For four months, she had been staying in the laboratory for monitoring, and never left. It was indeed exhausting. For the proud queen, it was unexpected that she could protect a man for such a long time.

Thank you. Eddie said sincerely.

Alexia's steps paused, From now on, you will protect me. I am your queen, and you are my only knight.

The only knight? interesting!

After tidying up, Eddie went to see Jill, Annette and others.

Seeing that Eddie was fine, everyone was relieved, and being safe was the best outcome. They can live for two to three hundred years now and don't want anything to happen to their husbands.

Women are very innocent and simple, and they will never have the dirty thoughts of men about getting promoted and getting rich at the expense of their wives.

Annette also gave birth to a beautiful daughter named Chelsea, whom she named herself. This was her baby girl and she would treat her the same way she would treat Shirley.

Wolf mother Luper also gave birth to a beautiful daughter named Hailey because she was born on an island in the Atlantic Ocean. The wolf mother looked very lazy after giving birth, as if she had changed from a tough warrior to a housewife.

After teasing his three daughters, Eddie felt that his responsibilities were getting heavier and heavier. In addition to raising his wife, Eddie would also have to raise his daughters. If you don’t work hard to make money, you may not even be able to afford diapers.

Back in the laboratory, the pretty Rebecca was also observing the data in front of the computer with a big belly. She was responsible for developing vaccines and had a unique talent for vaccine production.

Rebecca, the once pretty goddess, is now a standard pregnant mother. This did not affect her charm at all, but made her appear more mature.

You don't get much rest when you're pregnant. Eddie handed over a cup of black tea.

Rebecca smiled sweetly, Because we are not tired. We are not ordinary people. Hehe, I heard that you have succeeded. You are really great. I really saw the right person.

You have always been worried, worried that you would not understand me. After all, after the mansion incident, I can see that you and Jill are disgusted with viruses. Now it seems that I am overthinking. Eddie smiled, Looking at Rebecca with a big belly, she felt faintly proud again. Can the goddess not squeal when she gives birth to a child for him?

No, you are different from those people. Others only use the virus as a weapon, but you use it as the key to human evolution. The starting point and means are different. Just like people who use guns, some are soldiers, and some are People can only be bandits. Rebecca smiled sweetly, and she always supported her husband.

Okay, let me see the latest news. Have a good rest and don't be too tired. Eddie waved his hand after saying this and sat on the computer to watch the latest news.

I haven't touched the computer for four months, and I have no news from the outside world. I don’t know if anything new happened, or if that little brat took advantage of this time to cause trouble.

Alexia is sorting out the data after this enhancement in order to facilitate the next enhancement. She also longs for more powerful power, especially the electrical properties. This kind of thing seems incredible but it really succeeds!

PS: If you are short of books, you can read the old book Marvel DC's Bastard Heroes. It is an old book with 3 million words. It does not guarantee your character!

Chapter 399: Pregnant Axela

The pharmaceutical companies that cooperate with Umbrella have signed contracts with the Western Federation, will not be sued, and will stand on the side of the victim. Coupled with the offensive of the news media, Umbrella, which has lost its biggest advantage, is destined to collapse.

Spencer, who had foreseen it, took the opportunity to recover most of the funds and sold everything in the company at a low price.

Despite being defrauded of half of his funds by Alex, Spencer is still very rich. Even half of the wealth accumulated in half a century can keep him comfortable with food and clothing.

The remaining funds were injected into the Caucasus branch by Spencer in an effort to make a comeback.

Interestingly, Sergei, although loyal to Spencer, was thinking about reviving Tsarist Russia. What used to be a joke, now has Project Talos, a heavily armored tyrant equipped with heavy laser weapons that can confront military presence head-on.

It is not impossible to win this battle, and Sergey's goal is to target the country of East Slavia. Eastern Europe has always been the alliance scope of the former Tsarist Russia.

What makes people laugh is that another scandal broke out at Sanlian Company. An experimenter under his command ran away and was planned by Wesker and William for three months. Transferred by ship, and also evacuated the laboratory through the channel of a terrorist organization.

The armed men were killed, and some direct members of the Travis family were supervising. When they were discovered, the whole body could not be found.

This made Anluca extremely angry. After the collapse of Umbrella Group, Sanlian Company should have been on the stage, but it suffered such a major blow. It won't cause a serious loss of vitality, but it will cause physical pain for a period of time.

No one knows where William and Wesker are going, but they will definitely not develop near the Atlantic Ocean.

Eddie sipped his coffee and read the latest news. Which of Wesker's slaves with the third surname actually betrayed him again! How interesting.

Except for the heavy damage to Sanlian Company, nothing happened to the Western Federation. Instead, Simmons proposed a treaty on the use of controllable biological weapons to kill soldiers. The initial vote was to use these monsters to clear out the bombed Raccoon City.

It seems that after four months of silence, there was only one problem with Sanlian Company, and there was no movement from other forces.

Representatives from Shenya Pharmaceuticals approached me before and wanted me to participate in the research of a special weapon. Different from traditional weapons, this is a project that aims to eliminate the maximum number of enemies at the minimum cost. I think it is quite interesting. , and I didn’t refuse. I’ll decide when you wake up.” Axela walked over gracefully on high heels.

At this time, Excella was already a standard pregnant woman, and the aura of an aristocratic lady made her look even more unique.

You can provide funds, but don't get involved. We don't need to take risks to join. Just treat it as a real estate investment and remove the risks. If necessary, we can come up with nothing. Eddie ordered.

Let others study and pick the peaches yourself. Isn't this what you often do?

In addition, we found out that Umbrella does have a research branch in the Caucasus, which is very secret. In addition, there is no sign of anyone entering the branch in Africa. No one knows about the two research branches yet. Ai Kesela continued to report.

Her beautiful eyes flashed with a hint of pride from time to time. Axela knew that she was an ambitious woman, and she also knew that her husband didn't like her being strong. But she is very smart and always behaves submissively in front of her husband. If she wants to be arrogant or arrogant, it is only in front of outsiders. Doing this really made her less disliked.

Wait, I'm not very optimistic about his Talos plan, but it's still good to add a little difficulty to Simmons. By the way, which organization helped Wesker and the others escape? Eddie casually turned his head away. Axela, this made him a little proud, so what if the arrogant goddess didn't just obediently give birth to his child.

Greyhound Organization, a radical environmentalist organization. Before, they were composed of people who loved the natural environment and opposed the development of marine resources. About two years ago, this organization became more and more radical. After some kind-hearted people left, it became It became a terrorist organization, Axela explained.

It's about what I expected. Eddie nodded.

Husband, have you also paid attention to this organization? Excella didn't know that her husband knew the plot, otherwise she wouldn't have been designed step by step and forced to marry him.

I don't pay much attention, I just heard about it. Okay, you have a good rest and leave the rest to Christine. She has done well recently. What do you think of her? Eddie's expression was a little playful.

But Axela smiled charmingly and said, If she helps her husband give birth to a child, it will be easier to gain trust.

Eddie spent the next month getting used to his abilities. At the same time, there are Jessica and Lisa as sparring partners. Because they were strengthened together, the two women also gained electric current abilities.

The most powerful one here is Lisa, who perfectly integrates everything and transforms it into a part of herself.

There is a pool on the north side of the island where lighthouse jellyfish are kept and used for research. The phenomenon of reverse growth, coupled with the endless division of cancer cells, is the key to immortality.

The press seems to have been a lot quieter recently, except for the occasional stir-fry after the fall of Umbrella. There isn't much news to report, or it's just gossip about celebrities.

As an active reporter, Alyssa has been lurking for a long time. It's not that she's lazy, but that as a pregnant woman, she doesn't have that much energy.

Facts have shown that after the parents are new humans enhanced by the virus, the babies born are also enhanced in the same way, and have been enhanced from the fetus.

It also eliminates many problems that babies may have, making it very easy to take care of. As long as they eat and drink enough, the little one will sleep and grow rapidly under a unique functional system.

What worries Jill is that her daughter is already walking at just four months old and is growing very fast. The naughty child is getting more and more naughty. He is only four months old and has already caught up with the growth of others in two or three years. It is a bit exaggerated and a bit fast.

For a while, I thought there was something wrong, but it was actually just caused by my rapid metabolism. After the number of cell divisions exceeds the upper limit, there will be no short-lived defects, and there is no need to worry about premature death.

Chapter 400: Kara’s Revenge Plan

Sergey was instructed by Spencer to prepare to launch Umbrella's latest research on the cruise ship, a controllable tyrant and armored predator.

Due to the need to guard the Caucasus branch, Sergei entrusted this task to his colleague, Nikolay Kinovayev, who shared his love for the country of Tsarist Russia.

A ruthless special forces instructor who is good at using conspiracies and traps against the enemy. Because he lost his identity as a man in Raccoon City, Nicholas hated the people of the Western Federation.

Both Sergei and Nikolai were officers in Tsarist Russia, and they also had ridiculous dreams of reviving Tsarist Russia.

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