Eddie was hiding in the snowdrift, chewing biscuits synthesized in the laboratory. Seeing Siena's envious eyes next to her, she handed over the compressed biscuit she had eaten and said, Here you go, eat it. You owe me what you owe me. You will pay me back when the federation is over.

I can't afford it, I'm just afraid that you can't do it. Who is Siena? A woman who can fool countless elites and senators into circles, she is already good at dealing with men.

He is good, but you are not good, you can't stand it. Jessica said lightly.

These words seemed to make the atmosphere instantly awkward. Siena glanced at Eddie with a strange expression, and then at Jessica. She seemed to know something, there must be something wrong with these two people. Humph, you won't know until you try it.

While the two were teasing each other, the ooze monster that was bombarded by intensive rocket launchers and grenades turned into a pile of flesh, and the flames burned it alive into ashes.

It confirms a sentence, no matter how powerful the biochemical weapon is, it cannot compete with steel. There will always be a limit to flesh and blood. Before sufficient evolution, you can only retreat when encountering steel.

Is it over like this? Siena was a little in disbelief.

Caroline came over, took the compressed biscuits that Eddie had eaten, and began to eat them. From time to time, she picked up ice and snow to swallow to replenish the lost energy. The expression was extremely natural, as if this kind of thing was normal, which made Siena's beautiful eyes shine for a while.

There must be some secret between these two people! Siena thought to herself. She decided to explore the secret between the two of them. She had a strong feeling that exploring this secret would benefit her a lot.

The Marines were about to go in to search the institute when they heard that the institute's self-destruct device had been activated. Alfred was also persuaded by Chris, and Leon escorted him back to the Western Federation.

As long as he insists that he is not guilty, no one can condemn him.

Alfred felt relieved after his sister Alexia was safe. After all, he is a genius with an IQ of 180. He knows how to deal with it, and he believes in you. Your sister will never let anything happen to him.

There were two women missing from Eddie's side. Sienna saw it but did not ask. This is a taboo. There is no need to ask. Knowing too much will sometimes cause the relationship to decline inexplicably. Appropriate pretending to be stupid is the most important thing. of.

They had just eliminated a large number of biochemical monsters and even fought off a strange woman who could control plants. Now they started to self-destruct, which made Neil, who was in charge of this operation, very unhappy.

Unhappy as he was, he still had to arrange for the personnel to evacuate and was unable to conduct a search. He could only wait until the research institute exploded before further searching could be carried out.

Everyone quickly got on the transport plane, and Rachel brought her subordinates Parker and Sheila to the plane where Eddie was. Handsome doctor, do you mind giving us a ride?

Eddie joked, Of course it's no problem. If you still want to drink coffee and watch a movie at 2:30 late at night when you go back, I can also accompany you.

Rachel laughed, That's no comparison. I'm not interested in late-night movies. This was a tactful rejection. In public places, she could neither remain a stranger nor get too close. A relationship that was neither salty nor cold would not It makes people suspect that there is an ulterior secret between them.

It's finally time to leave. This hellish place is really unexpectedly cold. After I go back, I want to eat an authentic hamburger, accompany a few beauties, and have a drink to calm down the shock. Eddie said speciously.

I'm afraid you won't have this time. The virus that emerged this time is very scary. If the corresponding vaccine is not developed in time, the whole world will become a purgatory. It depends on you, Dr. Eddie. Rachel smiled. road.

I knew I would be so unlucky, and I couldn't even daydream about it. Eddie said speechlessly.

As the plane took off, a shocking explosion occurred at the Umbrella Antarctic Research Institute, which was covered in ice and snow below. The mushroom cloud produced by the explosion was no less than a nuclear bomb being dropped.

The mutated monsters and giant ants hiding in the research institute were burned to ashes by the blazing flames. The fire continued to burn and special gas was released. All organic matter here was burned, and all computers storing Veronica virus information were destroyed.

The Western Federation fought for so long and spent a lot of manpower and material resources. In the end, they only got a body infected with the Veronica virus, and no other evidence was obtained.

Even though the mission failed, there was nothing to be done about it. It is impossible for soldiers to rush into a self-destructed research institute to search for slim evidence, causing greater losses, which is a consequence that the commander cannot bear.

In the Pacific Ocean, a submarine is quickly setting off towards the Drake Strait between Latin America and Antarctica. After crossing the Southern Ocean, it enters the Pacific Ocean. After a short voyage, it will enter the Atlantic Ocean and finally arrive at a submarine docked on the coast of West Africa. Ocean cruise ship.

Alexia clutched her head and woke up. She only remembered that she was completely weak. The instability of the virus caused her to be unable to control her movements. Plus, there was something suppressing her. She couldn't remember what was going on.

When you wake up, be obedient and don't move. I won't know what to do until he comes back. Ada Wang stepped on high heels and sat on a chair, much like an urban royal girl.

Who is he? Alexia asked, covering her head.

My husband, Eddie Cai. Ada Wang admitted openly. This was the first time she admitted that Eddie was her husband.

PS: If you are short of books, you can read the old book Marvel DC's Bastard Heroes. It is an old book with 3 million words. It does not guarantee your character!

Chapter 351: Queen versus Queen

I don't think there's anything wrong with this. What he did makes sense. Ada Wang will not question her man in front of outsiders. That man has saved her many times. In the world of warm and cold relationships, Eddie can let She felt warm and at home.

Haha, it doesn't matter. What is he going to do to me? Alexia didn't care at all. She looked at the submarine. After becoming an ordinary person, she finally stopped obsessing about power and focused on More on other things.

I don't know, it depends on his arrangements. King Ada stopped talking and looked at the map intently.

Alexia pouted, Has the world situation changed now?

Tsarist Russia has been disbanded. You should add more knowledge. My husband is right. People who don't know how to respect power are still idiots no matter how high their IQ is. King Ada said without turning around.

Disbanded? Interesting! Alexia became a little more interested and took out the disk that Alfred had organized. Can I see what's inside?

You can do whatever you want, but I advise you not to cause trouble. We are two thousand meters under the sea. Once something happens, the pressure of the sea water will crush you and me into pieces. King Ada reminded.

I know, I don't want to die yet. I will live well before seeking revenge on your husband. Alexia sneered.

You won't succeed! He was surprised by your IQ, and at the same time he felt stupid. It's really stupid to become a monster. King Ada had already guessed what was going on and said tit for tat.

Monster? That's a whole new realm, that's power. What do you know? Alexia was not happy. As a genius, what she hated most was that others looked down upon her achievements and inventions.

It's so stupid. You are no longer a human being, but you still have strength. What is the difference between you and those monsters? Well, I don't want to say more to you. You can reflect on yourself. King Ada didn't want to talk to the stubborn man in front of him.

Five hours later, Eddie, Chris and others returned to the Western Federal Military Area Parking Pad and were released after a routine inspection.

We have to go back and resume our operations. See you next time. Leon said while supporting Kevin. Behind him was a helicopter preparing, and Alfred. As a witness, he needed federal protection.

I'm leaving too. I will continue to look for evidence of Umbrella and shut down this company that created the disaster. Chris said while supporting Joseph.

Will you come to see me? Chris. Alfred asked suddenly.

Why does it feel weird to ask this? There's something fishy here!

Of course, Leon, you have to protect my witness. If anything happens, I will settle the account with you. Chris nodded.

If you want to solve these disasters, it is best to join some armed forces to deal with biological and chemical weapons. Of course, the risks are very high. I heard that the Pharmaceutical Association is planning to invest in setting up a group of civilian biological and chemical weapons countermeasures departments to assist in dealing with biological and chemical weapons. . Eddie said suddenly.

Then joining our Federal Biological and Chemical Counter-Terrorism Committee is not the best choice? Chris, right? You have professional experience in fighting monsters. How about joining my team? Rachel, the football champion, walked over on high heels and invited.

No, I don't believe in anyone. Organizations controlled by power will eventually be corrupted. Wesker used our entire team as experimental tools to conduct biological and chemical weapons tests. I will not join any organization unless I can Be open and transparent! Chris said angrily.

What happened to Raccoon City is no longer a secret. Anyone who knows will understand it, and they also know how shameless the spy named Wesker is.

That organization is just an organization to fight against biological and chemical weapons. The association only contributes funds and will not be responsible for anything. Of course, it is difficult for civilian organizations to carry firearms into the territories of other regions. This kind of thing will only happen in turbulent and barren areas. , you can consider it if you are interested. Eddie suggested.

This is the so-called Bioterrorism Defense and Assessment Alliance, or BSAA.

Why did you suddenly start pulling people in? Siena asked curiously.

I am the boss of Mysterious Pharmaceuticals. I was invited to join the Pharmaceutical Association and I also contributed money. In order to deal with the mess left by Umbrella, the spread of the T virus will cause great risks. I can only continue to add more The safety measures can be regarded as a benefit to human society. Besides, I have paid for it, and I don’t want my money to be used by others to go to the dance hall for fun, so I have to find a reliable person to check it.

Eddie's indifferent expression revealed a sense of responsibility, a bit like an unsung hero.

Chris looked at Eddie seriously, You are a good and responsible person. I feel relieved to leave Claire to you. I will seriously consider your suggestion.

No, I'm not a good person. I'm a bad person. You know, girls usually say this when they refuse, Chris, you are a good person, but we are not suitable. So I don't want to be a good person, I want to be a Bad guy. Eddie waved his hand, telling him nothing about being a good guy, he didn't need it.

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