't worry, now that you have joined my team, we are a family. Everyone has an unknown sad past. Pain will not make us depressed, but will Let’s become stronger.”

These words made Alexia think deeply. She once hated her father extremely. Strictly speaking, she was not Alexander's daughter, she was just created.

If a person knew that he was artificially created, he would definitely be extremely angry. Even Wesker is no exception to this, and this is something that is unforgivable.

In the hall on the island, some regional representatives have been killed, and Morpheus has also received a large amount of ransom. Activate the missile silo button to throw the missile. He never wanted to keep his promise from the beginning. After getting the money, he immediately started transferring money.

Janeuri began to quickly hack Morpheus's accounts through network nodes. These were all fake users. After several changes, they turned around. Members of the Wolves hired people to withdraw money from banks around the world.

Get the money as quickly as possible and pass the blame to Morpheus.

The cunning Morpheus did not give him a chance. Even Janeuri's sneak attack only hacked away his general funds. A total of 50 billion US dollars, half of which was stolen by Janeuri.

All the money flowed to Simmons' companies, and cashier receipts were faked before cash withdrawals were made.

The remaining funds were handed over to Christine for laundering. This woman was very good at handling this kind of thing, and even the professional supervision committee could not find it.

After collecting the information, Eddie took Alexia and others to leave the island. He already had the things, information and money, he wanted them all.

After getting the benefits, you must be ready to run away, instead of staying here and waiting to die.

Not long after leaving, I saw agents Fengling and Ye Minzhi fighting and retreating. In front of them, two predators were knocked away.

A mass-produced tyrant appears. The difference from ordinary tyrants is that his fingers have become hands. The face also seems to have failed plastic surgery, resulting in jagged teeth. The tyrant test product mixed with the TG virus obviously failed.

Even if it is a failure, this tyrant can still easily deal with most predators, and can send a ton of predators flying away with one blow.

Many of Ye Minzhi's men have died in the hands of this tyrant, otherwise they would not have continued to escape. The entire island is surrounded by zombies. Fighting for a long time means that they will be surrounded by zombies. Ordinary people are surrounded by zombies and tyrants. Except for Death has no second ending.

You go, I'll stay and deal with it. In the north, I have a small speedboat that you two can just leave. Here's the key. Fengling threw the key to the jet ski.

Female Hank Olemino took the key, I will escort her away safely!

Fengling used grenades to blow up the concrete on both sides, using a partially collapsed form to block the strange tyrant.

However, before he could hold on for ten seconds, the concrete was penetrated. The tyrant appeared again and slapped Fengling away with one claw.

Just one blow made the female agent almost unable to stand up. The tyrant's strength was enough to kill someone with one punch. Even before she died, she had already proven that she was very tough.

Fengling's consciousness gradually blurred, and she saw a man squatting in front of her, seemingly checking her injuries. She wanted to say something, but when the wound hurt, she fainted.

Alexia frowned, and the Tentacle Tyrant roared forward, its violent characteristics making it want to tear apart everything it saw.

move! Alexia raised her legs high and knocked the tentacled tyrant away with her high heels. Then she waved her hand, and some of the secreted substances mixed with skin flakes and blood, forming a ball of fire, burning the tyrant who was beaten to a stiff state.

The burning tyrant appeared even more violent, running quickly with his head lowered, looking like a bull charging.

Alexia opened her jade hand, and an electromagnetic barrier appeared. The tentacle tyrant that came into contact with the electromagnetic barrier was electrocuted into ashes by the high-frequency current. Combined with the burning flames on his body, he turned into ashes in an instant.

The high-intensity voltage even electrocuted the solid bone parts into residue. Alexia retracted her jade hand disdainfully, with a disdainful smile on her lips. This lowly creature was not worthy of her at all.

PS: If you are short of books, you can read the old book Marvel DC's Bastard Heroes. It is an old book with 3 million words. It does not guarantee your character!

Chapter 411: Sorry, you are mine

Just as he was about to enter the laboratory, two bodyguards in black escorted a representative of the Western Federation over quickly. The representative was a fat-headed guy. He was obviously traveling at public expense, but he didn't expect this trip to be so exciting. It's so irritating that it could kill you.

Dr. Eddie! You, come and protect me. I am a representative of the Federation. There is an accident here. You must protect me. This fat-headed guy actually took the lead in yelling.

Are you teaching me how to do something? Eddie raised his eyebrows and sounded a little unhappy as he carried Fengling on his shoulders.

Trash, who do you think you are? You need my permission to sell your drugs in the federal government. Do you think you are great? I am someone you can't afford to offend. Do you know who my father is? Federal medical tycoon! The greasy fat man kept roaring.

Oh? Really? I don't believe it, unless you are a eunuch now. Eddie's expression was extremely joking. He is not a good person. If you don't come to compliment him, just come to provoke him. Is it true that he is easy to bully? Four words?

Bastard, I ordered you to protect me, and you dare to bring a female bodyguard. This is mine! You two, go over and snatch him away. The greasy fat man Alteran yelled, looking at Big Alexia. There was a flash of surprise, how could this kind of woman, a peerless beauty, not be owned by him.

You are really a retard. You can't even tell the difference between priorities at this time. It's really pathetic. No wonder you are a cannon fodder. Eddie shook his head and kicked the two bodyguards away in the next second, and then kicked him twice. On Alteran's knee.

Click, the sound of broken bones sounded. Alteran fell to the ground and kept wailing, Ah, you damn thing, ah... If you dare to hurt me, I will sue you and get a lawyer's letter.

You are quite energetic. If you see those zombies without them, they will be very hungry. Your life is a waste anyway, why not feed them. Eddie's smile was extremely cruel. I was submissive in front of my wife. When she was not here, I rushed Punch out.

Ultraman was so frightened that he forgot about the pain and became incontinent. Please, please, please help me, I don't want to die.

That ugly face that flips back and forth, the villain is proud but humble begging for mercy, do you really think you are the protagonist of the novel?

This is what you get for coveting my woman. Don't worry, wife, I will take good care of her if I have the chance. Eddie sneered, and then carried Fengling into the laboratory, leaving Alteran with his legs disabled to fend for himself. destroy.

As the zombies approached, Alteran's heart-rending screams came, and then he stopped silently. It seemed that he was bitten to death.

When he came to the laboratory, Eddie quickly typed on the keyboard, took some materials, made a vaccine serum, and gave Fengling a dose to suppress the virus' vitality.

Fengling woke up faintly, her skills as an agent prevented her from panicking, Where am I?

This is still on Kazakhstan Island, Umbrella's Atlantic branch. I saved you, don't you need to thank me? Eddie said with a bad smile.

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