The Secret Garden of the Dandelion Troupe

Chapter 230 The New Night Hunter

There is nothing special about Weir. If he were placed in Landon, he should be regarded as a high-quality young man with ideals and ambitions.

But on Loren's side, he is at best a young man who pursues stability and aspires to be a salary thief. He is not very popular with girls, but is very suitable for marriage.

Will Weir dare to show hostility to Mu Hua?

Don't make trouble, if this kid dares to do this, Mu Hua will go to his father with tequila at night. If no one has stomach bleeding, the matter is not over!

The hostile looks came from the people around Veer.

There were three other people beside Weir, two men and one woman. The leader had a weathered look on his face. He was wearing a black suit and sunglasses. He looked like a man in black. He didn't look like Weir's playmate.

Taking Weir's profession into account, Mu Hua subconsciously thought of the Night Hunter when he looked at the configuration of the three of them. Although he did not see the badge.

Weir had just seen Mu Hua at this time, and among the three, there was nothing unusual about the relatively young man and woman.

Among them, the older man took off his sunglasses and looked at Mu Hua with alert eyes.

The hostility Mu Hua felt emanated from him.

After confirming the source of the hostility, Mu Hua looked away and did not intend to pay attention to the others. However, he saw the leading man pointing at Mu Hua and saying something to Weir. Weir waved to Mu Hua from across the street.

"Hi~! Mu, wait." Weir shouted to Mu Hua in a natural tone. As he spoke, several people walked towards Mu Hua.

"Mu, what are you doing? Is your wandering witch okay? We are about to register her." Weir said to Mu Hua as he approached him.

"Them?" Mu Hua asked, looking at the three men in black suits beside Weir.

"The Night Hunters have sent permanent personnel to the town, namely them, Qiao, Marcy, and Mr. Ronald." Weir explained, introducing a few people to Mu Hua.

It seems that Will gets along with the younger Joe and Marcy more naturally, and when talking about Ronald, Will seems to be in awe.

Mu Hua nodded towards the three of them, which was a symbolic greeting. The three of them had different expressions, but for a while they did not say anything to greet Mu Hua.

Among the three, Qiao was a bit lazy and didn't pay much attention to Mu Hua.

The female Marcy is about thirty years old, quite plump, and good-looking, but her expression is a bit cold, and she always seems to look at people with a critical attitude.

Ronald's temperament was that of a middle-aged man who could even be called uncle by Mu Hua. He had a tough figure. At this time, he just turned his eyes cautiously behind Mu Hua and did not speak.

The functions of the Night Hunters are originally more inclined to deal with supernatural crimes. Some adventurers will call the Night Hunters lackeys, and among them, spellcasters are the most disgusted with them.

After Weir's explanation, Mu Hua learned that the Kariya people wanted to build an office in the town. It was probably because the courtyard and the magic academy brought more popularity to the place.

"Oh, Hunter's Office, aren't you going to get better?" Several Hunters didn't speak. Mu Hua only joked with Weir and had no interest in trying to get close to them.

We don’t want to cause trouble. What does it mean when you say that you are a ‘legitimate trader’ and you are going to kneel and lick the ‘industrial and commercial city management’ who wants to slap you when you have nothing to do?

Not to mention deliberately picking on them to cause trouble, just ignore them.

Licking it over and over, a good public servant doesn't even know his last name, sooner or later he will bite you.

"Oh, forget it, no, Sprinkle Academy, I'm probably going to attend a period of training." Faced with Mu Hua's teasing, Weir secretly glanced at Ronald and said carefully.

"The college still cares about this?" Mu Hua disagreed.

"For those who paid, a group of people like me were transferred from the surrounding areas to focus on intensive study and to be assessed." Weir shook his head.

"Public funds?"

"Well, it's public money. If you can't pass the assessment, you'll be fired. Professor Mu, please take care of me in the future." Weir seemed to be resentful of this training. Even though he was a little afraid of Ronald, Weir's tone was full of complaints.

"I teach at Dusk Courtyard, but I can't take care of you." Mu Hua said with a gloating smile.

"Okay, there is a fork in the direction of the hotel's main entrance. Turn into it and you will find Tricia. By the way, I put some skeletons in her place. They may not listen to Tricia, so don't mess with them." After teasing, , Mu Hua waved his hand to signal Weir to help himself.

"Twilight Courtyard? There are vampires walking around the town a lot lately. You know, their appearance is very eye-catching."

"They don't seem to be planning to hide their identities. There are already some people in the town who want to protest to the college. You should let them pay attention." Seeing that Ronald didn't say anything, Weir waved goodbye to Mu Hua and reminded him.

"Please, I'm just a magic teacher. Their affairs outside the classroom are not my responsibility."

"If there is any problem, the vampires should also be responsible for the night hunters, right? But I need to remind you that they may not cause trouble, but they are not weak." Mu Hua shook his head and said.

Vampires do not go to school to live in seclusion. The academy is just an entry point for them to try to integrate into the human world.

The first embrace of a vampire is not that convenient. If you bite someone casually, you will not be able to give birth to a secondary vampire. At most, there is a very small chance of giving birth to a ghoul.

It is a very conspicuous alien species. Once it appears, it will only be associated with the vampire clan.

Ghouls are the biggest repulsion of humans towards vampires. If a ghoul appears in a small town, let alone night hunters, the vampires in the college may spontaneously form a hunting team to hunt and suppress the culprits.

"Well, this shouldn't be what we need to worry about." Vail is obviously not a young man with a strong sense of justice. He even directly excluded himself as the person responsible.

Mu Hua and Weir looked at each other and smiled. He didn't hate Weir's behavior. Such people lived longer, and when they got along, they didn't have to worry about them suddenly disappearing one day. . .

After the exchange with Weir, when Mu Hua and Ronald passed each other, Ronald suddenly stopped Mu Hua.

"Mr. Mu Hua, is the person behind you an evil spirit or a banshee?" Ronald asked Mu Hua.

As Ronald asked, Weir was at a loss, Joe took a few steps back, his body tensed, and Marcy even subconsciously put her hands on her waist, which seemed to be the place where she usually placed her weapons.

"Can you see it?" Mu Hua asked unexpectedly.

"Can't see clearly, unless you allow me to release an Apparition." Ronald said.

"Oh, no need. Say hello to Mr. Ronald on Tuesday." Mu Hua chuckled and shook his head.

Along with Mu Hua's words, in Weir's eyes, the raven on Mu Hua's shoulder became distorted like a stuck scene in an old film.

In the blink of an eye, a strange ghost with his face covered in mourning clothes floated next to Mu Hua.

"Huh?" Tuesday's image was very strange, but it was mainly due to a sudden deviation in cognitive level.

When Weir screamed, Joe and Marcy's bodies were obviously in offensive postures, and Tuesday had a satisfied smile on her lips, as if the reactions of several people made her very comfortable.

Sudden mood swings can generate a lot of emotional energy, and Tuesday, the day that causes this, can absorb the emotional energy emitted by several people.

This is also the fundamental reason why many monsters like to create an atmosphere to scare people, and the undead are especially good at this.

"I should be considered a necromancer." Tuesday was not that easy to talk to, or she didn't bother to talk to a few people. Mu Hua spread her hands to show no harm and said to Ronald, who was frowning.

"Yes, I know, the owner of the Dandelion Hotel in the town, a necromancer, a professor of the Potions Department at Sprinkle Academy, and an adventurer who has not been certified as a witcher."

"I heard that you also control some ravens? They will prey on the ownerless ghosts that appear in Bear and Pig Town. Some people in the town call them 'eyes'."

"Mr. Mu Hua, we should have many opportunities to get along with each other in the future. If possible, I hope to get your help in some matters." Ronald said to Mu Hua, signaling the others to relax.

"Okay, let me remind you again, I put some Dragon Tooth Soldiers at Tricia's place. They are my dependents. I can prove it if necessary."

"And Mr. Ronald, I don't think you can afford to invite me." Faced with Ronald's words, Mu Hua smiled lightly and waved his hands, leaving the others behind.

He is no longer the young man who just came to Loren. Help? Oh, if he doesn't drag the townspeople into causing trouble for the Night Hunters, Ronald can just have some fun.

As for Night Hunters, when they see necromancers and wandering witches, they usually act like they are on guard against thieves.

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