After leaving the Adventurer's Guild, Mu Hua came to Old Barron's tavern.

Today the town held a town meeting here, and Old Morey asked Mu Hua if he wanted to attend. This was the first time Mu Hua was invited to a group activity by people in the town. Naturally, Mu Hua would not refuse.

It was said to be a town meeting, but a party that could be held in a tavern was not that serious. It was just a gathering of some old people in the town to discuss things related to the town.

The ceremony array in the 375 courtyard was laid, the launch of reconnaissance satellites was also put on the agenda, and a branch of Sprinkle Academy was established, including the commercial area outside the town.

These will have a lot of impact on the lives of the townspeople.

Everyone got together to fight, and the main discussion focused on how not to have a negative impact on their original lives and how to bring more benefits to the town.

Mu Hua had just come to Loren. He came here to pursue a new life, not to be a wandering loner.

Although his improvement in strength was beyond expectations, Mu Hua didn't mind integrating into the small town.

In other words, in his opinion, it is necessary to integrate here and become a citizen of the Sorcerous Empire with provenance.

There was a sign saying 'Closed Today' in front of the tavern. When the tavern door was opened, it was a bit noisy inside, with many people already gathered here.

Irwin, the farmer of Nigel Farm in the west of the town, Morey, the owner of the gun shop, Rita, the supermarket owner, Mark, the restaurant owner, Tim, the butcher shop owner, Sam, the fast food restaurant owner, etc.

Including the mayor of the town, Pete, and some townspeople who work in well-known companies, most of the attendees at the party were middle-aged and elderly people over fifty years old.

Among them, there were three or four young people under the age of thirty. There were several cowboys accompanying the farmer Irvin, one of whom was wearing a guard uniform. There was noise from the communicator from time to time. I'm afraid they haven't gotten off work yet.

There is also a young man who actually carries the shoulder tag of a Night Hunter.

"Get out, Vito, there is no place for you here!" As soon as Mu Hua entered the tavern, he heard the farmer Alvin scolding him.

I saw that the gang leader Vito, who Mu Hua had helped him get rid of the curse earlier, seemed to also want to attend the party, but the people here did not seem to welcome him.

Unlike Lanton, gangsters are actually quite revered by the people in Lanton. When they meet some people involved in the crime, many people will even be a little flattering when they meet them.

But on Loren's side, they are obviously not very popular.

Following the scolding, the two younger cowboys beside Alvin stood up, as if they were ready to fight Vito at any time.

"Man, as you can see, I just want to do something for the town." Vito's face was ugly. Mu Hua happened to come in. Vito looked at Mu Hua, spread his hands and said to Mu Hua as if he knew each other well.

Passing by Vito, Mu Hua ignored Vito's chatter and walked past him coldly, which made the ignored Vito's face look even more ugly.

After greeting a few people he knew in the tavern, Mu Hua came to Old Morey's table and sat down next to him.

"Hey, Alvin, do you need me to help you throw him out?"

"Of course, Toby, you can't arrest me for casting a spell." When Mu Hua said to Ivan, who looked angry, he looked at the young man wearing a guard uniform and smiled.

According to the laws of most countries in Loren, offensive magic is not allowed outside the courtyard. Attacks from summoned beasts are also included, but defensive magic is not restricted.

Another possibility is that if the Mage's Hand does not involve attacks, it can be used normally. This is a privilege that the proud mages have fought for themselves.

"Oh, Mu, I can solve it." Nodding towards Mu Hua, the old cowboy-like Ivan glared at Vito again.

"You are not from this town. A bastard like you who leads young people into mischief has no right to sit here. Get out of here."

Ai Wen scolded, and Mu Hua did not give Vito a good look.

Garbage people should have the consciousness of garbage people, they should be able to be proud of themselves, and they should also be able to adapt to being stepped on.

Before you find someone who can give you a bright coat, don't blindly stand in front of people who are living a normal life.

Mu Hua knew something about Vito's situation. Judging from the activities he usually did, it was a bit confusing to appear here now.

Seeing that everyone was siding with Ivan, Mayor Pete had an impatient look on his face, Toby from the police force had a look of disgust on his face, and Will, who had joined the Night Hunters, even put his hand on the sword at his waist.

"Huh!" Vito snorted, trying to offset the embarrassment, pushed the door open and left the tavern.

Vito's coming and going was a topical episode at the party.

Except for Ivan's heroic statement that if Vito dared to appear on his farm, he would send Vito to hell, everyone quickly forgot about Vito's matter.

Although people like Vito can cause trouble, in Loren, everyone has a gun.

When it comes to fighting, ordinary people who abide by the law may be more dangerous than the guys on his path.

"Everyone be quiet, be quiet first!" After everyone chatted for a while, Peter stood in the middle of the hall and raised his hand to silence all tables.

"I have brought you all together here today and I want to say a few things."

"First, the Changfeng Group in Haiman wants to develop a plantation in the north of the town. Let's discuss how many jobs and wages they should provide."

"Second, the Sprinkle branch is about to be completed and the school will start. We must secure some scholarship funds for the young people in the town."

"Children from various families who have extraordinary potential should be recruited back when they should be recruited. How many warriors does Sprinkle send out every year? It is better to go to school than to wander around outside."

"Third, our courtyard is about to launch a reconnaissance satellite. There should be a strategy team that will be interested in this place. The strategy team can bring a lot of economic benefits. The town may be able to add some fast food trucks. Let's see who wants to do this business."

"What about the lumberyard? Since the opening of the courtyard, the lumberyard business of the Gna family has been getting worse day by day." Pete counted on his fingers and someone in the house asked.

"Pete, don't just talk nonsense. Go and say hello to the garrison. Originally, those who came to Bear Pig Town to purchase goods must give priority to purchasing wood from the town. If you can't, you can go down and let someone else be the mayor." When mentioning the lumberyard, someone shouted angrily.

"Chili gabble, chili gabble..."

As Pete brought the topic prepared for today to the table, the tavern became more and more noisy.

The four people sat around the wooden table, and everyone either discussed at the same table or stood up and spoke. After a while, although the topic did not deviate, everyone was arguing.

Among the things discussed, only the Spring Branch had something to do with Mu Hua.

But Mu Hua still didn't know what his professorship was. He couldn't interrupt, so he just chatted with his deskmate, Old Morey.

"Mu, aren't you a necromancer? Hillary said a few days ago that there were ghost disturbances in the west of the town at night. Can you go there to take a look when you have time?" Old Barron brought Mu Hua a large glass of beer and said to Mu Hua.

"Okay, as long as Will doesn't say I'm stealing his job." Mu Hua said with a smile.

"Tsk, that kid hunter has to drink the spirit vision potion, and the simple ghost disturbance phenomenon is not taken care of by the night hunter." Old Morey said disdainfully.

"Okay, no need to bother, I'll let the raven take a look." After taking a sip of ice beer, Mu Hua communicated with the blind ravens scattered outside the hotel.

Although the summoned beasts cannot act independently away from the summoner, the town area still does not affect the activities of the ravens.

Usually Mu Hua scatters the ravens in the woods outside the hotel. Originally, he planned to let the ravens fly to the west of the town to take a look, but as soon as he started sharing vision, Mu Hua's expression became strange.

Woods, fallen leaves, paths, in the woods outside the hotel, Deman's face was flushed. A hot girl, holding his arm, was walking with him into the depths of the woods.

The two behaved intimately, the girl took Deman's arm and deliberately greeted him, and they went wherever there were many trees and grass. Look at Deman's smile, is he going to have a wild fight?

Mu Hua was indignant at Deman's bad behavior of messing around during work hours, and ten ravens hid between the trees and observed the two's actions from all directions.

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