The Secret Garden of the Dandelion Troupe

Chapter 393 Cleaning up the battlefield

The monsters retreated, and the management regulations of the Kanins Fortress City were officially promulgated.

Outside the fortress city, a number of modified corpse transporters were busy going back and forth, and the garrison sent a large number of people familiar with disassembly technology to dismantle and transport the remaining monster corpses on the battlefield.

In simple terms, a group of guys who are good at slaughtering and cutting meat collect valuable parts from monsters on the battlefield.

There is no need to say much about magic stones and magic cores. Flesh and blood can be used to make nutrients. Most monsters' teeth and claws can be used to make exorcism bullets, among which demons are the most effective.

Because there are a large number of monsters participating in the war, some experienced logistics personnel will also distinguish some body organs on monsters that can be used to make magic potions and magic props.

Relatively complete corpses will also be stored for a short time according to their strength and physical fitness before death. Whether they are used to make corpse demons or alchemy to refine blood essence, they are a kind of goods that necromancers and witches may buy at a high price.

Clean the battlefield, collect spoils, money, equipment, guild contributions, city contributions, fortress city native place, development privileges, etc., and then the participants will receive different degrees of post-war rewards.

All this will be led by the garrison and the adventurer's guild. Although Mu Hua is no longer a small fish in the coalition, he is not qualified to interfere in various affairs including cleaning the battlefield after the war.

Mu Hua naturally cannot touch the bodies of monsters and most monsters, but he has earned some "work".

For example, the bodies of the hyoid demons on the battlefield are not valuable, and it is more troublesome to deal with them. The destruction of these bodies requires him to work hard.

Outside Fangma City, the horizontal battle line is more than 20 kilometers. The place where Mu Hua and the strategy team fought earlier can only be regarded as a corner of the battlefield. At this time, there are still a large number of hyoid demon bodies on the battlefield.

Although most of them are tattered, the blood gathers in the acid pool, and the relatively intact bodies are still not small.

Mu Hua worked tirelessly to do his voluntary labor, and he was also very conscientious. Apart from the hyoid demon, he did not touch some of the monsters, equipment, hanging stones, and even demon gold coins mixed in.

Some adventurers, especially those necromancers and witches, bargained with the quartermasters of the garrison regiment in various places on the battlefield, taking the opportunity to buy what they needed at a lower price.

Mu Hua was like a diligent scavenger, cleaning up the hyoid demons covered with corrosive body fluids along the way.

Acidic body fluid skill stones and throat transformation skill stones, these two skill stones appear more frequently when smelting hyoid demons.

Some low- and medium-level water magic skill stones can be seen from time to time, and occasionally you can even see tears of water elements.

Looking at those adventurers who were arguing with the quartermasters of the garrison regiment, Mu Hua sighed that life was not easy, and buried his head in the dirty battlefield to sprinkle pieces of soul fire.

Shi Muhua hadn't figured out where to use the skill of large amounts of acidic body fluids. He certainly wouldn't use it anyway. The skill stone for tongue modification was more interesting.

This skill should belong to the genetic secret technique. Although it can't make humans grow tongues as aggressive as bone snakes like the hyoid demon, it can increase the length and flexibility of human tongues.

The senses are somewhat bad. Mastering tongue modification, as the level of practice increases, people with this secret technique will get a tongue that is 'coiled' in the head like a woodpecker.

Well, although a flexible tongue can do a lot of 'indescribable' interesting things in some interactive links between people.

But Muhua said that he first gave Ikaros, Kunna, and Tuesday this secret technique, and there was definitely a more serious purpose.

As long as you don't stick the tongue out for fun, it won't affect people's appearance and signs, and it can basically not be noticed.

This tongue that surrounds the brain and the skull can greatly improve the head's ability to withstand blows, just like the head of a woodpecker, which can absorb shock and resist blows, and provide great protection for the head in terms of impact resistance, and the effect is very good.

At the same time, the flexibility of the tongue can also greatly improve the ability to express language, and the most obvious place is the complex spell chanting in high-level magic.

Protecting the brain and improving the efficiency of magic chanting, after separating from the special body structure of the hyoid demon, this is the true value of the throat and tongue transformation secret technique.

It must be emphasized here that this ability is very serious.

Really, Mu Hua himself has krypton a lot of throat and tongue transformation skill stones, and the training level is high. The brain is shock-absorbing and injury-proof, and the level of polarized chanting is extremely practical. It is definitely not for... Well, forget it, let's get back to the topic, and stop talking nonsense.

The flesh and blood of the hyoid demon cannot be eaten, cannot be refined, and it is not easy to take by normal means.

Mu Hua did obtain a large amount of tendons from hyoid demons. Fortunately, high-level dead bones are not particular, as long as they are flesh and blood, anything is fine. This allows Mu Hua to reserve a large amount of flesh and blood for making high-level dead bones.

Compared with the tendons of these hyoid demons, the hyoid demon blood crystals seem to be completely useless.

The soul dust is steadily coming in, and then there are things that make Mu Hua more excited.

After cleaning up half of the battlefield, Mu Hua has already obtained more than 200 physical crystals, and this is still the case when most of the corpses are really broken.

The hyoid demons seem to have no intention of producing intelligence and spiritual crystals, but if the entire battlefield is cleaned up, Mu Hua's physical strength seems to be beyond 1,000.

It may be because most hyoid demons rely on physical talents and do not practice magic combat skills. The shipment of Bailian Secret Stones is relatively small, but Mu Hua has also harvested hundreds of them one after another.

After that, the more than a thousand units of Philosopher's Stones will be the highlight.

Regardless of whether it is to evolve his own subordinates or to exchange other resources with demon merchants, the Philosopher's Stones are no longer used in Mu Hua's hands.

Thinking of Arakne holding dozens of Philosopher's Stones to show off, Mu Hua's sense of superiority instantly reached the maximum. Riding the Purgatory Warhorse, Mu Hua ran around non-stop on this dirty battlefield after the war.

Well, the time for smelting corpses is very tight. The corpses are exposed in the wilderness, and there is not even a space prop to store them. The longer they die, the worse the smelting effect of the corpses, especially the broken corpses.

Compared with skill stones, Mu Hua wants attribute crystals, Bailian Secret Stones and Philosopher's Stones more.

If he really can't melt anything else, he will never dig out the magic core of the hyoid demon to smelt it alone.

"Boss, several agents from Benson Economics and Trade contacted me and asked how we plan to use the land in the commercial district." Mu Hua rode on the Purgatory Warhorse, and Tina rode on Monday and followed Mu Hua.

There is a specially planned commercial district in the fortress city. Because of his participation in the negotiations with the demon leader, Mu Hua obtained a planned shopping mall there.

As the personal assistant of the contractor, the demon was handled by Tina. Mu Hua was thinking about breaking the thousand attribute and had no time to care about this matter for the time being.

If someone wanted to cooperate with Mu Hua on the business district, they could only contact Tina to discuss.

"Benson? What did Betha say?" Mu Hua asked while smelting the demon corpses gathered by the Horror Riders.

"Tabetha asked the family, and they seemed to say that they should try not to get involved with the Benson family." Tina replied.

"Why?" Mu Hua frowned.

This piece of commercial land in the fortress city can barely be considered as a life-and-death struggle.

Even if he left the land uncultivated, the Fortress City had no right to take it back. It could be considered Mu Hua's personal property in the true sense, and he didn't want to have anything to do with the Benson family.

But was Samantha too accommodating to his wishes? Mu Hua was a little confused.

"It was said that because of the illegitimate child, the factional struggles within the Benson family were quite fierce, and they didn't want us to be involved." Tina explained, and Mu Hua frowned even deeper.

Another illegitimate child. Although he had not come into contact with the other two, based on his contact with Ivy, Mu Hua was very skeptical: Do those illegitimate children really have such a big influence?

"Cousin Mu Hua, I have something to tell you." In addition to Tina, Lin Feng, who was supposed to be doing odd jobs in the Odysseus team, rode a motorcycle and came to Mu Hua for fun. The cousin's name made Mu Hua's eyelids jump.

"Call me Mu Hua. I don't care if you want to pursue Betha or not. If you call me cousin again, I will beat you up." Regardless of whether he is a reborn person or a prophet, Mu Hua now has no awe for Lin Feng.

Mu Hua has tried very hard to find some bright spots in Lin Feng, but this guy is like a dog-skin plaster clinging to Tai Betha, and he doesn't have the "protagonist fate" that Mu Hua imagined.

It's also thanks to Mu Hua that he didn't feel any bad emotions in him. He is grateful, close, and attached to Tai Betha. As for the occasional little pornographic things, Mu Hua can understand them.

He has no bad intentions towards Tai Betha, and he doesn't act pretentiously in front of Mu Hua.

Mu Hua doesn't object to Lin Feng, but he can't accept the cousin he calls him.

Not to mention that he has been hitting a wall everywhere with Tai Betha for the time being, even if he really has something with Tai Betha, Mu Hua is not interested in having another cousin of this type. (End of this chapter)

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