The Secret Garden of the Dandelion Troupe

Chapter 265 Violence and Rights

Violence is the best way to solve problems, or, to some extent, violence is the only way to solve problems.

When it comes to this, the word power may flash in many people's minds. This should be a distorted perception.

Because the essential meaning of the existence of power is to legitimize violence. Legalized violence is the only guarantee for the operation of power. Power without violence is probably not bullshit.

Of course, there are also some powerful people who seem to be incapable of violence. In fact, it is better to say that they are lackeys of power rather than power.

Dogs rely on people's power. Their owners control violence. Their owners will use violence to protect their dogs. The dogs help their owners look after the house and the yard. When someone offends the dogs, those owners will naturally use violence to protect the dogs. .

Legal and lentable violence, this may be the charm of power. But it has to be said that the word power is more like putting a vest on violence.

Among the many people who pursue power, some are striving to master violence and legitimize their violence.

There are also a large number of people who may not even realize that what they are chasing is actually being a dog, and their pursuit is more about looking for a more powerful master.

But in any case, the law is to restrict people from killing wantonly, and in many cases, violence may be the only way to solve the problem.

Tabetha had a dispute with the witches. At this time, the witches outside the hotel should be very violent. As for the witches with the faceless men, they can solve many problems through the deterrence of violence.

From another perspective, violence can also be said to be self-protection, which is a kind of right. At least the settlers on Loren's side seem to have never given up this right.

Illegal violence is called crime, law-abiding violence is called self-protection, and legalized violence is called sanctions.

Not to mention that the violence of these witches is not legal, even if it comes from official sanctions, if you don't say Chou Yinmao, settlers like Deman probably won't buy it. Come on, let's hurt each other.

Witches can use their violence to fight for their own rights, but they cannot challenge the rules set by more violent powers.

Wanton killing is undesirable. Without stability, those in power must suffer the most. Anju people may not be killed, but as long as they dare to fight, it is hard to say who will lose in the end. Therefore, those in power attach great importance to the protection of Anju people who dare to fight.

So Fatty Deman was very arrogant within the confines of his hotel, so he dared to throw an electric baton in front of the witch.

The legal rules advocated by many people need to be supported by violence, and violence, rules, interests, and rights are as tightly entangled as the helical structure of DNA.

It may seem contradictory, but regardless of whether it is legal or not, violence is the most important thing in life that should be mastered. If you abandon violence, rules will only have a binding relationship for you.

After all, no one in power would be so mean as to protect people who are incapable of violence. That kind of people only need restraint and oppression to keep them in line.

It would be the same no matter who it was.

When rules become mere constraints on you, what about rights, haha. . .

The people here in Loren have never given up on 'violence', and the people here also know how to use 'violence'.

Because they gain rights through violence, within the rules, the settlers dare to challenge the witch.

Well, maybe it should be called mutual respect, right?

"Ahem, you guys, don't make trouble here." While the witch and Mu Hua stared at each other, Nick coughed dryly and walked out of the hotel door.

The acting mayor has been squatting nearby to watch the excitement. He should represent power. Unfortunately, as the acting mayor, he was a bit suspicious of a mascot, and he basically lacked "violent support". Faced with the wandering witch, Nick was a little frightened.

But Mu Hua was back, and seeing that Mu Hua seemed to be going against the witch, Nick stepped forward. He was not sure whether Mu Hua was 'violent' enough.

But let alone whether he can help Mu Hua fight, he is also a bureaucrat in the human world. With him on his side, even if there is a conflict, he can make Mu Hua's violence become legitimate resistance to a certain extent, and even sanctions.

"Although the empire allows homeless camps to handle some non-emergency situations, it does not mean that you can disturb people's livelihood."

"This is a legal business place. It is not a wise choice to cause trouble here." Walking next to Mu Hua, Nick said to the witches.

They were already depressed by Mu Hua's "snitching" behavior, and then listening to Nick's words, all the witches showed obvious displeasure on their faces.

Resisting the strong is a fine tradition among the people of Loren, and the witches hate this tradition. . .

However, after Tricia muttered a few words to a witch, the witch was briefly surprised, but stopped her companions, blocked the other witches behind her, and faced Mu Hua and the others.

"Sorry, Mr. Nick, we are not trying to cause trouble. These victims are in special circumstances. You should know that we are relatively authoritative in treating psychological problems." The witch explained to Nick.

"Then the wishes of the person concerned must also be taken into consideration, right?" Nick smiled and turned to look at Tricia.

"Besides, there is Miss Tricia here. These people voluntarily stay here to work. If they need psychological treatment, I believe Miss Tricia can also be qualified." When Nick said, Tricia had already put away her armor and walked away. Go to Mu Hua's side.

"Of course, my business scope includes psychological and emotional physical therapy." Tricia raised her chin at the witches, and her contemptuous eyes made the witches' brows jump wildly.

"Hey, where are you from? Didn't you find these people?" Mu Hua asked Tricia in a low voice as he couldn't figure out Tricia's behavior pattern.

"I called them here, but these old guys are so greedy, they didn't even consider me." Tricia curled her lips in disgust.

"Not only will you get bonus points in the homeless camp by settling these people, but they may also want to recruit some servants."

"But they didn't consider my situation at all."

"In that case, it doesn't matter whether they live or die, fuck them! Do you want to do it? I'll help you." Tricia was eager to give it a try, which further made Mu Hua feel the witch's lust.

"Go away, I don't want to conflict with them. Plus there are at least five faceless men in the forest. I don't believe they can't get rid of the corpse demon. If they break things, will you pay for it?" Mu Hua resisted the retort.

"You have so many Terror Riders, why are you afraid of the Corpse Demon? They dare not bring out the overly exaggerated Corpse Demon here? If you break something, of course you have to ask them to pay for it." Tricia had evil intentions.

The possession of faceless men is relatively unsolvable, and they can transform their dead hosts into corpse demons at the same time. Corpse demons are constructed undead and also require the attachment of ghosts to move.

The corpse demons created by the faceless men are like tailor-made for them, and they can make up for many of the zombie demons' weaknesses and shortcomings.

After the two are combined, the corpse demon that does not require mental control, has a strong body, flexible movements, and can even perform martial arts can be regarded as a kind of ghost weapon with more characteristics of a witch.

"I don't even want to provoke you, let alone them." Mu Hua said to Tricia.

"What do you mean by even me? Am I worse than them?"

"People have faceless men, do you?"

"I just haven't found a suitable human body! I'm still young. Sooner or later I will train Fanny into a faceless person."

"Oh, sooner or later I will have them again. Let's wait until we have them. Anyway, I don't want to provoke them."

"Tsk, you coward."

"Hey, I'll beat you up."

"Bullying me is nothing."

"Ha, I never said I was capable."

"Hey, hey, stop arguing, you two. They won't let the Faceless Man go, right? Debbie is a succubus and it's not easy to attack people casually. If something happens, help me block it." Interrupting the muttering of the two, Nick said guiltily.

"These guys are so annoying, why don't we call the police." Tebitha walked up and said in annoyance.

"Tricia, can their Faceless Men be snatched away?" Vivian's eyes flickered as she approached Tricia and asked.

"Faceless men are very intelligent. Faceless men who can follow the witch are all beings who have established a relationship with the witch. It's useless for you to snatch them away, but you should be able to snatch other things from them." Tricia He looked appreciatively at Vivian who was eager to give it a try.

"Hey, I said, you guys give me a little bit, these are old witches. Icarus, put Gatlin away, and you, Clark, where did you get the knife?"

Not only did Icarus take out the Gatling gun he asked for from Webster, Clark also took out a half-meter-long hatchet from somewhere, and the young man acted like a gangster.

Looking at a group of friends with serious violent tendencies around him, Mu Hua felt a little headache. (End of chapter)

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